My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 695 Practical Exercise

Almost an hour and a half later, Zhao Yunpeng went back with those samples. Xiaoyao, Xiaoxue, and Xiaoyue also had enough to eat and drink, and were chatting together. Cai Wenjie himself was holding a drink in one hand and leaning on the other. The guardrail on the rooftop makes it rare to enjoy this quiet moment while looking at the scene outside.

"Chief, the time has come"

A man in combat uniform suddenly appeared behind Cai Wenjie and spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Then let's get started"


The man who received Cai Wenjie's approval immediately answered yes, turned around and disappeared into the shadows.

Cai Wenjie himself also stood up and came to Nangong Yao and others.

"Wait a minute and cover your ears..."

Before he finished speaking, with a loud bang, a burst of gorgeous fireworks appeared in the sky.

Then the continuous fireworks lit up the entire sky, and the gorgeous flames bloomed in the darkness. Both adults and children couldn't help but look up to appreciate the beautiful moments brought by the fireworks.

"Wow~ so beautiful"

"Yeah, I haven't seen fireworks in more than ten years."

Xiang Xue sighed, causing Cai Wenjie to agree involuntarily.

"Is it because of the total ban on fireworks and firecrackers in the city?"

"Let's call it that"

Cai Wenjie just said this after counting the time in his previous life. After all, setting off fireworks in the apocalypse, unless the gathering place is strong enough, is an act of seeking death.

While admiring the fireworks, Cai Wenjie naturally hugged Nangong Yao and Xiang Xue beside him, one by one, and then committed suicide.

"I promise you that I will build a zombie-free country in my lifetime, so that you and your children in the future will no longer have to worry about zombies, so while looking forward to that day, try to survive."

The next day, Cai Wenjie summoned all company and battalion-level officers for a meeting.

The content of the meeting is very simple, that is, divide the area and then send people to garrison it.

"We now have three battalions, one of which needs to stay at the Xinguang gathering place to protect the gathering place and the areas surrounding YJ City. But in addition to our side, there are still many fallen cities that we need to clean up."

As Cai Wenjie spoke, he placed the baton on the map.

"Look, this is around our YJ City, and here are the cities that have fallen. Look at the distribution map of these cities. Once the zombies in these cities start moving towards us, it will only take three days! We are here There will be at least five million zombies gathering around. If the number is even higher, it is possible that it may even be ten million. We must prevent this from happening! "

Looking at the dense red dots on the map, the officers present frowned.

"So I decided to strengthen the training of the new recruits from today. They must be trained into qualified soldiers within a month. We must defeat these zombies before they attack us! Is it clear?"


"Okay, you can put forward any suggestions you have about strengthening the training of the new recruits. Anyone who has an idea can raise his hand to speak."

As soon as Cai Wenjie finished speaking, a company commander-level officer raised his hand to indicate that he had something to say.



"Reporting to the leader, I propose to use actual combat instead of strengthening training! We will use the company as a unit to clean up the zombies in the surrounding counties and villages, and eliminate more zombies while ensuring safety. This will not only allow the recruits to grow quickly As a qualified warrior, you can also clear up the number of surrounding zombies first and reduce some pressure for future battles."

"Okay! Your method is very good! Make a detailed plan and submit it immediately after the meeting."

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task"

It was obvious that this was the first time for this company commander-level officer to show his face in such a place, and he also received Cai Wenjie's approval. He was now blushing with excitement.

After letting the company commander-level officer sit down, Cai Wenjie continued to look around to see if anyone else had any suggestions.


Finally, when Cai Wenjie looked around for the second time, the commander of the second battalion suddenly shouted.


"Report to the chief! I think in addition to replacing training with actual combat, we also need to train more armored troops to familiarize soldiers with coordinated infantry and tank operations in advance, as well as the training of artillery. The training time for new recruits is too short. Marksmanship It hasn’t been practiced yet. At this time, Bo needs to use other aspects to make up for this shortcoming, such as artillery or mortars."

Listening to this officer who was promoted by himself, Cai Wenjie nodded with satisfaction.

"You are right. At this stage, no! Even in future battles, artillery will still play a corresponding role, so the training of artillery cannot be delayed. At the same time, the training of armored troops must also be put on the agenda. Let's wait until the meeting is over. After that, you also submit a complete plan.”


After the two men's speeches were approved by Cai Wenjie, other officers began to express their opinions one after another.

For example, training specialized airborne troops or specialized rescue troops to rescue important targets and survivors.

Or it may be suggested that the entire army be replaced with exoskeletons.

Until the end of the meeting, almost all the officers had spoken. Within a few hours after the meeting, Cai Wenjie received many copies of detailed plans.

Considering the actual situation and material reserves of the Xinguang gathering place, Cai Wenjie spent the whole day reviewing documents today, correcting the unrealistic or unfeasible plans, and then resent the revised documents back, asking them to make a new document based on the resent documents and hand it over to him. After confirmation, it will be sent to the command center to formally implement the plan.

When Cai Wenjie returned home, it was already ten o'clock in the middle of the night. Since his rebirth, this was the first time he came back so late. He himself felt incredible. Fortunately, he had done everything he should do today and did not need to come back to work.

"Welcome back, master, the meal is ready, please eat"


The next day, the plan of replacing training with actual combat was officially implemented. Each battalion would take the company as a unit and rush to the areas around YJ City that had not been cleaned up for actual combat.

For safety reasons, Cai Wenjie arranged an armored unit as the core in each team. If the team encountered any accident, then this armored unit would be the main force of the entire company. At that time, it would be the commander's task to fight and retreat or to fight with all his strength.

Armored units, to put it simply, are fire support units such as infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, and armed helicopters.

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