My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 686: Prison Elimination War

Unlike the watchtower where Song Yichen was located, the other seven watchtowers did not block the entrances and exits of the watchtower.

Fortunately, the soldiers also knew this. After quickly occupying the other seven watchtowers, they immediately rushed down and blocked the only entrance and exit with obstacles to prevent zombies from breaking in.

The soldiers in charge of several other watchtowers quickly occupied the watchtowers, but something unexpected happened to the west watchtower.

The westernmost watchtower is not as empty as the other watchtowers. Instead, it is filled with zombies. Not only

And looking at the clothes of the zombies, a large part of them were prisoners serving their sentences in prison, as well as a few female zombies with scantily clad clothes. Without any explanation, the soldiers could guess the general situation.

The soldiers did not give up here because it was crowded with zombies. Instead, they took out a few grenades and threw them in through the gaps in the observation tower.

The power of high-explosive bombs is no joke. Just one can blow all the zombies in the watchtower to pieces, leaving no place intact. Now three such grenades have been thrown in.

Three high-explosive bombs almost didn't blow up the entire watchtower. Fortunately, the watchtower was built strong enough and did not collapse. However, the zombies inside the watchtower were not so lucky. Three high-explosive mines were detonated in the space. Almost no zombies inside could survive. The entire internal space was covered with a large amount of flesh and blood, which was very scary and disgusting.

But the soldiers didn't care so much. They rushed into the watchtower the next second after the explosion, and then quickly came to the stairs and fired quickly and accurately at the zombies inside the stairs. The soldiers shot the zombies while While running down the stairs quickly.

They wanted to block the entrance and exit before the zombies outside could react.

"Xu Yi! Jump down from the middle and close the entrance and exit!"

"Yes! Monitor!"

The soldier named Xu Yi immediately obeyed the order, jumped down from the middle of the stairs, and directly

Xu Yi didn't pay much attention to the situation of these zombies, and ignored the zombies around him who wanted to pounce on him. He forcefully pushed the zombies in front of him aside, came to the entrance and exit gate of the watchtower, and used the surrounding zombies to attack him. Debris began to block the door.

Soon, Xu Yi had piled up half of the obstacles, but the good times did not last long. Under the constant obstruction of the zombies behind him, Xu Yi could not continue to block the door. He could only turn around and take out his weapon to face the approaching people. zombies to shoot.

Although strafing is not effective against zombies, this method can temporarily drive them back.

After temporarily forcing all the zombies behind him back, Xu Yi began to pile up obstacles again, hoping to block the entrance and exit.

It is a pity that the explosion and gunshots just now have attracted the zombies around the watchtower. This is even worse for Xu Yi. The entrance and exit that were almost blocked were gradually blocked by the zombies from both sides. Open.

Fortunately, support from above also arrived at this time. After they quickly eliminated the zombies here, they immediately shot at the zombies around the watchtower and at the same time accelerated the door blocking.

After a fierce struggle, the soldiers were the better ones in the end. They quickly blocked the entrance and exit of the watchtower before the zombies gathered in large numbers. No matter how hard the zombies outside tried to push away the building, To no avail.

Since then, all eight outer watchtowers have fallen into Song Yichen's hands.

"Notify the mortar team at the rear and ask them to target the interior of the prison for saturation bombing!"


The mortar team at the rear was already ready, waiting for Song Yichen's order to fire.

When the bombardment order came to them, they immediately began to adjust the angle.

"Inside the target prison! Shoot five rounds at high speed, release!"

"Tong, Tong, Tong..."

As the cannonballs were fired from the barrel one after another, after drawing beautiful curves in the sky, the cannonballs accurately hit the inside of the prison. In an instant, the entire prison was filled with explosions and weapons scattered everywhere. minced meat.

Each round of bombing can take away a large number of zombies and turn their corpses into pieces the size of fingernails.

There was a rain of blood inside the entire prison, and the flesh and blood that was carried high into the sky by the shock wave was sprayed inside the prison along with a large amount of blood. For a time, the smell of blood and fishy smell filled the entire prison. If this scene was on the 18th floor, There are people in hell who believe it.

Soon, the mortar team completed a rapid five-shot shooting mission. Song Yichen also ordered each company to conduct a raid on the prison as a squad unit.

The soldiers arranged several steel cables on the edge of the watchtower, and they used these steel cables to rappel.

The hell-like scene inside the prison did not arouse any emotion among the soldiers. After arriving on the ground, they quickly took advantage of the position and carried out precise headshots on the zombies that were not dead and the zombies that were still alive.

After everyone in the team came down, they began to slowly move into the prison.

It was Xu Yi's team just now. There were more zombies on their side than anywhere else. Even if they were plowed over and over again by mortars, a large number of zombies still survived.

"Xu Yi, don't go down yet! We are here to consume the zombies below. It will be the same when we go down."

"Yes! Monitor!"

Xu Yi and his squad leader were not the kind of pedantic people. With so many zombies, their squad leader decided to consume some of the zombies first, and it would not be too late to go down after the remaining zombies could no longer pose any threat to them.

Although this can ensure the safety of the soldiers, at the same time, they will become the slowest team, and they will definitely be criticized by the platoon leader when they return.

"Squad leader, we will definitely be scolded if we drag it on like this, how about we apply for additional artillery support?"

"Yes, squad leader, the platoon leader seemed to have said before that he could make his own judgment when encountering a situation. According to the current trend, I think we should be able to apply for artillery support once."

"Well... okay, I'll try to apply for artillery support, you continue to maintain firepower, don't stop"


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