My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 685 Preparing to Attack the Prison


"What are you shouting for! Send them a signal quickly! Tell them that we are in danger here and don't open the prison door easily!"

The company commander who was repairing the radio came outside at some point, but unlike the others, this company commander could still keep his composure. After a brief moment of joy, he immediately reacted and told the unknown troops on the opposite side not to rush. He rushed in because there were a lot of zombies in the prison. If he accidentally caused heavy casualties to them, he couldn't afford the responsibility. Google search reading

Song Yichen stepped off the transport plane and immediately saw a large group of people waving to them in a watchtower on the prison not far away, but at the same time there was also a person waving a signal flag.

"Is there danger inside the prison?"

Song Yichen happened to understand some flag language. He carefully observed the soldiers waving flags on the opposite side, and then translated this sentence.

However, they came for this danger and naturally they would not back down.

"Judging from their appearance, they must have not eaten properly for several days. A few people will come with me to deliver food supplies and learn about the situation inside the prison."


Soon, several soldiers holding supply boxes arrived outside the prison wall. Looking at the wall that was more than ten meters high, the soldiers took out a hook gun and pointed it at a concave spot in the wall. He launched the hook without hesitation.

The soldiers used the hooks to start lifting in the opposite direction, and soon reached the top of the wall. Although there was a barrier composed of barbed wire, to the soldiers wearing exoskeletons, it was no different than weeds.

The soldiers walked along the wall and slowly approached the watchtower. The soldiers and prison guards on the watchtower, after seeing their colleagues who were fully armed and wearing exoskeleton armor, were excited and a little bit envious. .

After all, as men, they have no resistance to the cool-looking exoskeleton armor. If they weren't starving to death now, they would have to go over and touch the exoskeleton.

"We are the troops at the Xinguang Gathering Area...forget it, you should eat something first."

Song Yichen, who originally wanted to introduce himself, saw the hungry wolf-like eyes on the other side staring at the food box in his hand, so he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to talk and directly placed the box in his hand on the table next to him. , and then began distributing food and water in person.

Although they were starving to death, they still queued up consciously and received a piece of food one by one. They were not short of water, so they didn't take it.

When everyone got a piece of food and started eating, Song Yichen looked past the crowd and looked inside the prison.

I saw a large group of densely packed zombies crowded in the open space, constantly moving back and forth.

Song Yichen made a preliminary calculation and found that the number of zombies in the open space alone was estimated to exceed tens of thousands, not counting the zombies inside. It seemed that this place did have the significance of a strategy.

"There are a total of 35,865 people in the prison. They have all become zombies now. Although I don't know why you are here, please be careful. There are too many zombies. You can only rely on this It’s something that just a few people can’t handle.”

Gu Qu\u003c/span\u003eThe person who said this was none other than the company commander of the army who was previously in charge here.

"Don't worry, I won't let my soldiers confront them head-on. Let me introduce myself, I am..."

"Song Yichen from Xinguang Gathering Area, you just said that I am responsible for the Tian Mansion stationed here. You can call me Lao Tian."

"Hello, Lao Tian, ​​I have something to ask. I see that the walls and gates of this prison have no signs of being breached. How did your place become occupied by zombies?"

Song Yichen took a rough look around and found that the walls and gates inside the prison had no signs of damage from the outside and were still as strong as before. According to this situation, the prison should not be breached and occupied by zombies.

"Speaking of this, alas, this is all my fault. I was soft-hearted and let a group of thugs in. Although I imprisoned these thugs immediately, I didn't expect that a bribed traitor would also appear on our side. He dismissed the guards in the middle of the night, and took advantage of this to secretly open the cell door and let the thugs out.

Those thugs should be from the same force. They were very crazy. After regaining their freedom, they immediately took out a tube of zombie blood that they got from nowhere and injected it into their own bodies. Then they bit everyone they saw, and kept It infected other people, and by the time we discovered it, it was already too late. We had no choice but to retreat and garrison here, and were forced to wait for rescue."

Tian Fu briefly told what happened here. Song Yichen was very keenly aware that when Tian Fu talked about being soft-hearted and letting the thugs in, there was deep regret in his eyes. In fact, Song Yichen could understand Tian Fu. After all, this matter was caused by his temporary weakness, and he was under tremendous pressure.

After thinking about it, Song Yichen still said a few words of comfort.

"Old Tian, ​​this matter is not your fault alone. Although I don't know what you saw that made you soft-hearted, the main responsibility for this tragedy is not you, but the traitor you mentioned. If it hadn't been for the traitor who opened the door in the middle of the night The gate that locks up thugs, you won’t become like this.

However, I am curious, have you caught the traitor? "

"No, that traitor was the first group of people to turn into zombies, so he was already dead."

"Really, thank you for the introduction. To be honest, we are here today to deal with the zombies in this prison. From now on, we will receive the various watchtowers. If you want, I will arrange a transport plane to send you there. The nearest gathering place”

After saying that, Song Yichen stopped talking, took out the signal gun, pointed it at the sky and pulled the trigger.

As a bright red light slowly emerged, the soldiers on standby outside the prison immediately began to rush towards the prison. At the same time, the mortar team in the rear also completed their deployment, and would attack the prison as soon as an order was given. A saturation-like bombing was carried out inside.

The people inside the watchtower quickly evacuated the watchtower under Song Yichen's persuasion. At the same time, the heavily armed soldiers from the Xinguang Gathering Area also came to the watchtower via steel cables.

There is not only one watchtower in the prison. Because the prison is relatively large, 12 watchtowers were set up in the early stages of construction. Eight of them were in the walls in all directions, and the remaining four were inside the prison.

The watchtower where Song Yichen was currently located was built in the east wall. In order to cover the entire prison, Song Yichen ordered the soldiers to quickly occupy the other seven watchtowers against the wall.

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