My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 681 Shadow Zombie

Fortunately, he had gotten rid of the monster, so he didn't need to worry about being caught up by it. Now he just needed to think about how to get back.

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"Alas, it seems that we can only use the old method."

The leader of the team is called Xu Kun. Because his name is similar to that of a certain star, he is often teased about whether he wants to play basketball. Of course, guys like him who can't joke and still force it were finally taught a lesson by him, so that they can never joke again.

Back to the topic, Xu Kun had to push the car when the fuel ran out. Fortunately, he had a map. If he followed the map, he would probably be able to get back to the mine in the middle of the night.

Moreover, the map showed that there should be a small gas station three kilometers away from him. As long as he arrived at the gas station, he could refuel the motorcycle. By then, it was estimated that he could get back in less than an hour.

Xu Kun pushed the motorcycle to the gas station with difficulty. Because the gas station had no electricity and it was in the wilderness at night, it was very dark. The whole gas station looked gloomy, as if a few zombies would jump out of the corner in the next second.

Xu Kun pushed the motorcycle while staring at the gas station with full vigilance. An axe was always placed where he could reach. If a zombie suddenly rushed out of the gas station, he could kill him as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, Xu Kun pushed the motorcycle in front of the gas pump, and nothing rushed out of the gas station, but Xu Kun still remained highly vigilant and quickly used the gas pump to refuel his motorcycle.

Until Xu Kun finished refueling the motorcycle, no accidents happened.

At this point, Xu Kun gradually let down his guard. There was no movement for so long, so there must be no zombies or mutant zombies lurking in this gas station.

Coincidentally, he felt a little tired and hungry after driving for a long time, so he decided to explore the supermarket in the gas station first to see if there was anything to eat or drink.

Xu Kun held the axe in one hand and placed the other hand on the door of the supermarket, then gently opened the door and entered the supermarket.

With a mechanical voice of "Welcome!", Xu Kun officially came to the supermarket.

Although it is called a supermarket, the space inside is only about 30 square meters, but there are a lot of things on display.

Food and water are neatly placed on the shelves, and there are all kinds of snacks, instant noodles, bread and the like. Xu Kun, who has been starving for a long time, immediately grabbed the old bread and a bottle of Coke on the shelf and devoured them, and occasionally burped because of the gas of the Coke.

Bread, ham, potato chips, biscuits, etc., as long as they can be opened and eaten, he took a bite. He hasn't eaten these things for a long time. Now that he has the opportunity to eat so many "luxury goods", he can't control his eating.

Xu Kun, who was eating frantically, did not notice that there was a dark creature lying on the ceiling of the supermarket. His scarlet eyes were particularly bright in the dark night, but Xu Kun did not notice it and was still madly stuffing food into his mouth.

As a top predator, the shadow zombie's greatest ability is to lurk, especially in a dark environment. Unless it takes the initiative to attack, it is invisible to the naked eye.

The powerful limbs and sharp claws of the shadow zombie can move freely on the wall or ceiling. Unlike the claws of the claw zombie, the claws of the shadow zombie have barbs of different sizes, and the shadow zombie can control the size of the barbs at will. This is the main reason why the shadow zombie can move freely on the wall and ceiling.


Xu Kun is actually panicking now. When he took the ham sausage just now, he accidentally used the reflection of the glass to see something black on his head, and it was a thing with red eyes.

The moment he saw this thing, Xu Kun paused involuntarily, but in less than a second he started eating frantically again. On the surface, he was eating and drinking, but in his mind he was always thinking of ways to get rid of the thing above, or even better, to kill it directly.

He knew that the more it got to this point, the more he couldn't panic. If the guy above saw his panicked expression, he would definitely jump down and kill him immediately, and then use him as a midnight snack to fill his stomach.

Just as Xu Kun was thinking about how to get rid of the dark night zombie, the dark night zombie was also waiting for an opportunity. Although the dark night zombie looked very powerful, in fact, its physical fitness was not high, and even ordinary zombies had thicker skin than him.

Although it has the talent of climbing walls and hiding, its body is too fragile. Generally speaking, if an ordinary person confronts it with a stick, it is not the person who will give in first, but it.

So the timid shadow zombie did not launch an attack for a long time, but continued to observe the human below on the ceiling until he found his weakness.

In this way, one person and one corpse froze in place. One was obviously full but still forced food into his mouth, while the other was hanging on the ceiling and stretched out his hand to the people below, but retracted it after a few seconds.

This wonderful atmosphere was finally broken by Xu Kun. He really couldn't eat anymore. If he continued to eat, he would be stuffed to death.

"Fuck! The brave wins when they meet on a narrow road, come on!"

Xu Kun immediately turned around to face the shadow zombie on the ceiling, then directly picked up the white wine bottle next to him and threw it at the shadow zombie on the ceiling.

At the same time, he tightly grasped the axe in his hand, stepped on the shelf beside him and jumped up, and split the shadow zombie with his strength.

The shadow zombie was frightened by Xu Kun's sudden attack. It quickly moved its limbs to avoid the white wine bottle and the axe, and then after a strange cry to Xu Kun, it no longer hid, but took the initiative to attack.

Although the claws of the shadow zombie are not as sharp as those of the real claw zombie, the barbs on its hands can be used as knuckles.

However, the experienced Xu Kun naturally would not fight the shadow zombie head-on. He turned over and came to the shelf, pushed the shelf down, and crushed the shadow zombie that was attacking him.

"Fuck! Dare to sneak attack me! I'll let you taste what cruelty is!"

Xu Kun picked up the axe and chopped the shadow zombie's head and heart with one axe after another. In less than a moment, he chopped a shadow zombie into a meat paste.

"Pah! What a terrible smell, what a waste of these unwrapped breads"

Just as Xu Kun was about to pick up the bread that fell on the ground, the next second, a dark arm with little flesh and blood pierced his chest.

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