My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 680 Leader

Subsequently, these people kicked the guy who had just proposed to wait for the leader to come back before making a decision, and kicked him out of the meeting, prohibiting him from continuing to participate.

As for whether to set out during the day or at night, they finally decided to vote to resolve the issue.

It just so happens that there are 7 of them, so there will be no tie vote.

After the final vote, the final results came out. Four people agreed to leave now, and three people agreed to leave tomorrow. In the end, it was decided that regardless of whether the leader came back or not, they would set off in an hour. This hour was still to wait for the leader. They came back specially to stay, and they were doing their best to fulfill their benevolence.

Regarding this result, those who objected could only keep their mouths shut. After all, the minority obeyed the majority. This was a decision made by voting, and they could not disobey it.

Because they made a stipulation before they came in. If they encounter differences of opinion, the minority must obey the majority, or decide by voting. If someone does not obey the results of the vote, they can only leave the convoy and walk alone.

Taiwan Novel Network → 𝑡𝑤𝑘𝑎𝑛.𝑐𝑜𝑚

In this kind of apocalypse, a lone wolf cannot survive long. After all, this is not a game or a novel or a movie. A lone wolf has too many things to consider. There is no hope of surviving alone.

So even if the result this time is not satisfactory, it can only be like this. After all, they don't want to leave this big team.

When the news of departure in an hour was conveyed to the drivers of each vehicle, everyone was surprised. Apart from other things, the leader has not come back yet. How could they just leave like this? At least until the leader comes back. Action is. ♦♦  ♦♦

There were many people who had this idea, and they immediately stood up and loudly opposed this decision.

"The leader hasn't come back yet, and you actually want to leave! I don't agree!"

"I don't agree either!"

"Me too!"

"At least wait until the leader comes back!"

"That's right, that's right"

"Don't even think about abandoning the leader! He saved all of our lives! You can't repay kindness with enmity like this!"

They did not expect such a big reaction from the people, and they panicked for a moment. After all, if so many people rioted, they would not be able to suppress them alone, and they might even be besieged by the angry crowd.

But they also knew that the more they encountered this situation, the less they could panic, so a fierce-looking bald man among these people suddenly shouted loudly.

"What! Are you going to rebel? Have you forgotten the rules of our convoy! If you gather a crowd to cause trouble, we will expel them all! Do you want to live alone in this place where zombies are rampant? If you don't want to, just shut up!"

The bald man's roar was indeed effective. The crowd's objections were unconsciously suppressed. At the same time, in addition to the bald man, a young man with gloomy eyes also stood up and continued. arrive.

"Everyone, please be quiet! We have not abandoned the leader, and even our current decision was agreed upon by the leader before the battle.

He said that if we encounter a dangerous situation, we can leave the dangerous zone first. As for the leader himself, he has a unique way to contact us. No matter how far we go, the leader can still find us.

So there is absolutely no need for you to make trouble here now. Instead of doing this, it is better to go back and pack your luggage, so as not to let down the leader’s wishes.”

Gu Ju\u003c/span\u003eI have to say that the words of the man with the eyes were very effective. Everyone who was still aggrieved now began to wonder whether the leader had said these words before.

After seeing that his words had an effect, the man with eyes struck while the iron was hot and continued to confuse him.

"I know you still doubt me, but I have evidence."

The man with the eyes said as he took out a mobile phone, then opened the recording recorded in advance with the leader's voice, and held it up for people to listen.

"...If you encounter any...danger...just...leave...don't...take care of me..."

Although the recording was stumbling, it was indeed the leader's voice. At this point, people finally stopped objecting and silently returned to their seats and started packing their luggage.

However, there were still a few die-hards who continued to object, but these people no longer posed much of a threat. The man with glasses and the bald man ignored them and just stared at them threateningly once before leaving.

Naturally, this recording was not specially recorded by the leader, but a fake recording made by the man with eyes who used cutting software to cut out the leader's usual words sentence by sentence, and then put them together.

If his cutting skills weren't very good, this recording would have been smoother, and people wouldn't have doubted anything.

"A big thing almost happened. Okay, Glasses, you are worthy of being a gold medal lecturer. You are second in this ability to confuse right and wrong. No one will say that you are first."

"Nonsense, if it weren't for me this time, you would be in danger today. No matter how muscular you are, you still have to kneel down and beg for mercy when faced with the siege of dozens of people. Please have time to read a book. At least let your bald head grow longer first. Hair, why do you, a kindergarten cleaner, pretend to be so dark and bossy?"

The two of them kept attacking each other's shortcomings as they walked back to their cars.

Those who still suspected that the recording was fake saw the threat from the bald man and felt that the recording was fake.

"It seems that there is something wrong with the recording. Those people must want to seize power when the leader is not here. We must stop their conspiracy."

"You are right! These guys are no good. If the leader had not allowed them to join the team, they would have become a pile of bones on the roadside. I didn't expect these guys to repay kindness with hatred. Now they actually want to control the team and abandon the leader to escape alone. It is simply unforgivable."

"We still have an hour. We must find a way to stop them during this period!"

"Yes! As long as we delay the time, the leader will definitely come back. At that time, we will directly report these people jointly and let the leader see the true face of these bastards."

After discussing, several people decided to use some method to prevent the team from driving, at least until the leader comes back.

For this reason, they took action immediately, two people in a team, specializing in destroying the tires of the team's vehicles, or starting the engine, so that it cannot be successfully started in a short time.

And just when these people's sabotage work was in full swing, the leader mentioned by these people was now in a little trouble.

That is, his motorcycle was running out of gas. Because the situation was very urgent when he rode the motorcycle out, he did not confirm whether the motorcycle's gas tank was full, and then the current situation occurred.

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