My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 668 Night Devil's Attack

The situation is urgent, but the defense facilities of the base are not vegetarian. Google search reading

Soon, various air defense facilities deployed at high altitudes began to fire automatically.

Facing the overwhelming flying night demons attacking from the sky, various bullets and missiles hit them head-on.

Although the body of the night demon is very strong, it has no defense ability at all against large-caliber bullets and missiles. As long as it is hit in any part of the body, it will either be cut off or turned into a pile of minced meat.

In this case, even if there are more flying night demons, it is not an easy task to break through the dense air defense barrage.

However, no matter how dense the barrage is, there will be a few lucky flying night demons that successfully land on the ground.

These flying night demons can fall anywhere, so the ground combatants cannot destroy the falling flying night demons in the first time.

But if this kind of flying night demon cannot be eliminated in the first time, then people can only fall into passive defense.

Because for the Night Demons, they are more like assassins in the dark night, rather than reckless men. If the number of people is too large, then the Night Demons will hide in the corner and wait for an opportunity, or run away directly.

Only when people are alone or only a few people gather together will they suddenly attack. ♙♕  ♦♦

The Night Demons' strong bodies can fully support them to fly over the eaves and walls in various buildings, and their speed is extremely fast. It is impossible to catch them by ordinary methods.

Among the few flying Night Demons that successfully landed, only one flying Night Demon accidentally landed in the open space, and the others quickly disappeared in the shadows.

And the only unlucky Night Demon who fell to the ground was directly killed by the soldiers' concentrated fire, and his death was very miserable.

Fortunately, because of the alarm, all the buildings have been prepared for protection, all windows are equipped with steel plates, and the doors are closed tightly. Two heavy machine guns and a squad of soldiers are deployed outside for vigilance.

The same is true for the building where Cai Wenjie is located. Steel plates have fallen down from all windows, and there are also heavy guards at the gate. As long as nothing unexpected happens, this is the safest place.

But Cai Wenjie seemed to be possessed by bad luck. The building that was originally in good condition suddenly lost power, and the steel plates that should have fallen down were automatically retracted.

In other words, this building is very dangerous now, and we must leave here quickly.

"Chief! The helicopter has arrived at the rooftop helipad"

"I know, everyone move to the roof quickly, remember to be careful of the dangers that may appear at any time!"


"Let's go!"

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he took his guards and ran to the roof. They were now on the 14th floor, and it took 19 floors to reach the roof. However, due to the power outage, they could not use the elevator and could only run up the stairs. ♦♦ ♦♦

And the most important thing is that they are not the only ones here. There are other people living in this building. Because of the special circumstances, this building is full of military families and active officers. A rough calculation estimates that at least hundreds of people live in this building.

"Make way! Make way!"

Although most people are hiding in their houses, there are still many people coming out of their houses, wanting to leave the building and go to other safe places.

This also led to a large number of people coming out from various floors and running down the stairs desperately. The more people there are, the more panic they will get. In this case, there is no order at all. The corridors, which were already somewhat crowded, are now blocked. If this continues, there will soon be a stampede, which is very dangerous.

"No! If this continues, we will soon be dispersed by them! Come here!"

Looking at the stairs that were already blocked, in order to avoid any accidents, Cai Wenjie decisively led the guards to leave the staircase area and came to the corridor on the 22nd floor, wanting to wait for these people to go down before going up, or find other places to go up.

Cai Wenjie's decision was very wise, because not long after Cai Wenjie led the guards out of the staircase area, screams were heard from the stairs. When the flying night demons discovered the dark building, they began to approach the building quickly, and then broke in directly from the high-rise windows and began to attack the unarmed military families in the stairwell.

For a time, the crowd on the entire staircase became more panicked. Everyone wanted to escape from here quickly, and stampedes became more and more frequent.

And those who were at the end, although there was no danger of being trampled, they had to face the attack of the night demons.

Although the number of night demons was not large, ordinary people did not have the courage to resist. For the night demons, people were just a group of lambs to be slaughtered, and they would naturally not be polite.

The night demon stretched out its claws and swung fiercely at the nearest living person, but this living person did not stand still obediently, but rolled to the left quickly to avoid the claws of the night demon.

Then, the man rolled to the fire window, used all his strength to smash the glass window, took out a fire axe from inside, and then used offense instead of defense, and chopped hard at the night demon not far away.

Unfortunately, the Night Demon was not a fool. He dodged the axe with a sideways movement, then stepped forward, opened his mouth to reveal two rows of sharp teeth, and bit the man's shoulder directly.

Just as the Night Demon was about to bite the man's shoulder, another person suddenly appeared behind the Night Demon. This person saw the opportunity and swung the kitchen knife in his hand to hit the Night Demon's neck fiercely.

The blade of the kitchen knife was very sharp and it was easy to cut into the Night Demon's neck, but after the blade entered the Night Demon's neck for one-third of the way, it could not go in even a millimeter.

Fortunately, this attack successfully interrupted the Night Demon's action and saved the man with the fire axe.

"Thank you, Uncle Li!"

"Don't thank me first! Hurry up and cut his neck"


The man took advantage of the gap when the Night Demon turned around and swung the fire axe in his hand again, slashing the back of the Night Demon's neck fiercely.

The huge force, coupled with the sharpness of the fire axe, directly split the Night Demon's neck in half. After losing its support, the Night Demon's head rolled down and rolled to the side of the trash can.

The body without a head could only collapse helplessly, and the smelly black blood gushed out from the neck. If the man hadn't stretched out his foot to lift the corpse, the smelly black blood would have poured all over them.

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