My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 667 The Night Demon Attacks

In addition to these most basic defense facilities, Cai Wenjie also saw various strange facilities. After asking, he learned that these were experimental defense facilities that had not been tested in actual combat.

For example, a defense tower that can arrange a giant electric grid within a radius of 100 meters, a fixed electromagnetic gun specially used to restrain mutant zombies, or a defense tower that can be arbitrarily transformed between machine guns and missile launchers, a giant bird-catching tower specially designed to deal with mutant birds... and other new defense towers.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is a weapon similar to a trident.

Listening to the explanation of the soldiers here, this weapon similar to a trident can effectively deal with a small part of the zombie group.

Because the top of the trident is equipped with a high-voltage electric trigger, as long as it is poked by it, not to mention yourself, even the zombies next to you will be attacked by the arc. The moment you are attacked by the arc, you will shake unconsciously like Parkinson's syndrome, and naturally you can't attack others.

And most importantly, in theory, as long as the arc is triggered, there are enough zombies around, the arc's connection ability will be stronger, and then it will be easy to attack or defend. Of course, this arc can't distinguish between enemies and friends. Although the probability is very small, it is still possible that it will have the same effect on yourself, so when using this trident, you must be careful enough.

After visiting the defense facilities here, the leading soldier led Cai Wenjie and others to another place.

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Compared to the previous place, the defense force here is more compact and stricter. Even if there are soldiers leading the way and the pass documents above, they are still questioned by their own troops several times.

As for why this opportunity is so strict, it is mainly because there are very important things in it.

For example, the DF-15 that Zhao Yunpeng brought to Cai Wenjie before was launched here.

That's right, this is the missile base that stores a large number of missiles. All missiles that can carry out long-range attacks are stored here, especially the DF series of missiles, which are available in full, even nuclear warheads are stored here.

If Cai Wenjie didn't have extremely strong willpower, he wouldn't dare to guarantee that he would steal a missile directly.

After visiting all the missiles here, Cai Wenjie left reluctantly.

"This is the romance of men, one shot into the soul, one shot of a thousand lives..."


After visiting the entire defense system of the war zone base, Cai Wenjie came to a conclusion, that is, no matter how many zombies there are in the face of absolute power, they are just a flash in the pan. Let alone other things, just say that so many Dongfeng missiles, even without nuclear warheads, can still evaporate zombies within a radius of dozens of kilometers without leaving a trace.

It is simply a killer weapon against zombies. In fact, at the beginning of the apocalypse, the people above had studied whether to use missiles to bomb the completely fallen cities, but in the end, because there were still survivors in the city, they gave up this plan and changed to the current gathering place mode.

Later, M launched nuclear bombs all over the world, which made the people above see that the radiation of nuclear weapons would have a greater impact on zombies, causing them to mutate into more difficult nuclear mutant zombies, which further dispelled the idea of ​​using nuclear bombs.

However, not using nuclear warheads does not mean that the power of DF has decreased. Even conventional warheads can cause large-scale damage. Therefore, if there are a large number of zombies gathered somewhere, a DF missile will be launched from time to time to solve the problem of too many zombies gathering.

Basically, a million-level zombie tide will be hit by a DF-15, and a million-level one is even more so.

Cai Wenjie returned to his temporary residence, took a comfortable bath and lay down. A lot of things happened today, and he had to sort them out.

But not long after Cai Wenjie lay down, an alarm suddenly sounded, scaring Cai Wenjie who was lying on the bed. At the same time, a submachine gun appeared in his hand and he held it tightly.

Before Cai Wenjie could react to what happened, the guards on duty outside the room immediately kicked open the door and began to guard around Cai Wenjie with weapons.

The leading platoon leader immediately notified the pilot of the helicopter to start the engine and come to support.

"What happened!"

"Report to the chief! It's not clear yet! I have sent people to collect intelligence, and I believe we will know what happened soon."

The base, which was originally dimly lit, suddenly became brightly lit. Countless searchlights pointed to the sky. A large number of armed soldiers gathered quickly with weapons and equipment. Tanks and armored vehicles pointed their turrets and barrels to the sky.

And for some reason, the soldiers took out a large number of ultraviolet lamps and installed them.

"Night demons are coming! Be alert! This time it's a flying night demon!"

When the soldiers heard the word "night demon", their expressions became very scary. The so-called night demon, as the name suggests, is a demon at night. This night demon is actually a mutant zombie.

The only difference is that this night demon seems to be very afraid of sunlight. It will not come out during the day. Only when night falls, it will jump out from a corner and then attack humans.

The physical fitness of the night demon is about three times that of an ordinary person. It is faster, has faster reactions, and has double the strength. It can jump back and forth in high-rise buildings. It is completely a little superman.

As mentioned earlier, this night demon is afraid of sunlight. If it is active in broad daylight, its strong physical fitness will drop like a cliff. In the end, even a ten-year-old child can easily smash the head of the night demon.

As for the flying night demon, it is also a night demon, but compared with ordinary night demons, these flying night demons have a membrane like a flying squirrel under their armpits. Like a person equipped with a paraglider, they glide from high altitude and attack prey from top to bottom.

In the past month, the soldiers in the base have been attacked like this every few days. At the beginning, they had no experience in dealing with this kind of flying night demon, so these night demons caused great casualties to the soldiers. It was not until the latest anti-aircraft weapons were developed that the arrogance of these flying night demons was suppressed.

But the lives that have already died cannot be resurrected. The soldiers here are brothers who have known each other for many years, eating and living together, carrying guns together, and shed blood together. The death of each person brings irreparable pain to the living. Therefore, when facing these night demons, the soldiers not only do not have a trace of fear, but are filled with all kinds of anger.

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