My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 599 Dr. Chiba

"I know. I wish you good luck in your military career!"

The R countryman named Takano knew that he couldn't delay any longer, so he could only agree, and then quickly escorted the man named Dr. Chiba to leave here with a few security personnel. Read

Among the R countrymen who stayed here, it was obvious that the R countryman who was talking to the R countryman named Takano was the captain of this security team.

His name was Saiki Kusuo, and his identity was actually a senior agent of R country. His purpose of coming here was nothing more than the order of his superiors to let him protect this research institute. In fact, before the virus broke out, this place was dedicated to biological research, such as biological cloning experiments that were banned by the world.

On the surface, they were studying biological cloning technology, but secretly they were studying how to fuse animal or insect genes in the human body to develop mutants with animal and insect abilities.

And it was the kind of mutant that could be controlled to achieve military or other requirements. Originally, this kind of research should not be conducted on the territory of other countries, but in a secret place in their own country.

But I don't know if these R people are crazy, they have to set up research institutes in other countries, under the pretext that the most dangerous place is the safest place, so they built the research institute here. ඏ♦  ♦♦

It has to be said that their ideas are very strange, but they do have some effect. If it weren't for the earthquake, they would probably be able to hide until the research institute's supplies are exhausted.

However, now that the virus has broken out and zombies are rampant, their mutant plan has to stop, because there has been no substantial breakthrough in the mutant plan for such a long time, and the top leaders have gradually exhausted their patience, and the catastrophe caused by the virus almost wiped out the top leaders. At one point, they were about to give up this research institute and the mutant project they were studying here.

But this time, the director of the institute responsible for the mutant plan, Dr. Chiba, discovered an unknown flesh and blood creature that can infect all the surrounding creatures into mutants similar to him.

Moreover, these mutants infected by this red flesh and blood creature are more powerful than the mutant zombies infected by ordinary viruses. This strength is not only manifested in strength and speed, but most importantly, these mutants are actually controlled by the mother body.

Faced with this sudden surprise, Dr. Chiba was unwilling to give up, so she tried hard to persuade the upper management and agreed to let her continue research, but Dr. Chiba was also forced to agree to the conditions put forward by the upper management, that is, all her research results will eventually become the property of the upper management, as for where her research results are finally used, Dr. Chiba’s consent is not required. In short, what you have researched is mine in the end, and you are not qualified to point fingers in the future.

It must be said that Dr. Chiba is also a genius. In less than half a month, he has researched the initial evolution of the blood plague heart, which is the hybrid of the eight blood plague hearts that Cai Wenjie specially transferred two armed helicopters to kill.

By the way, I almost forgot to mention that the so-called mother and mutant are actually the plague heart and plague organisms. Dr. Chiba used the plague heart for research. Although the evolved plague heart escaped in the end, it also proved the research value of the plague heart. As long as she is given enough resources and time, Dr. Chiba can guarantee that she will be able to research a controllable plague heart in the end.

As for the data of the evolved body of the plague heart, under the strong request of the upper level, Dr. Chiba could only pack up the research results and data of the past half month and hand them over.

Then the upper level sent this senior agent named Saiki Kusuo to nominally protect Dr. Chiba, but in fact it was to control Dr. Chiba's defection. These security personnel almost all came with Saiki Kusuo, so they didn't stay in Country Z for a long time, even less than half a month.

As for how they came? Of course, they flew here by plane. While the military of Country Z was dedicated to dealing with zombies, they quietly crossed the border in a stealth transport plane, and then airdropped to YJ, dealing with zombies and mutants while daring to come here.

To be honest, when they flew here from Country R, ​​there were originally more than 200 people, but only one in ten successfully arrived at the institute. Only sixteen people successfully broke through the siege of zombies and arrived at the institute. As for the others, they were either discovered by the ground radar of the military of Country Z and blown up in mid-air with surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles, or they were caught by the zombies on the ground and eaten as dinner after successfully airdropping.

These sixteen people also survived through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties. They can be said to be the elite among the elites, but just now six of these sixteen people were killed. In addition to the two people who protected Dr. Chiba's transfer, there are only eight people left now.

The eight of them had to face the well-trained and well-equipped Z country army. They knew the result without even thinking about it, but they still stayed and died without hesitation, just to buy time for Dr. Chiba to complete the evacuation.

"Gentlemen! For the future of our great R country, our sacrifice is definitely worth it!"


"Hey, what the hell!"

When Cai Wenjie led the team to where Saiki Kusuo and others were, he happened to hear them talking, and then subconsciously burst out a swear word.

And Qi Mu Kusuo and his men also noticed Cai Wenjie and the others. Without saying a word, they picked up their weapons and shot at Cai Wenjie frantically.

Cai Wenjie himself was not panicked. The soldiers behind him rushed up in one step, picked up the heavy bulletproof shield in their hands and placed it in front of Cai Wenjie. The heavy shield was nearly two meters high, just right for Cai Wenjie and other soldiers to protect behind them, and relied on the shooting holes left by the heavy bulletproof shield to fight back.

While shooting at Cai Wenjie and the others, Qi Mu Kusuo and his men began to install C4 bombs in the passage behind them, and detonated them directly at the moment of installation, destroying the only passage behind them without any hesitation.

"Hmm? It's quite interesting!"

The battle did not last long. The bullets carried by these R countrymen had almost been consumed, and coupled with the previous battle, they were now exhausted.

"Z country soldiers, I know you hate us, you will definitely not let us go, so I won't bother you"

"What do you mean?"

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