My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 598 R People

A micro missile is still a missile, and it is not something that a bulletproof shield can stop. So when the missile hit the shield and exploded, the security guards of the underground research institute were immediately blown away by the shock wave of the explosion and hit the metal wall behind them.

The shield array was immediately cracked, and at the same time, the light machine gun on the unmanned combat vehicle began to exert its original power, and in an instant, more than half of the security guards were shot and killed.

The remaining people were not fools, and they would naturally not sit and wait for death. Soon, the remaining security guards saw that the situation was not right, and they turned around and ran away without even caring about their teammates' soldiers, and disappeared in the picture transmitted by the unmanned combat vehicle.

"Chase them and see where they can run to"


After the battle, Cai Wenjie returned the remote control to the technician and asked him to chase the security guards.

But not long after Cai Wenjie returned the remote control of the unmanned combat vehicle to the technician, he heard the soldiers exclaiming, and at the same time, a muffled sound came from the passage where a hole was broken.

"What happened!"

"Report to the chief! Team A's unmanned combat vehicles and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft have been completely destroyed and cannot be controlled any more. They must be recovered quickly."

"What? It's only been a few minutes. Why did this happen? What does it mean to be completely destroyed!"

It turned out that the group of security personnel did not just flee in panic, but set a trap for the unmanned combat vehicles on the way out. They used the bodies of their teammates to make a simple trigger-type trap at the corner. As long as the unmanned combat vehicle touches the switch of the trap, it will trigger the safety kit of the EMP bomb hidden in the body and explode.

What is an EMP bomb? Simply put, it is an electromagnetic pulse bomb specially developed for electronic equipment, also known as a high-energy microwave bomb. It has no power itself and is characterized by its ability to destroy electronic equipment and computer targets used for command, control and communication.

Unfortunately, both unmanned combat vehicles and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft meet the killing range of EMP bombs, so when several EMP bombs exploded in such a small space, the entire team A's unmanned combat vehicles and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft were directly destroyed and turned into scrap metal in an instant.

These people are good at calculating. After destroying the unmanned combat vehicles and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in such a narrow corner of space, it will become a natural obstacle. Although it is impossible to stop Cai Wenjie's troops for too long, it should be no problem for a short time. With this time, they can take the researchers here and fly away.

Unfortunately, they don't know what Cai Wenjie and the system space are. For this so-called obstacle, just move your fingers.

"Chief! Let me lead the team to chase those people"

"No, I will lead the team myself, you stay and be ready to fight at any time, and then control the unmanned equipment of Team B to continue reconnaissance"

After saying that, Cai Wenjie did not wait for Song Yichen to reply, and directly led half of the people through the gap into the entrance of the passage. For safety reasons, everyone wore exoskeleton armor and even put down the mask to avoid the release of any poisonous gas or something from the opposite side.

After entering the interior of the passage, Cai Wenjie and the soldiers immediately turned the corner in front of them and took back the unmanned combat vehicles and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that had been blown into scrap metal by emp bombs.

There is another passage outside the corner of the passage, but at the bottom of the passage there is an automatic door leading to an unknown place. Without hesitation, Cai Wenjie immediately led the soldiers to run towards the automatic door.

Just as Cai Wenjie was about to approach the automatic door, he suddenly discovered something, and immediately took out the unmanned combat vehicle from his system space and placed it in front of him, and then a crackling sound rang out.

At some point, two security guards suddenly appeared behind the automatic door, hiding behind the automatic door on the left and right, only sticking out half of their bodies to attack Cai Wenjie and others.

However, Cai Wenjie took the unmanned combat vehicle as a shield in front of him to resist the incoming bullets.

While the opposite side was still shooting at his unmanned combat vehicle, Cai Wenjie immediately took out a high-explosive bomb, pulled the safety ring and timed it, and threw it towards the metal wall on the side.

After the high-explosive bomb hit the metal wall, it bounced several times due to inertia and accurately hit the back of the automatic door. In the horrified eyes of the two security guards, it exploded and killed the two security guards directly. The death was very tragic. After all, the high-explosive bomb was very powerful, especially in such a dense space, the lethality was multiplied.

After dealing with the two people in front of him, Cai Wenjie put away the unmanned combat vehicle that was already riddled with holes, came to the two bodies that had been blown to death, and pulled open the security guards' masks.

"Huh? R people? Why are they here?"

After pulling off the masks, Cai Wenjie could clearly see that the two people were from R country. There was no way that the characteristics of these R people were too strong, and it was difficult not to recognize them.

"However, since they are from R country, it seems that there is no need to hold back. Everyone keep moving forward!"

These R people, less than a hundred years ago, actually started to do this kind of harmful research on this land again. It is simply that the intention to harm people is not dead.

After passing through the automatic door, Cai Wenjie saw at a glance a notice board of an underground research institute hanging on the wall that had been deliberately destroyed. Looking at the few patterns that had not been completely destroyed, this should be the approximate distribution map of the institute.

"These guys are quite professional"

Looking at the destroyed distribution map, Cai Wenjie did not feel any regret, but continued to lead the troops forward.

When Cai Wenjie led the soldiers to a room that looked like a hall, various forks began to appear here. Cai Wenjie had no choice but to order the troops to be divided. Each team took a squad as a unit and continued to search along the forks. He himself led his guard troops to the largest fork.

Perhaps Cai Wenjie's luck broke out, or he was unlucky. The fork he randomly chose was the direction where the security personnel retreated.

"Takano-kun! Take Dr. Chiba and the others to the escape point immediately! I will stay with the others to hold off those soldiers from Country Z! Remember! You must send Dr. Chiba and the others to other research institutes safely! They are our last hope, please!"

Hearing the noise behind them, the armed security personnel from Country R immediately realized that continuing would definitely lead to death. For their so-called "hope", most of these people stayed and prepared to die together with the soldiers from Country Z behind them, leaving only a small number of people to continue to escort their doctors to evacuate.

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