My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 43 Zombie Bird

They are still too young

Security in the skies cannot last long. ♦♦  ♦♦Reading

It is true that zombies cannot fly, but other birds with wings can fly.

In particular, virus-infected birds are not only able to fly, but also difficult to prevent.

If you are not careful, you will be punished by justice. In his previous life, Cai Wenjie saw people being attacked by swarms of zombie birds.

Because they are no longer afraid of death, the zombie birds directly launch a death charge at any living creature from high in the sky.

One by one, the zombie birds used their sharp beaks to use the speed of charging to directly bite the bloody flesh of the prey, leaving hollow gaps.

Basically, no creature attacked by a flock of zombie birds can survive. Even if there are survivors, they will be infected into zombies in less than a minute, and they still cannot escape the fate of death.

Of course, there have been no zombie bird swarms yet, and people have not noticed the danger of birds.

Moreover, zombie birds are extinct very quickly. Most of them are due to the corrosiveness of the virus, which corrodes their wings, making them unable to fly. They can only fall to the ground and be trampled to death. Another major reason is that the birds infected with the virus The species cannot reproduce.

Birds that like death charges will basically be unable to fly after one charge and can only be trampled to death.

The number of deaths is too great, and it is impossible to reproduce and reproduce, and the final result is death.

Of course, Cai Wenjie didn't know what these female students were thinking yet. He just wondered why the atmosphere was a bit dull. After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure it out, so he simply didn't think much about it.

Return to the back of the bus and pick up the VSS again, shooting the zombies passing by.

Xu Tao and the others on the other side finally saw the rescue helicopter. Bai Feng and Zhou Xing in the helicopter also saw the red smoke floating on the roof of the building not far away, and the rising signal flares.

"The target is found approaching"


The helicopter slowly reached the roof of the building and did not land on the open space on the roof for fear of causing a collapse.

Less than three meters above the roof, the ladder was lowered for Xu Tao and the others to climb up.

"Quick! Climb up the ladder!"

Zhou Xing came to the helicopter hatch and threw out the ladder, shouting to Xu Tao and the others below.

Xu Tao looked at the falling ladder and grabbed both sides of the ladder with Xiong Tao.

Acted as a human body retainer and shouted.

"You guys go up quickly, Zhou Xiaoling, you're the first one up!"


Everyone unanimously asked Zhou Xiaoling to get on the helicopter first.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Xiaoling climbed up the ladder because she knew that instead of pushing around, it was better to go up quickly and try to get everyone on board quickly.

With the cooperation of the team members, everyone quickly boarded the helicopter.

After seeing the last team member board the helicopter, Zhou Xing returned to the helicopter cab, nodded to Bai Feng and said

"Everyone has come up, let's go back."

"Okay! Sit tight, everyone."

The rescue helicopter quickly took off and began flying back.

After Xu Tao and others sat down, they finally breathed a sigh of relief. The building below was already crowded with zombies, all attracted by the noise of the rescue helicopter.

Now the zombies are swarming with zombies, and they are shouting indiscriminately.

As the team leader, Xu Tao expressed his gratitude to the helicopter pilot

"Thank you for coming here in such a timely manner. If it had been slower, maybe we would have told you to be here."

"You're welcome. You all got into trouble because you were trying to save others. We admire your spirit of giving everything for others."

"By the way, can I ask you about your mission? Of course. If it's confidential, just pretend I didn't tell you."

"There is nothing wrong with it. This mission is not a secret mission."

Chen Dong replied to Bai Feng first before Xu Tao could, and then began to introduce the mission.

"This time we are trying to rescue an old national treasure professor who is trapped in YJ University. I heard that he studies viruses, and there are other possible survivors."

Chen Dong began to slowly describe the situation of this mission.

"We drove the military truck all the way to the main entrance of the university, but we didn't expect that the main entrance of the university was already surrounded by zombies. It was impossible to rush in. We had to turn around and go back to find another way. And at that time, in order to escape the zombies I was almost thrown out of the car."

When talking about the zombie wave at the front door and about being almost thrown out of the car, Chen Dong still looked a little scared.

"Fortunately, Comrade Zhou Xiaoling in our team brought a small thing to attract the attention of zombies, so we were able to escape the zombies."

As he spoke, he pointed at Zhou Xiaoling, and then continued

"After that, we followed another road to the back entrance of the university, and then went to the No. 1 cafeteria where Professor Dong lived for a rescue operation. But we didn't expect that there was no one there when we arrived at the cafeteria. There were only a few bullet casings at the scene, so We suspect that Professor Dong has been rescued."

As he spoke, Chen Dong took out a bullet casing from his pocket and handed it to Bai Feng in the cab.

"No, look, this is it. A total of more than a dozen bullet casings were found. I also picked up one so I can go back and report it."

Bai Feng took the bullet casing and looked at it carefully. He found nothing wrong with it, so he handed it to Zhou Xing for him to take a look at.

Because Bai Feng and Zhou Xing didn't have many opportunities to touch the gun, they didn't notice anything strange about the bullet casing. Zhou Xing returned it to Chen Dong after reading it.

Chen Dong continues to speak

"We searched carefully but didn't get anything. We had to go back to the truck. But when we went back, we encountered a stray dog ​​infected with the virus and attacked us. We had to fight back, and the gunshots attracted the zombies around us.

When we got back to the truck, a large number of zombies had gathered at the back door. We had no choice but to crash into them. Fortunately, we succeeded in breaking through.

But because we crashed into too many zombies, the truck was scrapped. We had to stop not far from where we were just now, and then we came to the roof of the residential building to wait for rescue. You know what happened next. We successfully waited for your rescue."

Chen Dong's chatterbox attribute was very vivid at this moment.

"According to the escaped student in the gathering place, Professor Dong is already in his seventies, and the students and teachers trapped with Professor Dong are all female students and female teachers, especially one of the girls who looks less than 10 years old."

Bai Feng felt something was wrong as he listened.

The group of people Chen Dong just mentioned seemed to be the group he met when he just came here.

"Brother, how many people are there in that group you mentioned? Are you sure they are all women except Professor Dong?"

In order to verify his thoughts, Bai Feng suddenly asked Chen Dong

"I'm not too sure, but from what that student said, it seems to be true. What's the matter? Is there any problem?

After hearing Chen Dong's reply, Bai Feng had confirmed his thoughts.

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