My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 42 Rescue Helicopter

Everyone stopped making noise and lined up to go to the top of the building. ReadМ

Xu Tao was the last one to come up, and then he took out his flare gun and red smoke grenade, ready to fire at any time.

Because Xiong Tao fired a few shots just now, the zombies staying nearby began to approach the building.

Because Xiong Tao was in the corridor when he fired, the sound of the gunfire did not spread far, just around the building.

Therefore, there are not many zombies attracted, no more than 50 in number. A few people can safely take advantage of the terrain gap to eliminate the zombies.

Wang Long and Wang Hu even started a zombie shooting competition. The loser must complete any request of the winner. Both brothers knew what the other's character was. No one wanted to lose in this game, so they had to try their best to shoot. Kill the zombies that gather around you.

Just when the two of them were killing zombies, loud noises began to be heard in the distance.

It was the noise made by the propellers of the rescue helicopter.

The model of the rescue helicopter is Z-8KA

The Zhi-8KA Air Force type transport helicopter is in the technical state of delivery of the Air Force Zhi-8 search and rescue helicopter.

A model adjusted to meet the mission requirements of airborne troops such as assault transportation.

It is mainly used to carry out troop maneuvers in airborne combat areas, collection and forwarding of weapons and equipment, ammunition and supplies, field rescue and evacuation and transfer of sick and wounded, and other tasks.

It can carry out tasks under complex weather conditions day and night. It can carry 25 to 30 armed paratroopers in each sortie in the passenger and cargo compartment, or collect and transport 3 to 4 airdrops. The carrying and external hanging weight is 4,000 kilograms. It has certain self-defense capabilities. .

In addition, in order to take into account the transportation support needs of field rescue of the wounded and sick and flood fighting and rescue tasks, equipment such as air broadcast alarms, hydraulic winches, lifesaving chairs, stretchers, medical staff tables and chairs, and lifeboats are configured in proportion.

After Xu Tao heard the noise from the rescue helicopter, he pointed the signal gun directly into the sky and pulled the trigger. In order to make it easier for the driver to find the target, he unplugged the safety of the red smoke bomb at the corner of the building and threw it directly on the ground. .

Red smoke slowly rose.

At this moment, Cai Wenjie, who was on the other side, also heard the sound of the rescue helicopter.

Putting down the VSS that was used to snipe zombies, he stood up and went to the sunroof vent of the bus. He put his feet on the seat and used his upper body to check the situation through the window.

Curious female students also came to the window and looked at the sky.

A black helicopter flew in the sky. Although Cai Wenjie didn't know much about helicopters, the appearance was almost a derivative of the Z-8.

Cai Wenjie looked at the helicopter with some doubts. People had been rescued by him, so what use would it be to send a rescue helicopter now?

While Cai Wenjie was stroking his chin and thinking, the girls also saw the rescue helicopter. They all shouted desperately and waved their arms, trying to attract the attention of the helicopter pilot above.

It happened that the rescue helicopter pilot and co-pilot also noticed the large and small vehicles on the road below.

The main pilot is Bai Feng, and the co-pilot is Zhou Xing. They graduated from the same flight academy, enlisted in the army at the same time, and became pilots at the same time.

It can be said that they are like brothers.

The person who first discovered the situation below was Bai Feng. After discovering a vehicle driving on the road below, he was shocked at first and then motioned to Zhou Xing to look below.

"Zhou Xing, look at the road below. Are there two cars driving?"

"How is it possible? Let me see"

After Zhou Xing heard Bai Feng's reminder, although he didn't believe it, he still followed Bai Feng's line of sight and found two cars.

"No, there are actually people alive. I thought there were no more people alive in the city."

"By the way, I heard from my air force brother who flew a fighter plane before that he saw a bus and civilian armored vehicle during the bombing operation. Could it be them?"

"Let's go over and take a look."


After Bai Feng finished speaking, he directly operated the rescue helicopter and approached the road where Cai Wenjie was.

Cai Wenjie noticed that the black helicopter started to approach. Just in case, he bought individual anti-aircraft missiles in the system mall.

The full name is FN-16 Individually Portable Air Defense Missile Weapon System, which can also be referred to as Feinu 16.

FN-16 is the latest man-portable anti-aircraft missile weapon system developed by country Z.

It has omnidirectional attack, resistance to infrared interference and "fire and forget" capabilities.

The price is as high as 2,000 points, which is equivalent to a complete set of tactical equipment worn by Cai Wenjie.

Because the girls were all close to the window, no one noticed the FN-16 that Cai Wenjie had just bought on the bus.

After Cai Wenjie purchased it, he did not directly aim at the helicopter, but received the FN-16 into the system space.

After all, Cai Wenjie didn't buy the anti-aircraft missile to directly shoot down the helicopter, but just in case.

Soon the rescue helicopter came over and kept the same speed as the bus 20 meters above the left side of the vehicle.

Cai Wenjie could even see the driver's face clearly, and the helicopter pilots also saw Cai Wenjie and the girls waving their hands vigorously.

Because Cai Wenjie was wearing a full set of tactical equipment and a mask and helmet on his head, Bai Feng and Zhou Xing mistakenly thought he was a special police officer on a mission.

Bai Feng gave a friendly salute, and Cai Wenjie returned the salute. Although some of the salute movements were not standard, Bai Feng and Zhou Xing did not notice anything the same, and they thought it was due to the instability of the vehicle.

Then he waved to the girls who were waving their arms, and then flew away.

After all, Bai Feng and Zhou Xing still had their own tasks to complete. Besides, the people below were strictly speaking their own people, and they didn't look dangerous.

"It seems that the brother below has rescued a car of survivors and is rushing to the gathering place. He is really a man"

"Yes, and the car is full of the elderly, the weak, women and children. It's really hard for him."

As they spoke, the two flew away from the sky above the bus and flew back to the destination.

Cai Wenjie breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the rescue helicopter that had left. To be honest, he almost took out the anti-aircraft missile just now.

It's not that Cai Wenjie was making a fuss, but because Cai Wenjie knew that the equipment he was wearing was a little unfamiliar. Although it looked no different from ordinary special police equipment from a distance, he could still find some differences if he looked at it up close.

He was afraid that the helicopter pilot would think he was a mercenary from abroad and blow him up with a missile.

Fortunately, fortunately!

When Cai Wenjie breathed a sigh of relief, the girls looked at the rescue helicopter flying away and felt unhappy.

After all, running on the ground can never compare with flying in the sky. Running on the ground may bring you some close contact with zombies, but flying in the sky is safer, after all, no zombies can fly.

If Cai Wenjie knew what these girls were thinking, he would just laugh.

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