My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 505 Coincidence

At this time, Cai Wenjie had no idea that he had been targeted by some minions as a fat sheep, but even if he knew, he probably wouldn't take it too seriously. Unless he encountered an armored battalion with tanks and other armored vehicles or a land aviation equipped with a large number of armed helicopters, no one could stop Cai Wenjie's convoy. Read М

Just as Cai Wenjie was whispering to Xiang Xue in the infantry fighting vehicle to kill time, a doomsday RV was swaggering towards the convoy on the road 30 kilometers in front of the convoy.

And in this RV were Dr. Z and Hu Yan and others who escaped yesterday. They were sitting in a greatly modified doomsday RV and rushing to a backup base of their organization. Although it was not as well-equipped as the underground research institute, it was still no problem to use it for transition. It would not be too late to move out after the new research institute was established.

"Dr. Z, I'm sorry to ask you, what stage has your research reached? Can you really develop controllable zombies? What stage has the genetic enhancement experiment progressed to? Can human experiments be carried out?"

The security captain who sent Dr. Z and his party together was actually a small leader in the organization. His fate had long been linked to Dr. Z's research. If everything went well, his promotion would also be smooth sailing. However, if there were problems with Dr. Z's research or personal safety, he would be the first to suffer, so he urgently hoped that there would be no problems with Dr. Z's research. →

Dr. Z also knew the details of the security captain, so he said fearlessly.

"I remember that the research you mentioned was confidential, right? What, do you want to break the confidentiality agreement?"

"No! No! I just, I just..."

Seeing the speechless security captain, Dr. Z sneered and continued to close his eyes and rest, ignoring him.

As for how powerful this confidentiality agreement is, it would scare the extraordinary security captain so much that he dared not say anything more. This is unknown. Perhaps only those who have violated the confidentiality agreement can know how miserable it is.

The scene suddenly fell into a dead silence, but this silence did not last long, because they ran into Cai Wenjie's convoy, which had been ready to shoot.

Because Ping Fan was attacked, all kinds of reconnaissance radars and drones on the convoy were working non-stop, so this time the convoy discovered the modified RV that Dr. Z was riding in dozens of kilometers away.

After repeated confirmation, it can be concluded that this vehicle is a RV registered in the database, but looking at the images transmitted back by the drone, it is obviously not as simple as an ordinary RV.

"Vehicle in front! Stop moving immediately and accept inspection!"

Three infantry fighting vehicles were lined up in a straight line, blocking the RV's only way, and the vehicle-mounted weapons were also ready to fire at any time.

Because the soldiers saw the heavy machine guns mounted on the roof of the RV at a glance. Generally, except for the military, how could ordinary people install machine guns on the RV, and four heavy machine guns at a time, which was simply outrageous.

At this time, Cai Wenjie was also observing the RV opposite.

"Xiang Xue, do you think that RV looks like my command vehicle?"

Anyone with a slightly more flexible mind would definitely understand what Cai Wenjie meant by this sentence. The problem is that this person is Xiang Xue, so she looked puzzled, but said very firmly.


Hearing this, Cai Wenjie could only touch her head with a smile, and then said.

"You are so cute like this, fortunately you met me, otherwise I am afraid that you will be sold without knowing it"

After laughing, Cai Wenjie turned around and began to observe the RV seriously. Although you can't see inside from the outside, it doesn't mean that Cai Wenjie can't observe anything.

First of all, there is no excessive dust or dirt on the exterior armor of the RV, which means that the RV has not been on the road for a long time, and it seems that there is not even a trace of blood, which means that the RV has not hit any zombies or other creatures at all.

And the four heavy machine guns on the roof are still shiny, which means that the machine guns are brand new and have not fired a bullet.

There are more details, such as the wear of the tires, the paint of the vehicle, and so on. All of these details show that the RV has not been driven for a long time after the modification. It is estimated that it has only been driven for one or two days. No, it should have been driven yesterday, and it will definitely not exceed 24 hours.

On the other side, Dr. Z and his group sitting in the RV looked at the convoy that suddenly appeared, thinking that the group of soldiers who broke through their research institute yesterday were chasing them, and immediately felt that something was wrong.

As the security captain protecting Dr. Z, he did not panic after encountering this situation, but looked carefully at the armed forces of the opposite convoy through the window.

After making some predictions in his mind, he immediately came to a conclusion, that is, if they break through head-on, they will probably be beaten into scrap metal by the opponent in less than a minute.

After all, the weapon system on the opponent's infantry fighting vehicle is not a child's toy, but a real cannon.

"Dr. Z, I think we may be defeated here in a few days. The opponent's firepower is too fierce. We can't resist it at all."

Hearing the words of the security captain, Dr. Z frowned and asked unwillingly.

"Doesn't this car have any weapons? Can't it resist and escape at the same time?"

"Unfortunately, Dr. Z, our vehicle-mounted machine gun poses no threat to the other side at all, but the weapons on the other side can easily turn this RV into scrap metal. Our success in escaping is infinitely close to zero, but..."

"But what?"

"However, there is another way that is very possible to escape, and that is to use a high-speed motorcycle carried on the back of the RV to escape. But the problem is that this motorcycle can only carry two people to escape. In fact, if Excluding the driver, at most one person can escape."

In fact, the security captain didn't say anything, that is, it would be useless to use the speed of a motorcycle to escape from here, because their destination is far away, and this motorcycle alone can't reach the destination and will be left behind halfway. In the middle, they were eaten by passing zombies or other mutated creatures.

"The current situation can be said to be completely desperate. Although it is not good for me to say this, Dr. Z, we can only surrender if we survive."

Perhaps it was because the word "surrender" came from the mouth of the security captain who protected him, so Dr. Z was very different. You must know that the top leaders of the organization he knew were all a group of lunatics, and lunatics would never surrender.

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