My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 504 Return

After being attacked, the infantry fighting vehicle at the front immediately prepared for a counterattack. A surface-to-surface missile was aimed in the direction of the bullet from the missile launcher on the infantry fighting vehicle, and the on-board radar He also immediately aimed at the direction of the bullet.

"Report! A suspicious vehicle was found 2,500 meters northwest. Was it destroyed?"

The infantry fighting vehicle driver who detected the suspicious vehicle immediately reported the situation to Cai Wenjie and asked whether to destroy the suspicious vehicle.

"Can you confirm that the gunshots just now were caused by the suspicious vehicle? If so, just destroy it without asking me for instructions."


On the other hand, the group of people who shot at Cai Wenjie's motorcade are now in a state of civil strife.

"You **, if you don't want to live, don't get involved with me. The group of people below you know are from the military without even thinking about it. You actually shot at them. Are you stupid*!"

"Brother Long, I just want to try to see if there is anything wrong with this gun. It's not intentional. Really, you believe me."

"*Mom! At this point, you're still saying you didn't do it on purpose? I*'m your uncle!"

"Brother Long, calm down! Calm down! Maybe the group below hasn't discovered us yet, so we can just leave here quietly, right?"

"It seems that there is really no other way. Just as you said, everyone should leave here. We must not be discovered by the group of soldiers below."

After saying that, he immediately got into the car and was ready to run away at any time. Several of his younger brothers also calmed down at this time and swarmed into the car. During this period, two people even fought over who would get on the car first. There was a dispute and almost started a fight.

At this time, the man who shot at Cai Wenjie's motorcade came out to commit suicide again. This guy seemed to be dissatisfied with the reprimand just now, so when he didn't notice him, he climbed up on the roof of the car and started again. He picked up his weapon and aimed at the convoy.

Naturally, he did not have the courage to continue shooting, but this did not prevent him from imagining destroying an infantry fighting vehicle with one shot to vent his dissatisfaction.

But just because of this action, he was accidentally captured by the observer. Everyone unanimously concluded that the people in this suspicious vehicle were the terrorists who attacked their convoy.

Because Cai Wenjie had said before that if he encountered an attack, he could fight back freely without reporting it to him, so this time the pilot pressed the button of the missile launcher without hesitation.

I saw a missile shooting out from what was supposed to be a missile launcher, flying quickly towards the suspicious vehicle. To be more precise, the target of the missile was actually the vehicle holding a weapon, pointing at the convoy. The man who stopped pointing.

And this man who was holding a weapon and fantasizing about the convoy below was dumbfounded when he saw a missile attacking him.

But the missile would not give him any chance to reflect. In less than two seconds, a surface-to-surface missile spanned a distance of 2,500 meters and accurately hit the vehicle where the man was.

With a huge explosion, the vehicle and the people in it became a piece of history without exception. Several people in the vehicle were sent to hell without even understanding the situation.

"Successfully hit the target and the threat is eliminated."

"Reporting to the chief, the threat has been removed. Do you want to continue on the road?"

"Let's go. If you encounter an attack in the future, as long as you find a weapon in the opponent's hand, you will fight back without hesitation. Do you hear me?"


The convoy did not waste any more time here, but continued on its way, heading towards the fortress at full speed.

Perhaps it was because of the daytime. Except for the shooting just now, the entire convoy did not encounter any zombies or people. It drove for several hours safely. However, because people had three emergencies, the convoy could only travel every two hours. Just stop in an open place and let people solve their three urgent needs.

During this period, the convoy would form a circle for defense to avoid any sneak attacks, and Po Jun would also take his younger brother for a walk around the area to investigate the surrounding situation.

Fortunately, the area around here is in the wilderness. No one lives here, which means there are no zombies here. The absence of zombies means there is no danger, so you can feel a little more at ease.

A few minutes later, Po Jun also took his younger brother back to the station where the convoy was located.

"My lord, the surrounding area is very safe and nothing suspicious has been found."

Po Jun came to Cai Wenjie and reported the situation nearby.

"It's fine if you don't have it. Here, this is your reward."

Cai Wenjie casually took out a piece of dried meat and threw it to Po Jun. Po Jun did not refuse. He opened his big mouth and bit into the chicken-sized dried meat, and then ate it with satisfaction.

After Cai Wenjie patted Po Jun's wolf head to show encouragement, he ordered the convoy to start moving again. This time, it was less than 200 kilometers away from the destination. It was estimated that they could return to the fortress in another three hours.

Just half an hour after the convoy left the temporary stop, a group of people dressed in a doomsday punk style arrived here riding various modified motorcycles.

One of them, a muscular man with a haircut like a big brush, first got out of the car, looked around, then stared at the tire marks left by Cai Wenjie's motorcade, started to calculate, and then said.

"Judging from the tire tracks and the wetness of the surrounding rocky areas, these guys stopped here for a few minutes and solved their physiological problems."

"Boss, let's keep chasing! The third brother's revenge must be avenged."

The third brother mentioned by these people is actually the leader of the person who was blown away with his car. He and the current group of people are brothers of the same gang. Their brothers were killed inexplicably, and as the eldest brothers, they naturally want to avenge their younger brothers.

So they followed the tire marks of the convoy all the way and found the place where the convoy rested half an hour ago. However, one funny thing is that even now, this group of people still don’t know that the convoy they are chasing is actually military personnel. If they knew this earlier, they would not dare to chase Cai Wenjie’s convoy even if they had a thousand courage. Unfortunately, they didn’t know and thought that the convoy they were chasing was actually a wandering convoy.

“Looking at the evaporation of urine, they should not have gone far. Chase! We must catch them. The men will pay for the lives of the third brother, and the women will stay to comfort our wounded hearts”

“Good! Big brother is wise!”

I don’t know if these people will be so arrogant and domineering when they meet Cai Wenjie’s convoy later.

The weapons in these people's hands are varied, almost all of which are picked up from the battlefield, and the bullets are all picked up from the ground. With their current weapons and ammunition, although they can bully civilians who have no weapons, if they encounter regular troops, they can only run away.

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