My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 497: Fighting in the corridor

After notifying other teams around him, Zhou Peng officially started fighting with the security forces on the opposite side, or rather, he never stopped. In the small space, bullets flew everywhere, gunshots, and curses mixed together, making it very noisy.

Although the number of the security forces on the opposite side was twice that of Zhou Peng and his team, in such a small environment, the advantage of having more people could not be brought into play at all. The security forces that should have suppressed Zhou Peng with absolute firepower were now suppressed by Zhou Peng's team. They dared not show their heads and could only shoot randomly with their guns.

The same was true for Zhou Peng's side. Although they suppressed the opposite side with their light machine guns and shotguns, the opposite side's unethical fighting style also left Zhou Peng and his team with no way to deal with it.

"These guys are too timid! Captain, why don't we blow them up with grenades?"

"No! Blowing people up with grenades in such a small place will also affect us. The support troops will be here soon. At that time, we can attack from both sides and take down the other side in one fell swoop. There is no need to take the risk to blow them up."

Zhou Peng stopped the team from throwing explosives, but the security forces on the opposite side did not have so many concerns. They took out their grenades and various explosives, and threw several grenades in front of Zhou Peng and others in a lightning speed.


Without time to say anything more, Zhou Peng reacted quickly and stood up, then swung his body to make a shooting pose when kicking a football, and kicked the grenade out as if it were a football.

Fortunately, Zhou Peng's reaction was extraordinary, and the team members did not suffer any injuries. After the grenade was kicked away by Zhou Peng, it exploded between the two parties and did not hurt anyone.

However, the shock wave and loud noise generated by the explosion still caused some interference to the two parties.

"Fuck! Captain Zhou! What should we do? Aren't we going to fight back?"

Even Zhou Peng himself felt a little angry at that, but he still ordered the team to keep the current appearance and wait for the arrival of the support troops.

"Wait a little longer, wait until our support troops cover their retreat, then it's time for us to settle the score"

Due to Zhou Peng's majesty, the members of the team didn't say anything, they could only hold their weapons and fiercely tilt bullets at the opposite side.

"It seems that the other side is anxious, keep this rhythm, throw a grenade every ten seconds, so that they can't keep the fire suppression"


The leader of this security team is the only man holding a Remington shotgun. His name is Kate, and he is an M countryman.

Before the doomsday, he was an unrestrained mercenary, specializing in the Middle East. As long as someone gave him money, he dared to do anything. At that time, he had a dispute with his previous employer about remuneration. After many discussions without results, he decisively shot and solved this untrustworthy guy.

But because of this, he had a very bad reputation in the circle of mercenary employers, which led to him being wanted by various forces later. Although he was strong, he could not withstand so many sieges. It happened that he was rescued by the head of the current organization at that time. In addition, the situation at that time was not very good for him, so he joined the organization. After that, he followed the organization's arrangement and came here to protect Dr. Z here.

This is why he is here.

"Wait a minute, something is wrong!"

Kate looked at the Z country soldiers on the opposite side. There was no active attack at all, and it seemed that after delaying time, he immediately felt something was wrong. As an experienced mercenary, Kate had experienced countless battles and killed countless people, but now he began to panic in his heart. This is wrong! Very wrong.

"Joe! John! You two go to the back to guard and prevent us from being surrounded by the opposite side!"

"Okay, boss!"

In order to be on the safe side, Kate still transferred two people to protect the rear of the team to avoid being attacked. Unfortunately, his order was too late.

Before Joe and John even reached the rear of the team, they were hit in the head by two bullets and died on the spot without even a chance to react.

The team that was talking to Zhou Peng on the radio was the support team that did this.

They had come to the rear of Kate's team.

Hearing the gunshots in front, the captain of the support team immediately realized that they had successfully sneaked into the enemy's rear.

"Everyone keep quiet, let's give those guys a surprise quietly!"

"Yes, squad leader!"

Everyone in the support team slowed down their pace and quickly sneaked to where Kate and the others were.

Although Kate sent two people to guard the rear, he still felt a little flustered.

"Are two people too few?"

In order to reassure herself, Kate was ready to send two more people to support Joe and John after intense thinking.

"Dani, Kathryn, you two go to the back too"

"Boss, what about here?"

"Stop talking nonsense and go, even if four of them are gone, we still have six people here, and there are only five people on the other side, so we still have the advantage"

"Okay, I get it, Dani, let's go"

From the names, you can tell that both of them are girls, but don't underestimate them because they are girls, their fighting ability is not bad at all, and ordinary soldiers can't do anything to them, unless they are at the level of the king of soldiers.

But before they could get out of the two units, three heavily armed soldiers jumped out from the corner in front. They held light machine guns in their hands and started shooting without saying a word.

"Chu tu tu tu!!!"

The muzzle of the light machine gun sprayed deadly flames, and a large number of bullets sprayed out from the muzzle, dealing a fatal blow to the enemy.

Dani and Katherine, the two closest ones, were hit by the pouring bullets without even being able to react in a decent way. Even if they were wearing body armor, it was useless. Even if the bullets could not penetrate the body armor, the bullets alone would The impact of the bullet can shatter a person's internal organs into pieces.

The moment Kate heard the gunfire, she instinctively rolled to the side and successfully escaped the first machine gun fire and survived. However, the other people next to him did not have such luck, and they were all killed one by one. The bullets of the light machine gun turned them into corpses. In fact, it is not their fault. They were all focused on the front at the moment. They did not expect that these three murderers would appear from behind. Holding hands went to meet God.

Zhou Peng, who heard the movement, immediately reacted and shouted to other team members.

"Reinforcements are here! Brothers, go out and grab heads!"

Of course, this is just a joke. Being stuck here for so long makes me very depressed. Now a small joke can just relieve the depression.

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