My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 496: Raid on the Underground Research Institute

Armored vehicle Zhou Peng is a soldier of the anti-terrorism special force and a soldier responsible for the security of the gathering place. Just an hour ago, he was originally responsible for guarding the gathering place and was suddenly stopped by a rush of sentry calls in the gathering place. I was so scared that I hurried to the meeting point to gather. ♦♦  ♦♦Reading

Not only himself, but all the soldiers of the entire regiment were gathered together by the assembly post, waiting for the review. No one knew what happened, but one thing was clear: this incident was very urgent, otherwise it would not have happened. Will urge the highest level emergency assembly sentry.

After all the soldiers gathered, a colonel with three stars on his shoulders appeared in front of many soldiers. This colonel was the person in charge of the security of the entire gathering place and the cleaner responsible for eliminating the surrounding zombies. His name is Ji Kuai.

"Time is of the essence and I will keep the story short. I received an order from my superiors and told me that there is a temple ten kilometers away from us. This is probably known to all the locals present. Under the temple there is an underground air-raid shelter built in the last century. Originally this was The place that provided protection for civilians during the war has now been occupied by an unknown organization! And this organization that occupied the underground air-raid shelter has actually taken all 1,382 ordinary residents and 80 police and armed special police who were hiding in the air-raid shelter. Killing, no one was spared, and even after killing so many people, a biochemical research institute was established somewhere and began to use living people for human experiments! "

Perhaps because he was too excited, the colonel's tone inevitably became a little angry.

"This bunch of bastards! No one can be left alive. After the superiors found out about this, they immediately found us who were closest and gave a death order. They must be eradicated mercilessly! Do you have the confidence to do it!"


"Very good, now everyone run towards the parking lot immediately!"


This time, in addition to them, there was also a special force participating. Although the specific number was not known, looking at the equipment in their hands, one could tell that it should be a force specially used to deal with underground fortifications.

What Zhou Peng thought was not wrong, because this time the target was more than ten meters deep underground, so in order to better carry out the task, the above sent an engineering team equipped with the latest technology. The equipment they held in their hands was used to excavate the ground. special equipment.

This machine can not only dig soil, but also crush various hard rocks or other stones underground into powder, not to mention concrete. This is why even though the research institute is built underground, they can also crush it into powder at the same time. The main reason for the raid.

Back in time, Zhou Peng followed other teammates with a rifle in his hand to area C where humans are imprisoned. In addition to the imprisoned people, there are also many uninfected animals. You must know that animals are in the virus. Under the infection, they will turn into bloodthirsty monsters like zombies. However, in a few cases, the infected animals not only did not lose their minds, but even mutated to a certain degree of wisdom and an unusually powerful body after mutation.

You must know that even though there are so many humans on the earth, they have not been able to resist the invasion of the virus and turned into zombies. Even if there is a mutation, it is a mutation that occurs on the basis of becoming a zombie, not a mutation that occurs when humans are alive.

Dr. Z also wants to understand why animals can resist viruses that humans cannot resist, and mutate to become more powerful.

If it can really be researched, then in the future the virus will no longer be a harmful substance, but a key that can help mankind embark on a new world.

It is a pity that Dr. Z has not made any progress in the research of viruses so far, and these animals can only be trapped here forever, never to see the light of day.

On the other side, Zhou Peng and his teammates shuttled through the cages in area C, constantly using the keys in their hands to open the keys of the cages. Because all the locks used here are the same, so as long as they have one key, they can Open all prison doors.

Perhaps for the convenience of identification, the cells are divided according to gender and age.

To put it simply, there is a nest for boys and a nest for girls, and then the cages are carefully divided according to age.

When the people imprisoned here saw Zhou Peng in military uniform, no matter men, women, old or young, no matter how old or young they were, they all cried without exception.

"Great, the country is here to save us"

"Finally! I finally waited for the rescue, thank you to the country! Thank you"

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu5b99993944b3d9003, finally we are saved, wuwuwu, I want to go home”

Zhou Peng looked at the people who were out of control and felt something was wrong in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He just swore silently in his heart that he would find the person in charge here and give them a good greeting.

Before Zhou Peng could liberate all the imprisoned people, he encountered the security forces inside the institute. Each of the security forces here held an HK series weapon and wore top-notch protective suits and body armor. They are fully armed with bulletproof helmets and the like. If they are not the security forces here, some people will believe that they are the most professional special forces just based on this image.

The moment the two waves of people faced each other, they both raised their guns quickly and subconsciously fired towards the opposite side. At the same time, they also subconsciously rolled into the corner to avoid being hit by the bullets from the opposite side.

"All teams, please note that enemy armed forces are found in the area where the hostages are held. Please ask the nearest team to come over as soon as possible for support."

After Zhou Peng and his team successfully avoided the bullets from the opposite side, Zhou Peng hid in the corner and immediately used the radio to report the situation here to other teams.

Although they mobilized the power of a regiment this time, due to various restrictions, most people were on standby around the temple. Only a few elites formed a commando team to go to the underground research institute. There were ten such elite teams, each with only five people. The consequence was that the firepower of the team was relatively limited, so once the firepower of the opposite side suppressed them, the entire team would be in danger of extinction. Therefore, all teams agreed on several opinions before setting off again. One of them was to immediately notify other teams by radio when encountering the armed forces of the opposite side.

In this way, even if the team is alone, as long as it persists for a period of time, it can get support from other teams, instantly reverse the situation that was originally doomed to die, and hit the opposite side by surprise, and even have the possibility of counter-killing.

"Received, Team 04 will arrive in one minute, hold on"

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