After about five minutes of continuous shooting, the blood plague creatures that originally filled the sewers were slaughtered by the soldiers, leaving no one alive. For safety reasons, Cai Wenjie directly ordered the soldiers to put the bodies of the evil blood plague creatures and the blood plague heart together and directly sterilize them with high temperature, that is, burn these bodies. Read М

"Burn the blood plague heart encountered before and this blood plague heart together, so as to prevent similar things from appearing here again in the future"


After instructing the soldiers, the voice of the system sounded in his mind again.

"Congratulations to the commander for successfully killing the second blood plague heart. This is your reward this time. Please keep it well."

This time, the system gave a reward, in addition to the most basic enhancement opportunity, and did not give points like last time, but gave a round object the size of a bowling ball.

Looking at the round ball in his hand, Cai Wenjie took it in one hand and shook it, and found that it was quite heavy, at least 30 kilograms. Although this weight was indeed a bit heavy for ordinary people, with Cai Wenjie's strength, he didn't feel it was too heavy, just average.

At this time, Cai Wenjie remembered that the system didn't seem to explain what the ball was used for, so he asked a question in his mind casually. ♦♦  ♦♦

"What is this thing used for? Is it used to hit people?"

He said it very easily and tossed the ball, but the system's answer made Cai Wenjie sweat in an instant, and then he immediately caught the ball with both hands, carefully holding the ball to prevent it from landing on the ground. He even didn't dare to let go and could only keep this posture and dare not move.

As for what the system said to make Cai Wenjie so out of control, it was also very simple. The system said four words, that is.

"Micro-nuclear bomb"

To be honest, after hearing the system's answer, Cai Wenjie wanted to curse a lot, but he held back. After all, he was a mid-level officer and couldn't quarrel with a system without human touch, so

"You made this thing for me and put it in my hand. Do you want me to die suddenly? Ah! You, you, talk!"

Okay, he still couldn't hold back his swearing, but let me ask you, if someone suddenly puts something in your hand and says it's a bomb that can blow up a building, are you afraid? Just ask if you are afraid.

This is Cai Wenjie's current situation. What's more, he has a micro-nuclear bomb in his hand, which can blow up a small city in a fourth or fifth tier. Cai Wenjie is also a human being, and he also has fear. He is now afraid that he will be blown up by the accidentally triggered micro-nuclear bomb in the next second and bid farewell to this world completely.

So he didn't dare to do anything else. He could only hold the ball and stay there motionless. If the soldiers around him hadn't been sent by Cai Wenjie to clean up the corpses of the blood plague creatures, the current situation would be very embarrassing.

The system's answer came belatedly at this time.

"Chief, please rest assured that this micro-nuclear bomb will never explode unless a single trigger method is used. Even if you play with it as a shot put or a bowling ball, there will be no problem. The outer protective shell can even withstand the frontal shooting of anti-material sniper rifles without any damage. Even if you throw it into the magma, there will be no problem. It can still be used as a meteor hammer after it is fished out, so please don't worry."

Cai Wenjie was relieved when he heard this. The system's guarantee was still trustworthy. He carefully placed the micro-nuclear bomb in the system space and continued to ask the system after placing it properly.

"Then, what is the method to trigger this micro-nuclear bomb? Remote control or other methods"

"The method to trigger this micro-nuclear bomb is myself"


"Yes, if you want this micro-nuclear bomb to explode, just tell me. As long as you give the order to explode, I can immediately trigger the explosion program of the micro-nuclear bomb, and it will reduce a small city to ashes in less than a second"

The ability to reduce a city to ashes is very terrifying, even though it is only a small city. Its equivalent must be more than one million tons. The system clearly said that it is a micro-nuclear bomb, but it has a power of more than one million tons. It is simply another kind of selling dog meat under the guise of sheep.

"No, you give me this kind of thing, I don't think I can use it. Forget it, just treat it as the last trump card, maybe it can really be used"

Cai Wenjie saw this sentence on the Internet before. When someone says you have weapons of mass destruction, you'd better really have them, otherwise the consequences will be serious. As for where this sentence came from, Cai Wenjie has forgotten, but this sentence is not known why he remembered it firmly in his mind, so that he can use it as an excuse now.

After putting away the miniature nuclear bomb, Cai Wenjie took off his exoskeleton armor. As for the exoskeletons of other people, they had been taken back before the previous fight. After all, it was not appropriate to show this set of exoskeleton armor in front of others now. Unless the exoskeleton in the central government could be transported to other places and other troops were also equipped with exoskeletons, Cai Wenjie would have an excuse to take out his own exoskeleton and formally equip his troops in all aspects.

Back to reality, after half an hour of cleaning up the mess, Cai Wenjie finally led his men back to the ground from the original direction. Of course, except for a few ventilation holes that even rats couldn't get into, he and other soldiers searched the rest of the sewer several times. After confirming that there were no fish that slipped through the net, he led the soldiers back to the ground.

The ground was already full of soldiers from other troops. Their main task was to rescue Cai Wenjie as soon as possible if he encountered danger or other unexpected situations below, and rescue Cai Wenjie at all costs. In addition, they would serve as substitute troops, specifically replacing the troops with serious losses, and continue to clean up the sewer.

Now it is not necessary, after all, Cai Wenjie has thoroughly cleaned the sewer.

"Everyone! Salute the commander! And other comrades!"

After seeing Cai Wenjie and his troops coming out of the sewer entrance safely, an officer standing at the front of the team immediately ordered the soldiers behind to line up in a standard queue, and then saluted Cai Wenjie solemnly. The scene of hundreds of people saluting in unison was very shocking, and Cai Wenjie was also moved.

After all, these people came to salute spontaneously to thank him. Cai Wenjie was not idle either. He immediately asked his soldiers to tidy up their clothes and took the lead in returning the salute. After more than ten seconds of silence, both sides put down their saluting right hands at the same time.

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