My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 421 Second Kill

Yes, although he has a rather eccentric personality, his reconnaissance and sniping abilities are first-rate. Even Shunliu, who was exchanged as a professional sniper at the beginning, also lamented to Cai Wenjie that if this guy didn't have this eccentric personality, he would definitely be a sniper god. Reading

In simple terms, he doesn't need a lot of data analysis to snipe targets at a long distance. Instead, he only needs to do mental calculations for a few seconds and then pull the trigger, and then the enemy thousands of meters away can fall to the ground.

It can be seen how terrible his sniping ability is. As for reconnaissance, he is best at camouflage. In the absence of proper camouflage clothes, he can blend into the environment around him as quickly as possible. You must know that the highest level of camouflage is to become a part of the environment, and naturally no one will find anything wrong, but he did it.

Because of this, he also has a nickname, namely Dark Arrow and Chameleon, both of which are very appropriate for his characteristics.

"Here we go, here we go, rest assured, I will personally protect the leader's safety!"

No matter how this soldier shouts, the current situation is that Cai Wenjie has reached the periphery of the Blood Plague Heart alone, and is less than ten meters away from the main body of the Blood Plague Heart! At this distance, the visibility around is even lower, and even Cai Wenjie himself can only see the range of about one meter around him. ♬♦ ♦♧

Beyond this distance, nothing can be seen, so Cai Wenjie made a decisive decision to abandon observation with the naked eye and instead choose to use the auxiliary functions of the Kirin intelligent system built into his single-soldier exoskeleton, the biological detection system and the infrared auxiliary system.

One of these two functions is to specifically detect the existence of organisms and monitor the location of surrounding organisms, and project them in real time on the holographic screen inside the helmet for the user to observe, and the other is to guide and capture the enemy's actions when the field of vision is unclear, so as to facilitate corresponding judgments and actions.

With the help of these two auxiliary systems, although Cai Wenjie couldn't see the surrounding things clearly, he still maintained a strong fighting power. No matter what kind of blood plague creatures, they couldn't get close to him within two meters, because as long as they got within the range of two meters, they would be chopped in half by Cai Wenjie's steel knife, and they couldn't die any more.

Upward slash, horizontal slash, thrust, block, counterattack, Cai Wenjie's set of actions were smooth and flowing. No matter how hard the blood plague creatures on the opposite side tried, they couldn't get close to him, but he could still kill the blood plague creatures without being able to resist even though he couldn't see the surroundings clearly with the naked eye. It can be said that the current Cai Wenjie would be a fierce general who killed the enemy army on the ancient battlefield in ancient times. (-_-) (-_-)

In this way, Cai Wenjie chopped all the way from the outside to the vicinity of the blood plague heart, and then from the vicinity of the blood plague heart, he slowly chopped in front of the blood plague heart. When Cai Wenjie realized that the blood plague heart was in front of him through the system's intelligent prompts, he calmly took out the special bomb that had been prepared long ago from the system space.

The characteristic of this bomb is that it can delay the explosion, and while maintaining its power, it can keep the damage of the explosion within a specific distance. It will never send innocent flowers and plants around it to the sky like other high-power bombs. The explosion range of this bomb is only three meters long, which means that as long as it exceeds three meters, it will not be affected by the explosion.

And there is no need to worry about whether the power of the explosion will be too small. As mentioned earlier, this special bomb will maintain its power. This so-called power refers to the power of the explosion of high explosives, which is equivalent to the power generated by the explosion of C4 explosives, but it will only be limited to about three meters.

The size of this special bomb is not large, only the size of a mobile phone used in the past, and this special bomb directly cost Cai Wenjie a mutant zombie point, which is 1,000 points, but it is worth it.

After Cai Wenjie took out this special bomb, he threw it on the heart of the blood plague without hesitation, and then turned around and left. In less than a few seconds, Cai Wenjie ran back from the heart of the blood plague to the place where the outer team was, and directly brought out the two soldiers wearing exoskeletons who had entered the blood qi together.

The soldier who shouted to protect Cai Wenjie's safety was also brought out. It took less than ten seconds from shouting to protect Cai Wenjie to being brought out. It can be seen that Cai Wenjie's so-called cool departure is very different from that of ordinary people.


Not long after Cai Wenjie and other soldiers came out of the blood qi, a dull explosion occurred behind, which meant that the heart of the blood plague hidden in the blood qi was successfully killed by Cai Wenjie's special bomb, and the good evidence to prove this was that the originally very rich blood qi in front of him quickly disappeared into the air under the condition visible to the naked eye, and the space originally surrounded by the blood qi began to return to its original appearance.

But at the same time, this also exposed all the blood plague creatures that had been hiding in the blood and qi to the public.

"Clean up the remaining blood plague creatures, don't leave any alive!"


Seeing the blood plague creatures appearing in front of everyone, Cai Wenjie did not hesitate at all and immediately gave the soldiers with guns to clear out the remaining enemies. The soldiers immediately responded to Cai Wenjie loudly and picked up their weapons, launching a fierce attack on the blood plague creatures that had not yet reacted.

After losing the blessing of blood qi, most of the blood plague creatures were like a young man in his twenties who suddenly became an old man in his seventies or eighties. Their reaction ability, mobility, and other things were greatly reduced, and they completely became living targets for the soldiers. Under the powerful firepower, they fell down like wheat being cut and could never stand up again.

Originally, these blood plague zombies and creatures should not become like this even without the blessing of blood qi, but in fact, the so-called blood qi is like a stimulant. Although it can greatly increase the strength, reaction speed, and physical value of blood plague creatures in a short period of time, once the increase of blood qi is lost, the blood plague creatures will fall into a state of weakness for a long time.

That is to say, the side effect is that the strength, reaction speed, and physical value of blood plague creatures in this situation can only play one-fifth of the normal situation, and this weak state will last for at least twelve to eighteen hours. Each blood plague creature will change according to its own situation but will not exceed this range.

And this is why these blood plague zombies and creatures, which were originally extremely fierce in front of the soldiers, are now like a target for people to harvest.

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