My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 337: Overturn

However, in battle, we will use this kind of large-caliber bullets, so we should not care about the loudness of the gunshots. After all, no matter how loud the gunshots are, can they compare to other artillery or explosions? Obviously not.

Just when Cai Wenjie wanted to see other equipment, there was a sudden violent shaking, which made Cai Wenjie and his soldiers stagger. They had no choice but to grab everything they could to keep their balance.

This is not over yet. After the violent shaking, the whole carriage began to shake up and down like a roller coaster in an amusement park, and even turned the whole carriage upside down in the end.

Cai Wenjie clearly felt that the whole carriage was derailed and seemed to have fallen out of the railway.

The situation was urgent. Cai Wenjie shook his head, which was a little dizzy from the fall, and then shouted loudly.

"Song Yichen!"


"Count the people immediately and assemble urgently!"


Song Yichen was holding a stool fixed on the ground not far from Cai Wenjie. After hearing Cai Wenjie's order, he immediately answered a sentence, then tried to stabilize his body and shouted loudly to the soldiers behind him.

"Ye Dachuan!"

"I'm here!"

"Hurry up and let each platoon leader gather their soldiers and assemble at the head!"


As the deputy company commander, Ye Dachuan was responsible for contacting his soldiers. Song Yichen took advantage of this time to quickly collect the weapons that fell on the ground and take them away as much as possible.

After Cai Wenjie finished his order, he immediately used the system satellite to observe what happened. According to this situation, the entire armored train was basically in a state of overturning. In this case, if they were surrounded by zombies from nowhere, they would be in danger.

Under the observation of the system satellite, Cai Wenjie found that things were not as he predicted. The armored train did not roll over from the front, but from the middle.

Cai Wenjie also found that the armored train was now broken in half. The front car continued to move forward with the cars that had not yet rolled over, while the middle cars and the cars at the back that had rolled over were left in place, including their car No. 37. Car No. 36, where Cai Wenjie and others rested, turned over 50 meters away from car No. 37, which shows how serious the situation was.

Car No. 37, where they were now, was completely overturned at 90 degrees and was lying on the side of the railway. If the ammunition supplies in the car were not well preserved and explosion-proof preparations were made, otherwise, the car No. 37 would be completely unrecognizable when it rolled over because of the flammable and explosive materials inside, and they would also be killed.

Soon, Song Yichen, Ye Dachuan and three platoons of soldiers came to Cai Wenjie. Because the carriage had overturned, everyone had to squeeze into a small space and wait for Cai Wenjie's instructions.

"Are all the people here?"

"Report! All are due!"

"Is anyone injured?"

"Five people were slightly injured, but they were just minor bumps and no big problems."

Hearing that only five people who accidentally bumped into each other were slightly injured, Cai Wenjie breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his head and looked at the many soldiers in front of him, and talked about the current situation seriously.

"The current situation is not optimistic. The entire armored train is disconnected from the middle part. Although the front half of the train is intact, a major accident occurred in the middle and the back half. Some of the carriages in the middle of the entire train fell out of the railway. The carriages in the back half are also almost completely derailed due to the chain reaction. Now we should be the fastest recovering troops, so I order! Arm yourself as quickly as possible, and then go to rescue other brother troops! Do you understand?"

"Got it!"

"Very good! I will give you one minute. Take as many weapons and equipment as possible to rescue other troops and start the action!"


With Cai Wenjie's order, all the soldiers started to pick up the weapons and equipment that fell on the ground and the various scattered ammunition at their fastest speed, and armed themselves with all their strength at the fastest speed.

Soon a minute passed, and now all the soldiers, including the five slightly injured soldiers, are ready for battle.

Looking at the fully armed soldiers, Cai Wenjie came to the door of the carriage first, turned around and said to the soldiers behind.

"First row, second row, go and rescue Li Jianjun's troops in carriage 39 first, and then go to rescue other troops. Third row, your mission is the most important. Be responsible for guarding against any zombies approaching us and stop them from approaching these carriages."


"Let's go!"

Because the carriage is now overturned, the carriage door and all exits are above everyone's heads. If it were an ordinary person, they might worry about the height of several meters, but for these soldiers, this height is just a drop in the bucket.

All the skills such as building a human ladder and running up the wall were used. In less than a few minutes, all the soldiers got out of the overturned carriage, and immediately began to act according to Cai Wenjie's orders.

The soldiers of the first and second rows, led by the first row leader Ji Liangjie and the second row leader Qi Jiyi, rushed to the No. 39 carriage which had also overturned, and began to rescue Li Jianjun and others inside. The soldiers of the third row followed the third row leader Qian Shiduo and arranged a simple defense line between several carriages to avoid being surrounded by zombies from nowhere.

Cai Wenjie himself did not go with the first or second row to rescue people, but was ready to inform General Yansong about what happened here.

But before Cai Wenjie could contact General Yansong, a communication came from General Yansong.


"Finally connected! Hello, I'm Li Yong from the command center. What's the situation over there? Can you tell me briefly?"

It turned out that the person who contacted Cai Wenjie was Li Yong, the head of the armored train command center. When the armored train shook for a moment due to the rollover, he felt something was wrong, and then found that he could not contact the middle and rear carriages at all. Just when he felt strange, a security guard came over in a panic and told him that a large section of the armored train was missing from the middle.

This made Li Yong feel confused, but he also quickly understood what happened. He quickly contacted General Yansong and reported the loss of contact with some carriages of the armored train and the reality of the rollover.

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