My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 336 New Equipment

As soon as these words came out, Cai Wenjie clearly felt the noise coming from other carriages.

This is not difficult to understand. You have to know that what they are about to face now is a whole border of zombies and even more difficult nuclear mutant zombies. The various troops originally stationed on the border finally died heroically for the border, and no one was left alive. Even the ordinary survivors around the border were killed by zombies because of the complete destruction of the army. The entire border can be said to be the world of zombies.

But even in such a dangerous place, the armored train has to return to the starting point after letting them go. Once they lose the battlefield, there is no place to retreat, and they can only fight the zombies to the end.

In other words, once they lose the battle, what awaits them is endless pursuit and a battlefield with no retreat. If it were soldiers from other countries, this situation would be enough to cause foreign soldiers to mutiny, but now here are soldiers from Country Z. Although they are also briefly surprised like ordinary people, they quickly calmed down, and everyone is ready to sacrifice.

Even if they die, they will take the border back from the zombies, even if they sacrifice their lives for it.

As for Cai Wenjie himself, even if he loses the battle, he can return to his gathering place safely, and even take Li Jianjun and others with him, so he has no burden and no negative emotions. The soldiers of the second company under Cai Wenjie, from the company commander to every ordinary soldier, are all clones exchanged by Cai Wenjie.

Death is not terrible for clones, and they will obey Cai Wenjie's orders 100%, so there will be no fear of war, which is equivalent to high morale and no one is afraid of anyone.

Besides, this time General Yansong brought a whole armored brigade, hundreds of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as fire support forces dedicated to supporting the front battlefield, 24 self-propelled howitzers, 24 122mm rocket launchers, and 24 sets of combined missile and artillery air defense systems.

There are also communications, engineering, repair, transportation, reconnaissance, medical, and various combat auxiliary units. In addition, the terrain of the border is conducive to the movement of armored forces, so they can fight one place and then another, so that the zombies can never catch up with them. In short, it is guerrilla warfare. They used to fight guerrilla warfare in the woods, and now they fight guerrilla warfare in the plains. It's just a change of soup but not medicine. It's an old habit.

Moreover, they are not alone in this operation. There are also air force units stationed around the border, who will fight with them to wipe out the invading zombies in one fell swoop and drive these zombies back to the border completely. Of course, because zombies have no habit of retreating, they are likely to die in human guns and artillery.

After the broadcast, Cai Wenjie led his second company to finish the breakfast sent over, and then took the soldiers directly to the No. 37 carriage where weapons and equipment were stored. In order to be on the safe side, Cai Wenjie decided to familiarize himself with the new equipment in advance.

"Song Yichen!"


"Take the soldiers to get familiar with the new equipment, don't find out that they can't use it when they are on the battlefield"


After Cai Wenjie gave Song Yichen instructions, he also came to a dark box and began to put on the individual exoskeleton protective suit with some inexperience, because there was a way to put on this protective suit on the top of each dark box, so there was no need to worry about not knowing how to put it on.

After about ten minutes, Cai Wenjie finally put on this individual exoskeleton protective suit, and then began to do simple movements to see if there was anything wrong. He raised his hands, raised his feet, and did a few squats. There was no big problem. The only problem was that the ventilation of this equipment was not very good, but it was understandable. After all, it was used to prevent radiation. If the ventilation was really good, Cai Wenjie would not even dare to wear this suit to go out and fight against nuclear mutant zombies.

The surrounding soldiers also dressed neatly one after another. Not to mention that although this individual exoskeleton protective suit was troublesome to wear, it looked pretty handsome. You can visit the appearance of the exoskeleton that appeared in the future war in Call of Duty.

Of course, it is still not as good as the individual exoskeleton armor sold in the system.

After a little movement, Cai Wenjie looked at the rows of new weapons on the gun rack next to him. To be honest, Cai Wenjie didn't recognize any of the weapons on the gun rack. It was probably because these weapons were specially developed to deal with zombies, so they were not equipped to all troops in the country at the first time, but were first equipped to the front-line troops in small batches, that is, the troops on this train.

Not only are there rows of weapons hanging on the gun rack, but also their instructions for use. There is also a screen next to each gun rack, which contains the instructions for use of each firearm and maintenance methods, which is quite user-friendly.

Cai Wenjie picked up a rifle-like weapon and played with it. For safety reasons, Cai Wenjie first checked whether there was live ammunition installed before playing with it. After removing the magazine, he repeatedly pulled up the bolt to confirm that there were no bullets left in it, and then he was confident and bold to get started and get familiar with it.

"The magazine capacity is fifty rounds. The entire gun body uses a template similar to the HK416. It is two kilograms heavier than the ordinary Type 95 rifle, but the impact is not significant. The gun body has multiple rails that can be installed with various tactical equipment. It is compatible with firing 8mm and 62mm bullets!"

Cai Wenjie was familiar with this new weapon while reading the gun manual. When he read the middle paragraph, he was completely stunned. It turned out that this gun could actually fire 7mm large-caliber bullets, which was specially used to deal with mutant zombies with relatively strong bodies, and truly achieved the purpose of anti-mutated zombies.

"It's simply crazy. If it is not used with an exoskeleton, just carrying ammunition would be a big problem for ordinary soldiers.

Not only rifles, but even pistols on the gun rack can be compatible with firing 7mm bullets. The appearance of the entire pistol can basically refer to the extended version of the Desert Eagle. However, compared with the Desert Eagle, this new pistol is more powerful, and its recoil is half of that of the Desert Eagle, so there is no need to worry about breaking your wrist while shooting.

Of course, there is a very serious problem with being able to fire such large-caliber bullets, that is, the gunshot is too loud, which can easily attract enemies from very far away, especially monsters like zombies. Once a shot is fired, all zombies within a kilometer radius can be attracted.

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