My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 259 Church Gathering Place

Ten minutes had passed since Xiong Ba was brought to Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun, tied up.

Cai Wenjie shook his head as he looked at Xiong Ba, who was tied up. When he saw a strange tattoo on Xiong Ba's left wrist, he guessed that Xiong Ba belonged to that organization.

The tattoo looked like a hand with five fingers open and holding a sun, which was the standard of the [Doomsday Cult].

So Cai Wenjie recognized the organization behind Xiong Ba without any difficulty. For such a cult, Cai Wenjie had only one way to deal with it, which was to send him directly to the King of Hell.

But he was not the only one present, so Cai Wenjie waited patiently for Li Jianjun to finish questioning Xiong Ba.

"Tell me, why do you carry so many weapons? And what's the matter with the blood plague heart in the bag?"

The interrogation process was not smooth. How to say it, although Xiong Ba surrendered, he was surprisingly tight-lipped and did not reveal the meaning of the cult at all. For such a person, although there are ways to make him speak out, Li Jianjun can't, because he represents the official, so naturally this matter fell on Cai Wenjie.

"Sorry for bothering you"

"It's okay, it's very simple, wait for me for a few minutes"

Cai Wenjie pulled the tied Xiong Ba out of the room where Li Jianjun was without any burden, and then found an empty room and threw Xiong Ba in.

"Ahem! What are you going to do! You can't use lynching or violence to force me!"

Looking at the hysterical Xiong Ba, Cai Wenjie didn't say a word of nonsense, and directly took out the MK23 pistol with a silencer, and shot him in the head in Xiong Ba's unbelievable eyes.


With a gunshot, Xiong Ba left the world forever. A moment later, the brand new Xiong Ba opened his eyes again.

"Report to the chief! Xiong Ba reports!"

"Well, go out and explain everything you know to Brother Li in detail."


When Cai Wenjie brought Xiong Ba, who had been transformed into a clone, back to the room where Li Jianjun was, everyone was shocked. After all, Cai Wenjie had not left for a minute and brought Xiong Ba back here.

Then, with a look from Cai Wenjie, Xiong Ba began to explain to Li Jianjun in detail all the information he knew.

When Li Jianjun heard Xiong Ba's explanation, he was shocked at first, and then he was endlessly angry.

"It's too abominable. It's time now, and these cults still dare to harm people like this. I will report it to the central government immediately. I can't let these cults harm people anymore."

Looking at the angry Li Jianjun, Cai Wenjie didn't think it was any use. You know, this so-called [Doomsday Cult] is a swollen cult that survived to the late Doomsday.

You can imagine how big the scale of this cult is.

"Brother Li, leave him to me. I just happen to be short of coolies. No! In order to make him change his evil ways, I think some physical labor is essential."

"Okay, but first let him write a detailed description of the cult, and let me submit it to the central government."

"Of course, no problem."

Just when Cai Wenjie and others were discussing how to get Xiong Ba to write a detailed intelligence report, a group of people in a remote mountain village were wearing Qiyi costumes and worshiping a strange stone statue, or in other words, they were worshiping.

This is also the gathering place of the cult that spread all over the world in the future, the [Doomsday Cult]. The current cult is still a bit crude, and the number of people in the entire cult is barely a hundred, but what's interesting is that there are many young men and women among these cultists.

"Great God, please protect your loyal believers and keep us safe from the zombies."

A mysterious man in a black cloak, holding a book woven with unknown words, stood in front of hundreds of believers, shouting the words just now with great emotion, and every time the mysterious man in the black cloak said a sentence, the believers below repeated it, and there was a fanatical expression on their faces.

Interestingly, there was a circle of very thin red mist around this group of people, that is, the red mist emitted by the heart of the blood plague.

As mentioned earlier, this red mist has a strong hallucinogenic effect. Although the red mist here is relatively thin, it can still make people have various hallucinations. In the hallucination, these believers are worshiping an indescribable thing, simply put, the so-called God.

If you look closely, you will find that the mysterious man in a black cloak standing in front of everyone is wearing a high-performance gas mask, and looking at the believers kneeling down, there is also a faint contempt in his eyes.

In fact, he is the founder of this [Doomsday Cult] and the leader of this evil cult. At first, he deliberately fabricated the so-called god just for fun, and then accidentally discovered the magical effect of the Heart of Plague. When he was testing the red mist of the Heart of Plague, he was discovered by other believers who were deceived. In order to maintain his personality, he had no choice but to lie and said that this was the divine power given to him by God.

After a period of deception, the believer actually believed it, and then the news that the leader could use divine power spread from one to two, two to four, and the news became more and more outrageous, and finally it became that the leader was immune to all poisons because of his belief in God, and could use divine power to control zombies.

Anyway, in the end, this leader completely became the spokesperson of God in the world. As long as everyone tries their best to worship God, everyone will become like the leader in the end, immune to all poisons, and walk through the corpses in the doomsday without being hurt.

"God's loyal believers, go and attract more people to join the [Doomsday Cult], so that we can get God's grace faster and end this experience faster."

That's right, the doomsday has been fooled by him into being an experience sent by God. Only through this experience can they be qualified to live in the new world created by God.

And attracting new members is also very simple and crude. The believers here will randomly join an official gathering place, and then find a suitable person in the gathering place first, and then perform the so-called corpse control ability on him. As long as this person lets down his guard a little, then these people will use the red mist that has been prepared long ago to make him inhale it, and force him to brainwash when he falls into hallucination. If successful, he will join the church. If unsuccessful, he will look for a new target again.

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