My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 258 [Doomsday Almighty Church]

Almost instantly, rifles, heavy machine guns, and grenade launchers all attacked the survivors on the opposite side at the same time, and prioritized attacking the survivors with heavy firepower on the opposite side.

The survivors on the opposite side did not look like ordinary people. They were too scared to move. Instead, after taking a breath of joy, they immediately used their weapons to fight back at the soldiers.

"Fuck! When it's over, see how I deal with that brat. He knows how to find trouble for me all day long."

The strong man who once shouted to the sentry that he was a good guy was now staring at the young boy who had hidden behind the others with an unlucky look on his face, and then kept using his weapon in his hand to point at the opponent. The soldiers were firing.

The same was true for other survivors. They used buildings to resist the soldiers' shooting, and at the same time used their weapons to shoot at the soldiers. The entire rear of the train station immediately became one, and the sound of fighting here also alarmed Cai Wenjie. and Li Jianjun.

"What happened? Why are there sounds of fighting in the rear? Xiao Li, go find out!"

"Yes! Chief!"

Li Jianjun was the first to react, and then ordered his personal guards to check the situation, but Cai Wenjie didn't say any nonsense at all, and went directly to the rooftop of the train station.

"Shunliu, what happened?"

"Report to the chief! A group of heavily armed survivors came from behind the train station a few minutes ago."

From the rooftop, Shun Liu observed everything clearly from beginning to end, and directly reported everything he saw and heard to Cai Wenjie without reservation.

Although it was dark now, Shunliu could see everything effortlessly due to the large number of bright lights and searchlights.

After listening to Shunliu's explanation, Cai Wenjie nodded, indicating that he understood, and then thought for a few seconds before giving the order.

"Shunliu, you take your sharpshooter platoon to support the sentries in the rear. Just leave one alive for questioning. You can take care of the rest."


Upon receiving the order, Shunliu immediately mobilized a platoon of soldiers under his personal command and began to provide sniper assistance to the sentries behind the train station.

Help the sentries and soldiers in the rear to snipe at hostile militants.

The distance between the rooftop and the fighting parties is no more than 500 meters, so the soldiers' sniping ability is very good. They basically kill one person with one shot, and because of habit, everyone who is sniped is shot with one shot. Killed by a headshot, there is no chance of survival.

Because this was a rare opportunity, Shunliu did not shoot the gun himself, but began to train his soldiers and teach various shooting techniques.

The battle didn't last long at all, and the sniper's sniping left a curtain, and the last remaining survivor completely lost the intention to resist and walked out from behind the building with his hands raised.

"Stop fighting! I surrender, I surrender!"

This lucky survivor is none other than the leader of this group of militants. His name is Xiong Ba. Before the end of the world, he was a gangster registered in the national system, and he was also a gangster that the country focused on cracking down on.

He had been arrested before for various crimes such as robbery, theft, intentional injury to others, and gun reselling. No, to be precise, he should have been arrested on the way in.

That's right, the gangster who was about to be arrested got a chance to be free because of the outbreak of the apocalypse. Xiong Ba did not give up this opportunity. He took advantage of the police's opportunity to deal with the zombies, escaped from the police car, and boldly He used the bricks he picked up to sneak attack a lone policeman, found the key to the handcuffs, and also obtained the pistol carried by the policeman.

After Xiong Ba opened the handcuffs, he did not run away directly. Instead, he relied on the marksmanship he had learned while selling guns for many years and attacked the police who were trying their best to evacuate the people. When Xiong Ba attacked the police, the police also reacted and started. Fight back.

However, because there were too many people around for fear of accidentally injuring ordinary people, the police did not fully exert their full strength and were timid about shooting. This gave Xiong Ba an opportunity, because the police would consider the safety of the people, but he No, by using the people around him as hostages, Xiong Ba easily killed all the remaining policemen.

After succeeding, Xiong Ba searched for the pistols and bullets of other police officers, and then left the scene calmly. By the time police support arrived, Xiong Ba had already fled.

And because he was afraid that the police would use cameras to track him, he kept dressing up and destroying cameras on the way to escape, which allowed him to escape.

Then Xiong Ba also joined a church organization.

If you are an ordinary person with formal education, you will probably disdain the church's remarks, but what if this organization really has the ability to prevent zombies from attacking people? Do ordinary people believe it? If you don’t believe this, then if you can control zombies, do you believe it?

At this time, many ordinary people will choose to believe in and join this organization because of this special ability. The same is true for Xiong Ba. From the beginning, he was dismissive, but in the end after seeing this ability to control zombies, he immediately transformed into Joined the [Doomsday Almighty Cult] for a fanatical believer.

Then he followed the orders of the so-called divine envoys at the top of the church and planted a so-called seed everywhere, and this seed was actually the heart of the blood plague.

The Plague Heart that caused Zhou Weiguo to suffer a setback last time was actually made by Xiong Ba.

And the so-called method of this [Doomsday Almighty Church] to prevent zombies from attacking people is actually to carry a fragment of the Plague Heart with you. Because the Plague Heart produces a small amount of red mist, it will temporarily make the zombies lose their desire for people. After a period of time, the zombies will return to their original appearance, but by then the people have long disappeared.

And controlling zombies is also very simple, and it is still done by using the red mist of the Plague Heart. As long as it is used properly, not to mention controlling zombies, even mutant zombies can be controlled for one or two seconds.

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