My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 253 The Coming Night

Now most of the zombies in the entire YJ city should have been eliminated, but even so, zombies are still pouring into the train station from all directions.

With the firepower support of the armed helicopter, the difficulty of defense has been reduced a lot, but it is still difficult, because the main force attacking the train station is not ordinary zombies, but mutant zombies.

From the beginning of a large number of ordinary zombies with a small number of mutant zombies, to the current large number of mutant zombies with a small number of ordinary zombies, the difficulty of defense can be said to have soared from ordinary to difficult.

A large number of unnamed mutant zombies, the attack is not like ordinary zombies, they will only go forward, but will constantly change their attack positions in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast. Once the attack in any direction is taken care of by the focus of firepower, the mutant zombies will change the attack direction and continue to attack.

In addition to the more common mutant zombies, Cai Wenjie even saw blood plague zombies with blood red all over their bodies, and they were the more difficult blood plague mutant zombies among the blood plague zombies.

As mentioned before, these blood plague mutant zombies will grow a very hard substance on their heads or limbs, like a bulletproof helmet, which will block bullets for blood plague mutant zombies.

Although this strange substance has grown, the speed of blood plague mutant zombies has not been affected at all, and they are still running very fast. So when the soldiers found a blood-red mutant zombie breaking through layers of defense at a very fast speed and about to come to the front of the train station, they all aimed their heavy weapons at this blood-red figure.

Heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, flamethrowers, high-explosive grenades and other weapons were all used by the soldiers at the same time. In an instant, the blood plague mutant zombies, which were originally like the brave generals who attacked the city in ancient times, were completely withered under the heavy firepower of the soldiers.

Let's not talk about other things, let's talk about the heavy machine gun. The 7mm armor-piercing shell fired by the Type 89 heavy machine gun penetrated the unique armor of the blood plague mutant zombie without any suspense, and directly produced a fatal limb splitting effect on the blood plague mutant zombie. A 7mm armor-piercing shell accurately hit the leg joint of the blood plague mutant zombie and also removed one of its legs.

The blood plague mutant zombie with one leg removed completely lost its high mobility and became a piece of meat to be slaughtered. As mentioned earlier, it was concentrated by heavy firepower, so when the heavy machine gun hit the blood plague mutant zombie, the subsequent grenades, rockets, grenades and the like directly blew the disabled blood plague mutant zombie into minced meat.

But there was not only one blood plague mutant zombie on the battlefield. More and more mutant zombies advanced dozens of meters while the blood plague mutant zombies concentrated their fire, and the distance to the railway station was less than 100 meters.

At this time, the armed helicopters had run out of ammunition, so they had no choice but to evacuate the battlefield as soon as possible and return to the airport to replenish their ammunition.

After losing the support of the air force, the mutant zombies pushed the front line forward another 20 meters. Now they are less than 80 meters away from the train station. As long as there is an accident at the firepower point in the train station, the zombies will seize this opportunity and continue to push the front line forward.

The current situation can be said to be completely imminent. Seeing that the front line of the battlefield is advancing step by step towards the train station, Cai Wenjie can only sigh and use the communication device to issue such an order to the mortar team in the rear.

"Mortar team, replace the high-explosive bombs you are using with napalm bombs, and then wait for my order!"

"Mortar team received!"

After giving the order to the mortar team, Cai Wenjie began to contact the soldiers of various firepower.

"Attention all firepower units. In one minute, the mortar team in the rear will fire napalm bombs. After the mortar team fires the napalm bombs, you will be responsible for killing the zombies that have not been affected! Do you understand?"


After giving all the instructions, Cai Wenjie began to look at the time on the communication device and began to calculate. One minute later, Cai Wenjie issued a bombing order to the mortar team in the rear through the communication terminal.

"Mortar team, three rapid napalm bombs, fire!"


Following Cai Wenjie's order, the mortar team in the rear put the napalm bombs that had been prepared long ago into the mortar in front of them, and then with a burst of mortar-specific firing sounds, the first batch of 12 napalm bombs directly hit the zombies 100 meters away from the train station, followed by the second batch and the third batch.

A total of 36 napalm bombs were used to bombard the entire zombie group evenly. Suddenly, the front of the train station was full of zombies engulfed by flames. Whether they were ordinary zombies or mutant zombies, they all received a fair share of the flames produced by the napalm bombs.

The various firepower points inside the train station also took this opportunity to open fire at full power, giving a fatal blow to the zombies that were running around in the flames.

A large number of bullets, shells, and grenades were thrown at the zombie group desperately as if they were free. A large number of zombies were confused by the sudden bombing attack, and the firepower points that opened fire at full power after the bombing directly killed a large number of zombies and mutant zombies.

The battle line of the entire battlefield was suddenly returned to the time when the zombies first attacked the train station. Now the distance between the zombies and the train station has returned to about 300 meters.

"The effect is good, but the road leading to the outside of the train station should be rebuilt again."

Cai Wenjie looked at the results outside, nodded with satisfaction, and then looked up at the sky. Now the sky has appeared the unique scene of sunset. The sky is made red by the setting sun, just like the zombies in front of the train station are being burned by the inextinguishable flames.

"It seems that we will suffer at night."

Cai Wenjie sighed as he looked at the disappearing sun, then turned around and ordered the soldiers beside him.

"It will be dark soon, turn on all the high-power strong light we brought!"


After hearing Cai Wenjie's order, the soldier first shouted "yes" and ran away from the rooftop to convey Cai Wenjie's order below.

Ten minutes later, a large number of high-power strong lights were set up in various places in the train station, ready for the coming night. Because of the fear of unstable power supply in the city, Cai Wenjie also brought several extra diesel generators for emergency use.

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