My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 252 Sacrifice

After being rescued by the frontline troops who came to rescue, he followed the troops and continued to do logistics until all the combatants died.

When only the logistics personnel and communication personnel were left, he was the first to stand up and lead the remaining logistics troops to make a final resistance.

In fact, the surviving soldiers knew clearly that the probability of surviving today was close to zero, and it could be said that they would definitely die, but even so, they did not want to sit and wait for death.

Rather than dying quietly, it is better to do a big fight before death, at least dragging hundreds or thousands of zombies to die with them, which is also very good.

So the remaining soldiers decided to obey his orders, even if his position was a cook.

When the cook led the remaining troops to reappear on the position, almost at the same time, all the zombies or mutant zombies near the position noticed such a group of people, and then began to charge at this group of soldiers.

"The zombies are right in front of us! Brothers, charge! Kill!"


If there were still bullets on the position, they would not have to fight the zombies in such a suicidal way, but there was no way. There were no bullets here. The few remaining bullets were left for themselves. At least they could maintain their sanity when they sacrificed. ♦♦  ♦♦

The soldiers rushed towards the zombies not far away like crazy with their bayonets, and the zombies also roared and rushed towards the soldiers. In less than a few seconds, the soldiers and the zombies collided violently.

The bayonets equipped on the rifles stabbed the zombies' heads fiercely. Because of the impact brought by the charge, the soldiers easily stabbed the bayonets into the zombies' brains, and then twisted and pulled them hard.

No zombie could resist this move and died in minutes.

Of course, not all soldiers can accurately stab the bayonet into the zombie's head, so some soldiers will kick the zombie hard first, and then quickly stab the zombie's vitals with the bayonet when the zombie falls to the ground, and then kill it with one blow.

In less than a few seconds, the soldiers solved all the zombies in front of them, but at the same time they were trapped in the encirclement of zombies.

Just when the zombies and mutant zombies were about to slaughter these soldiers, the cooks and other soldiers threw away their bayonets and shouted.

"Brothers! See you at the Martyrs' Cemetery!! Kill!"

After shouting, the soldiers present lifted up their clothes, revealing the high-explosive bombs tied to their bodies, and then shouted and charged at the zombies again.

The soldiers' fearless charge could not scare off the zombies, so when the zombies found that the food in their eyes was rushing towards them, they rushed to meet them, fearing that their food would be eaten by other zombies if they were one step late.

A new recruit who had just joined the army for less than half a year, like other veterans, had a bomb tied to his body and ran towards the zombies with a determined face. Before long, his body was covered with zombies that wanted to eat him.

These zombies were not polite at all. They used their rotten hands to tear off a piece of meat from the new recruit, and then put it into their mouths to chew it. During this period, the zombie's eyes were always staring at other parts of the new recruit.

The other zombies were the same. Some pulled off the meat with their hands, and some bit it directly. Anyway, the new recruits were already covered with zombies, and there were even many zombies surrounding them, wanting to share a bite of meat.

But even if a piece of meat was torn off by the zombies, the new recruit didn't make a sound, nor did he scream at all. Instead, he laughed. He clearly remembered that his squad leader told him that once infected by zombies, it would only take one minute from infection to mutation, so he was repeatedly told not to be hurt by zombies.

"Sorry, squad leader, I didn't make it as promised, but fortunately, I can go see you now."

After the recruit finished saying this silently, he used his last strength to press the detonation button that he had been holding in his hand.

At the moment when the recruit was about to turn into a zombie, the bomb on his body exploded.


With a huge explosion, a huge fireball rose up, followed by a huge shock wave. With the recruit as the center point, the zombies within a radius of dozens of meters were all blown into a pile of bloody corpses by the bomb.

Even the zombies a hundred meters away fell to the ground because of the shock wave.

The self-explosion of this recruit was like a signal. More and more explosions occurred on this position. Each explosion represented the sacrifice of one person, and also represented a large group of zombies being blown up to the sky.

A total of 24 explosions sounded on the position. 24 living people took away nearly 2,000 zombies and a dozen mutant zombies with their own lives.

No one will remember their sacrifice, and no one even knows what happened on this position, except Cai Wenjie.

Cai Wenjie, who used the system satellite to check the border in advance, witnessed the grand explosion with his own eyes, and fully realized what the soldiers of Country Z are like.

"Although no one except me saw your heroic sacrifice, I will remember your faces firmly and will always remember your glorious moments. Go with peace of mind, I will take over your mission"

Cai Wenjie's self-talk did not attract the attention of others, because the train station was attacked by zombies again, and everyone was busy using their weapons to deal with the zombies outside as much as possible to prevent them from breaking in.

After Cai Wenjie finished talking to himself, he began to take out his weapons to help other soldiers defend the train station.

In addition, Li Jianjun's air force also completed the supply and began to urgently support the train station.

A large number of armed helicopters and various transport helicopters came to the train station. Among them, the armed helicopters were responsible for helping the soldiers in the train station to clean up the zombies outside, while the transport helicopters transported a large amount of food and water. Although there were also ammunition supplies, there were not many because there were no suitable bullets to send here.

After all, their air force did not need any army weapons, let alone ammunition.

When Li Jianjun saw his air force also came to the train station, he immediately contacted the helicopter pilot with a communication device.

"You came just in time! Go and lead away the zombies that continue to come up behind, and don't let more zombies notice the situation here!"

"Pigeon No. 1 received!"

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