My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 18: Visit

Cai Wenjie looked for a while and found nothing wrong, so he nodded and asked

"Excuse me, what's the matter?"

Hua Lan'er's heart skipped a beat when she saw the appearance of the man in front of her, she took back her police officer certificate and said with a blush.

"That's it. I need to register the population in the house so that I can distribute supplies evenly in the future and confirm whether the head of the household is at home. If there is no one at home, I need to register in time."

Hua Laner means that if relief materials are distributed in the future, in order to avoid the situation where one household receives more than one person, some people will not be able to receive the materials.

"Also, from now on, it is forbidden to go out unless there is something important or to buy daily necessities. However, because this is a village and the population is not large, it is fine as long as you do not leave the village. Not in the city. The city has restricted going out. "

Cai Wenjie listened to Hua Lan'er's announcement and nodded to show that he understood.

Hua Lan'er took out her notebook and pen, looked sideways at the address number written outside the door, and began to record it in her notes.

"There are three people in my family, namely my father Cai Shoufu, my mother Li Fengjin, and myself. My name is Cai Wenjie. This is my grandparents' house. We came back here from the city to celebrate the New Year and pay homage to the two elderly people."

While Cai Wenjie was talking, Hua Lan'er also started taking notes. After taking notes, Hua Lan'er turned the notebook to what was written at the end. After writing, she tore off the paper and handed it to Cai Wenjie.

"Well, I have written it all down. Here, this is my phone number. If anything happens, call here and I will come to help. By the way, I will come here at the same time every day to confirm the number of people. It's okay. If it’s going to happen, I’ll go to the next one, goodbye.”

After saying hello to Hua Laner, he walked to the next house, and Cai Wenjie also closed the iron door.

After returning to the house, I thought about it and handed the note to my mother.

"Mom, take it. If something happens while I'm away, call this number. Someone should come to help."

Immediately, Cai Ma smiled like an aunt, as if she understood something, and agreed.

"Don't worry, son, leave this matter to your mother and me. I will arrange everything for you."

Cai Wenjie's head was filled with questions after what Cai's mother said. Cai Wenjie originally wanted to ask Cai's mother to call the policewoman to save her life and complete the task when the zombie virus broke out in the city, but how could this be heard? Something is wrong.

However, Cai Wenjie didn't take it too seriously, shrugged and sniffed.

"Mom, what's messed up?"

"Is there any? Oops, I stewed chicken with mushrooms."

Cai's mother looked panicked and hurriedly entered the kitchen and started to make repairs. ♦♦  ♦♦

Cai Wenjie went up to the second floor and greeted Father Cai.

"Okay, no need to hide, the police are leaving."

After hearing Cai Wenjie's words, Cai Shoufu's tense and stiff body relaxed. To be honest, Cai Shoufu has always been a good and law-abiding citizen in the past, but now he openly carries weapons at home. It would be a lie to say that he is not nervous.

When Cai Wenjie went to open the door, Cai Shoufu hid the gun under the sofa, then carefully moved to the window, exposed one eye and observed secretly. When he saw the police, Cai Shoufu hid it even more carefully. I didn't dare to make a sound.

Afraid of being discovered and arrested.

And because he was afraid that someone would be discovered if he observed for a long time, Cai Shoufu took a quick look and quickly sat on the sofa with the TV remote control in one hand, staring at the TV, pretending to be watching TV seriously.

But if someone is watching, they will find that the remote control in Cai’s father’s hand is reversed, and he is still looking at the female sanitary napkin GG. If he looks seriously and does not read the content, he will believe that he is learning from Cai Wenjie.

"By the way, let me tell you that the policeman will visit you every day from now on."

Cai Shoufu's body that had just relaxed began to stiffen again. Seeing this scene, Cai Wenjie shook his head in amusement.

"It's okay, Dad, just relax, you'll get used to it."

After saying that, he grabbed the remote control from Father Cai's hand, changed the TV signal to wireless network mode, and started looking for movies to watch.

"Dad, I'll find a zombie movie for you. You can read it for reference."

Then Cai Wenjie started to play the movie "World War Z".

To be honest, the zombies in World War Z are very similar to the zombies that will appear in the future. With the same rapid infection, the zombies run extremely fast and can build zombie walls and climb walls. Although real zombies will not stack up zombies as exaggeratedly as in the movie. wall.

But they will also trample under their feet those who are unlucky enough to fall and use them as stepping stones.

Father Cai was watching indifferently, but he was obviously shocked after the zombies appeared.

"Wenjie, are all these zombies so cruel?"

At this time, the movie was showing a scene of a man in a red coat who was infected and turned into a zombie in less than ten seconds.

Cai Wenjie watched with interest from the side. Hearing Father Cai's obviously surprised words, he thought about it and said this.

"Absolutely, but the time from being infected to turning into a zombie is not that fast. The 10 seconds in the movie is a bit exaggerated. It should be one minute."

Of course, the words ten years later would be almost ten seconds like the movie. Cai Wenjie didn’t say this because he didn’t want Cai’s father to be too desperate.

If Cai's father could hear what Cai Wenjie was thinking, he would definitely complain. It wouldn't make a big difference, it would only give him 50 seconds more life.

No matter what his father's expression was, Cai Wenjie was still watching the movie. He laughed out loud when he saw the scene where the doctor fell and committed suicide.

"He still holds a gun like this? He even shot himself. He is so talented, hahahaha"

"Dad, don't learn from him. Practice your gun well, or I won't recognize you."

Cai Wenjie joked with his father, asking him to remember the importance of gun safety

Seeing his father nod and agree to learn well, Cai Wenjie continued to watch the movie. The plot came to the plot where the protagonist went to Israel. Accompanied by local officials, he visited the separation wall built for the end of the world.

The Gate of Redemption in Jerusalem is 50 meters high and 2 meters wide, with ten exits. To be honest, Cai Wenjie also wants this kind of arrangement around the village. Although the village is surrounded by mountains and cliffs on three sides, one more insurance means one more point of safety, right?

Then in the plot, a woman took a microphone to lead people to sing together, which led to the zombies to build a zombie wall and climb over the wall. Cai Wenjie was speechless. There are such stupid people in the world. Knowing that zombies rely on hearing, they still make such a loud noise.

If someone really did this in reality, in order to protect his own safety, Cai Wenjie would definitely kill the woman first.

After watching the rest of the plot, Cai Wenjie heard the sound of his mother eating downstairs, turned off the TV and went downstairs to eat with Cai's father.

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