My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 17 System Tasks

Cai Wenjie was very satisfied with the country's approach. Let's put it this way. Although other countries in the world have also closed their borders, only a few have entered a state of war preparedness.

Not to mention the highest level of first-level war preparedness. After all, they are afraid that the United States wants to perish together, so they must guard against it.

Cai Wenjie stared at the TV and communicated with the system in his mind.

"System, please list the tasks."


Task 1: First kill

D-level task

Task target: Kill 10 zombies

Task introduction: The desperate end of the world has finally begun. All the strong men in the end of the world start by killing zombies. As the owner of the system, you will definitely be extraordinary in the future. As the first step out of the end of the world, kill 10 zombies to prove yourself.

Task reward:


Full set of individual tactical equipment type 1*1

Task 2: Good or evil?

D-level mission

Mission objective:

(Optional) Help a survivor in crisis

(Optional) Kill a survivor

Mission reward:


Barrett M99 sniper rifle*1

Mission introduction: In the end times when the law collapses, whether to be good or evil is all up to you. Choose whether to be a good person who helps others or a bad person who does all kinds of evil.

Mission 3: Gold? Gold!

D-level mission

Mission objective: Obtain gold worth more than 1000 points

Mission reward:


One kilogram of gold bars*5

Mission introduction: Gold is always hard currency at any time. Go, the unmanned gold is waiting for you!

After seeing the tasks arranged, Cai Wenjie asked the system curiously

"System, you can't say that these three tasks are three choices, right?"

"Report to the leader, the system tasks are to make the leader grow faster, so there are no restrictions and no penalties. You can complete three tasks at the same time, or you can complete one task alone."

After listening to the system's answer, Cai Wenjie nodded secretly and asked again

"How often does this task refresh? If I accept the task and it reaches the refresh time, will it be refreshed?"

"Please rest assured, the leader will not be refreshed after accepting the task, unless you give up the task. The task refresh time is the 1st of each month.

On the 1st of each month, except for the accepted tasks, other unaccepted tasks will be refreshed, and a maximum of 3 tasks will be displayed each time."

"As for the content of the tasks, the system will arrange them reasonably according to the situation of the leader. There will be no tasks that will definitely kill you. Please rest assured. If the task cannot be completed, you can directly give up the task without punishment."

This system is simply a caring little cotton jacket, the kind of pure cotton, unlike the systems in other novels, which are always obliterated, and are simply ruthless harvesting machines.

On the contrary, although Cai Wenjie's system is not as powerful as the systems in other novels, it is indeed the most suitable system for the current situation.

After finishing the communication with the system in his mind, Cai Wenjie turned to look at his parents.

"Mom and Dad, let's say goodbye to the people we know while we still have some time. After the zombie outbreak in a few days, we can basically only stay in the village."

After hearing what their son said, Cai's father and mother felt that it made sense. They also contacted their friends and agreed to have a farewell dinner together tomorrow, and the location was still the service building.

Cai Wenjie also supported his parents' decision, because the first zombie outbreak in Z country was on January 2, which is tomorrow, and the location was at the CL airport in FZ City, a coastal city in the south, which is far away from here. The location of the first zombie outbreak in YJ City where Cai Wenjie is located is unknown. It is only known that it was at 10 am on January 3.

This forced Cai Wenjie to give up his original plan to eliminate the first zombie outbreak.

Seeing Cai's father and mother talking to friends and relatives, Cai Wenjie left the living room and returned to his room on the third floor to take a break. He had done what he should do and what he shouldn't do. Now he had to wait until the zombie virus broke out in the city, and then he could go into the city to hunt and complete the mission.

At the same time, in the Municipal Public Security Bureau of YJ City,

the Public Security Bureau Director Li Jianjun received an order from above. From 3 pm, the whole city will be formally taken over by the army and military control will be implemented. The Public Security Bureau and its subordinate police stations must do their best to assist the army in completing the takeover.

This year, 40-year-old Li Jianjun heard for the first time that the city was to be under military control.

It happened that Li Jianjun knew the military chief who took over the city this time. When he was in the army, the chief was Li Jianjun's squad leader. They trained and slept together. Later, when he retired from the army, Li Jianjun chose to be a policeman, and then made unimaginable efforts for others to step by step to his current position.

The troops that were about to take over the city were local guard troops, which were originally stationed in YJ. This time, they were ordered by the JL Provincial Military Region of the Northern Theater to officially take over YJ City and implement military control at 3 pm.

The military chief in charge of this operation was named Zhang Fuguo, who was 45 years old this year, with a rank of colonel and was also the head of the Air Force Regiment.

Zhang Fuguo, who was handling military affairs in the office, suddenly received an urgent order from above, ordering the military control of each defense zone. Although he was a little confused, Zhang Fuguo didn't think too much about it. Soldiers must obey orders.

Soon, under Zhang Fuguo's order, the troops gathered urgently and entered the city on time at 3 pm.

We began to fortify major intersections and issue announcements, asking people to stay at home. Except for purchasing necessary daily necessities and important matters, they were not allowed to go out at any time.

The public security organs also began to assist the army in calming the people.

We also began to conduct door-to-door visits and conduct population registration records so that no household would be left behind when rationing supplies in the future.

At this time, Cai Wenjie had just woken up and realized that it was five o'clock in the afternoon. When he went downstairs, he found his father familiarizing himself with the pistol, and his mother was washing vegetables and seemed to be ready to finish cooking.

Just as he was about to go to the kitchen to get a drink of water, the iron door outside the house rang.

After signaling Dad Cai to hide the gun with his eyes, Cai Wenjie put on his shoes and walked out of the house towards the iron gate in Yanzili.

"Here, who is it?"

Cai Wenjie shouted as he walked

And a gentle and clear female voice came from outside the house.

"Hello, I am a police officer from Xinguang Police Station. I am here to confirm the population. Please open the door."

Hearing the sound outside the iron gate, Cai Wenjie opened the iron gate and found a female police officer wearing a police uniform outside the iron gate. This female police officer had short shoulder-length hair, a beautiful and dignified appearance, and a smile on her lips. The iron door opened, and the original smile became gentler.

The policewoman's name is Hua Lan'er. She just graduated from the police academy and was assigned to a rural police station. This is her third month of working here and her first time going out to work.

"Hello, I am a police officer from Xinguang Police Station. This is my ID."

With that said, Hua Laner took out her ID from the pocket of her police uniform and showed her identity to Cai Wenjie.

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