My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 234: Seizing the Train Station

On the other side, Cai Wenjie led his convoy to the train station first. When he and Li Jianjun made a plan to seize the train station, they had already discussed how to allocate the work. Read М

Li Jianjun's main force is the air force, which is responsible for attracting zombies to the outside of the city and then concentrated bombing, while Cai Wenjie led his ground forces to quickly clean up and capture the train station.

As for Li Jianjun's ground forces, to put it nicely, they came here as a reserve force, responsible for replacing Cai Wenjie's troops when they suffered heavy casualties.

"Attention, all units, we have arrived at the mission site, get off the car immediately! Be ready for battle at any time!"


[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network β†’π‘‘π‘€π‘˜π‘Žπ‘›.π‘π‘œπ‘š]

With Cai Wenjie's order, the convoy that had just arrived at the train station immediately deployed a battle formation. As before, four infantry fighting vehicles were lined up in sequence as the first line of defense. After that, countless soldiers immediately jumped out of the troop transport trucks or armored vehicles, and then began to deploy heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, and other heavy firepower behind the infantry fighting vehicles.

Because the battle scene this time was in the city, Cai Wenjie did not concentrate all the armed forces in the front, but divided a part of the troops and deployed them on the left and right sides of the convoy and the rear of the convoy, ready to encounter sneak attacks at any time.

At this time, a large number of zombies in the train station also noticed the situation outside, and then rushed out like crazy, that is, in the direction of the convoy.

Although the zombies in the train station ran towards the convoy outside, they were all blocked by the small entrance of the train station without exception. Because the gate of the train station was made of glass of a special material, the protection was very strong, so strong that it blocked the way of hundreds of zombies with its own strength.

Countless zombies were squeezed in the glass in the front, and countless zombies in the back continued to push forward. The effect was that the zombies that were squeezed out of human form became even more out of human form under the pushing of the zombies in the back, and the internal organs or other parts of the body would be slowly squeezed and broken.

Cai Wenjie stood in the convoy and observed this situation with a telescope, and also saw that the glass of the train station had begun to slowly show white cracks because it could not withstand the large amount of squeezing.

"Everyone, pay attention. The glass of the train station can't hold out for much longer. Be ready for battle at any time and wait for my order."


All the soldiers have aimed their weapons at the train station a few hundred meters away, ready to pull the trigger at any time, especially Shunliu, who led his sharpshooter platoon to ambush at various high points or areas with wide views. Γ—ΒΊΒ°"˜`"°º× ׺°"˜`"°º×

Shunliu and his soldiers have only one task, which is to eliminate mutant zombies as far away as possible to avoid causing trouble to the large army.

At this time, a large number of cracks have appeared on the glass of the train station, and these cracks are still increasing. Finally, with a crisp sound, almost all the glass of the entire train station door is cracked.

A large number of zombies rushed out of the train station, and dared not ignore it and began to charge at the convoy not far away.

In this regard, Cai Wenjie did not hesitate and gave orders to his soldiers directly.

"Everyone! Fire freely!"


All of a sudden, all the soldiers nearby began to pull the triggers in their hands and fired fiercely at the zombies not far away.

Countless bullets were fired by the soldiers, forming a metal storm. It was obvious that the zombies' physical strength could not withstand rifle bullets, so the first batch of zombies closest to the defense position were beaten into a hornet's nest by bullets, and they could not die any more.

Not only that, with the penetration power of rifle bullets, each bullet can directly penetrate several zombies, so after the first batch of zombies rushing to the defense position were beaten into a hornet's nest, the bullets can still hit the zombies in the back.

"Tu Tu Tu! Puff Puff! All of a sudden!"

There was an endless stream of gunfire on the temporary defense position, including rifles, heavy machine guns, sniper rifles and various support weapons.

In addition to the rifles or heavy machine guns in the hands of the soldiers, vehicle-mounted machine guns, rockets and other support weapons also fired at the same time.

As long as there is a place where more than ten zombies gather densely, the soldiers will reward the group of zombies with a rocket launcher or a grenade, and send them to hell together.

Because the train station is an old building, Cai Wenjie does not want to use powerful bombs or missiles, fearing that the train station will be blown up accidentally.

The soldiers are still firing continuously, destroying the zombies pouring out of the train station, and at this time, the traces of zombies began to slowly appear from the rear and left and right sides of the convoy, and they were all attracted by the fierce gunfire.

These zombies that appeared from the rear and left and right sides just saw the prey, and were accurately shot in the head by the soldiers arranged by Cai Wenjie in advance at the rear and left and right sides.

There are at least hundreds of zombies in the train station. Although they are trying hard to pass through the narrow entrance, before these zombies squeeze out, they are suppressed by the powerful firepower at the gate and cannot move at all.

As long as a zombie dares to show its head, more than a dozen bullets will fly towards the zombie's head in the next second.

If it were a human soldier, he might surrender and leave the train station obediently in this situation, but the problem is that these zombies are not human, they don't think at all.

So these zombies are still trying to rush out of the train station despite the powerful firepower.

Unfortunately, the result is that the group of zombies wandering in the train station fell to the ground one after another, dead and dead.

For Cai Wenjie, these zombies are no longer a test, at most they are just warm-ups, and the real big show is still to come.

In less than half an hour, the zombies entrenched in the train station were cleaned up by Cai Wenjie. On the road leading to the train station, there were corpses of zombies killed everywhere. These corpses gathered together and exuded a disgusting smell, and there was dark blood everywhere on the ground.

Cai Wenjie looked at the train station not far away where no zombies appeared, and immediately issued an order to occupy it.

"It seems that the zombies have been almost wiped out. Everyone, start building a defensive position near the train station! Be careful of the zombies in the city counterattacking!"


The soldiers who had just finished the battle were now in a state of excitement, so when Cai Wenjie gave the order, they all answered loudly and desperately.

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