My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 233 Black Hawk Down

Nothing happened overnight

The next day. Reading

Cai Wenjie stood on the playground fully armed, and in front of him stood two infantry companies of soldiers and various armored vehicles. It can be said that the armed forces gathered here are basically 70% of the armed forces in the Xinguang gathering place.

As for why so many armed forces were gathered? The main reason is that today is the day I agreed with Li Jianjun to capture the train station together.

Originally, Cai Wenjie's plan was to let the soldiers of the first company stay, but because of what happened yesterday, he could only make an adjustment and let the soldiers of the third company stay, and the first company went to the train station with the second company.

Even Cai Wenjie himself did not wear the individual exoskeleton armor he wore yesterday, but wore a standard protective suit like everyone else.

"Today's mission, I have already posted it to your communication terminal yesterday. I believe you have also confirmed what today's mission is. So to make a long story short, we must take the train station this time. This is related to our future material allocation. For our future life, we must win!"

"We must win! We must win! We must win!"

After a simple morale boost, Cai Wenjie led two companies of soldiers and started to set off for the train station in an armored vehicle. However, this time, Cai Wenjie did not leave directly as usual. Instead, he stretched out his hand outside the car and waved when he was about to leave the barracks.

At this time, Nangong Yao stood there at the gate of the barracks building. When she saw Cai Wenjie waving, she also waved her hand.

"May your military fortune flourish and your victory be won"

While waving her hand, Nangong Yao silently blessed Cai Wenjie in her heart.

Although Cai Wenjie did not lead the three companies with individual exoskeleton armor to fight this time, it does not mean that the firepower will be much worse, because the plan to capture the railway station is very important to Cai Wenjie, so the expeditionary troops carried a lot of heavy firepower this time.

In addition to the most basic heavy machine guns, flamethrowers, and rocket launchers, there are also many ground support weapons such as mortars and grenade launchers, and each of these weapons carries at least ten base shells and bullets.

So in addition to the troop transport vehicles in the convoy, there are more than ten logistics supply vehicles, which also follow the convoy to the railway station.

On the other side, Li Jianjun has also assembled his troops. Compared with Cai Wenjie's troops, Li Jianjun is more inclined to the air force, and there are fewer ground troops.

Therefore, the ground forces led by Li Jianjun himself only had more than 100 people, which was the size of a company. This was also what he put together. The weapons in the hands of the ground forces were also relatively monotonous. In addition to a few Type 95 light machine guns, there were only ordinary Type 95 rifles. In contrast, the air force was very luxurious.

They had everything, such as fighters, fighter jets, and bombers. Not only that, but also transport helicopters, armed helicopters, reconnaissance helicopters, and basically every type of helicopter had at least one. He was simply a local tyrant.

In order to attract the attention of the zombies in the city first, Li Jianjun first sent out his air force to attract the zombies in the city as much as possible out of the city, and then used bombers to bomb the zombie tide. This method was basically the same as the method used at the beginning of the disaster.

Not long after sending out the air force, Li Jianjun also began to take the ground troops and ride on domestic armored vehicles to move towards the railway station.

At this time, the zombies in YJ City were attracted by the various helicopters in the sky. Although it has been mentioned before that the zombies now will not be easily attracted by the noise of helicopter propellers, the helicopters are flying low. As the altitude decreases, the noise of the high-speed rotating propellers is no longer negligible.

And not only that, because the mission this time is very clear, that is, to attract the zombies in the city, so each helicopter is equipped with a loudspeaker, which keeps making various sounds, just to better attract the zombies.

And this method is very effective. Almost most of the zombies will be attracted by these sounds, and then unconsciously follow the helicopters, slowly leave their original places, and start to walk out of the city.

And as time goes by, more and more zombies follow the helicopters. Often a helicopter equipped with a loudspeaker will attract at least thousands or tens of thousands of zombies.

"My goodness, the number of these zombies has exceeded 10,000. If we were not in the sky and saw this scene, I might have committed suicide on the spot."

"Who said it wasn't? If we met this group of zombies on the ground, how desperate it would be."

The two pilots of the helicopter had to sigh as they watched the zombies being led out from below.

In order to better attract the zombies below, the height of the helicopter has dropped to 50 meters, which is neither low nor high.

The height of 50 meters is equivalent to a 16-story residential building, which means that the helicopter is moving slowly in a high-rise building.

This behavior is already very dangerous. Although ordinary zombies cannot reach the helicopter, this height is still within the attack range for mutant zombies.

It happened that there was a mutant zombie, or a clawed zombie to be precise, hiding on the top of a 20-story elevator building, quietly observing the slowly moving helicopter below.

And as the helicopter got closer and closer to the elevator building where the claw zombie was hiding, the claw zombie began to tense his body tightly. Finally, as the helicopter approached a certain distance, the claw zombie began to rush forward desperately on all fours.

With the claw zombie's strong jump, it accurately fell on the helicopter's propeller. The entire high-speed rotating propeller immediately shredded the claw zombie into pieces. From the ground, it looked like a fairy scattering flowers. The sky around the helicopter was dozens or hundreds of meters away and blood began to rain red.

The helicopter that suffered this severe blow was not in a good condition. The propeller was severely damaged, and the speed of rotation slowed down under the naked eye. Soon the propeller could no longer provide enough lift for the helicopter to use, and the consequence was that the helicopter's altitude was constantly decreasing.

Although the pilot had tried very hard to control the helicopter's descent speed, he still couldn't save the fact that it was about to crash.

"Help! Help! Help! This is Black Hawk 7! We are being attacked by unknown creatures and are about to crash! Ah!!!!"

With a burst of explosions, the helicopter crashed directly to the ground, and the two pilots had no chance of survival.

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