My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 163 Mysterious Box

In the end, the two people agreed that after the call ended, Cai Wenjie would send a transport helicopter to Li Jianjun's gathering place to collect supplies. I heard that there was quite a lot of supplies. In addition to ordinary ammunition, the central government would also distribute new types of ammunition this time. Weapons and equipment.

As for what new equipment it is, we won't know until we get the supplies, but it's definitely not a bad thing.

"Okay, it's okay. I still have a lot of things to deal with. Let's talk about it later."

"I understand, bye"


After Li Jianjun gave his final answer, he closed the communication, and the virtual screen in the conference room suddenly turned dark.

Cai Wenjie looked at the disconnected signal and couldn't help but sigh.

"As expected of our great country, we can actually support the northern region. Sure enough, my choice was not wrong."

After sighing, Cai Wenjie immediately used the intercom to call the pilot of the transport helicopter. Within a few minutes, there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

"Come in!"

Cai Wenjie sat on the chair and said unhurriedly. As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the conference room was pushed open. Four drivers entered the conference room one after another, and then saluted Cai Wenjie directly. ♚♞ ♦ ♦

"Report! 01, 02 transport helicopter pilots have all arrived, please give instructions!"

"You are summoned this time because there is a transportation task for you to complete. I want you to go to the airport gathering place to transport back the supplies provided by the central government, and to hand this thing over to Chief Li Jianjun. Just say it is a little bit of my heart. Do you understand? ?”

Cai Wenjie took out a box and placed it in front of the conference table, then motioned to the driver to come and take it away. As for what was inside, he couldn't say. Anyway, Li Jianjun would definitely like it by then.

"Understood! Promise to complete the task!"

The main pilot of Transport Helicopter No. 01 took a step forward and took away the box placed on the conference table, then returned to the team and stood up.

"Okay, you go down."


The drivers once saluted Cai Wenjie and left the conference room. Cai Wenjie looked at the driver who had left and returned to work.

The pilots immediately returned to their dormitories after leaving the conference room and began to change into their flight clothes. After changing, they rushed non-stop to the docking place of the transport helicopter.

The staff who were doing routine maintenance saw the driver rushing over and were curious, so they talked to him.

"Why are you in such a hurry? What's wrong? Do you have any mission?"

"Yes, we are going to bring a batch of supplies to other gathering places. How about it? Has the maintenance of the helicopter been completed?"

"Don't worry! There is nothing wrong with both helicopters. The fuel is full and they are ready to take off at any time."

"That's good. Let's go without further ado."

After speaking, the four pilots boarded the two transport helicopters respectively and began to warm up the engines and prepare for take-off. ♦♦  ♦♦

The staff member also stepped aside and gave a thumbs up with his right hand, and the pilots also gave a thumbs up in the cockpit of the helicopter.

After the helicopter's engine was warmed up, the propeller began to move slowly. As the rotation speed became faster, the helicopter began to slowly rise into the air. After rising to a certain height, it began to move towards the airport. .

Because the helicopter was very fast, it arrived at Li Jianjun's airport gathering place in less than twenty minutes, and then slowly descended to the designated apron in accordance with the instructions of the ground staff.

After the helicopter landed on the apron, someone came to pick him up. It was none other than Xu Tao, who had met Cai Wenjie before at the stadium gathering place.

After the pilot of the transport helicopter came down, Xu Tao took a few steps forward and said.

"You are from the Xinguang Gathering Area. Hello, I am Xu Tao. I am the person in charge of distributing supplies to you this time."

"Hello, I'm the driver Ma Fang. I'm going to work hard on you this time."

"It's not hard, it should be. The chief has prepared your supplies. He is loading the supplies into the containers now. When they are loaded, you just need to lift the supply boxes and transport them back. Please wait a moment now. Please wait for a while”

As Xu Tao spoke, he pointed to a place, and in the direction Xu Tao pointed to, there was a group of people moving some boxes into the container. It looked like there were quite a few boxes.

Ma Fang nodded and said

"I understand, but there is one more thing I want to trouble you with. If possible, please take me to see Chief Li. I have an item that needs to be delivered to Chief Li in person."

As he spoke, Ma Fang took out the box and showed it to Xu Tao. Of course, he only looked at the box and did not open it.

"Excuse me, is this?"

Xu Tao pointed at the box and asked hesitantly.

"This is a little bit of our chief's affection for Chief Li. The chief asked me to hand it over to Chief Li personally."

Although Cai Wenjie never said this, Ma Fang lied a little in order to ensure that the box would be delivered to Li Jianjun.

This time Xu Tao didn't dare to ask too hard, he thought for a moment and then said.

"Okay, please follow me."


In this way, Ma Fang took the box given by Cai Wenjie and followed Xu Tao into the airport building. The airport has three floors. The first and second floors are the residences of ordinary survivors, and the third floor is Li Jianjun's combat meeting room and office. As for the soldiers and other staff, they live in the camp outside, mainly to be able to respond quickly to various situations.

Ma Fang, who followed Xu Tao, saw countless survivors along the way. Although these survivors looked good, everyone could clearly see the indelible fear under their eyes. Their mental state was really not very good. Of course, this is only relative to the people in the Xinguang gathering place. Compared with the survivors in other countries, they are already very happy.

At least they don't have to worry about being killed by their own army or being killed by nuclear bombs.

Along the way, Xu Tao and Ma Fang did not stop communicating. Xu Tao had been asking about the information of the Xinguang gathering place. Of course, these questions were not asked directly, but were tested bit by bit through various questions, and then the collected information was sorted out and finally various information was obtained.

Of course, Ma Fang is not stupid. When encountering sensitive issues, he directly changes the subject or keeps silent.

Until the end, Xu Tao did not get too much information, but he also learned a lot, such as there are few young survivors in the Xinguang gathering place now, most of them are elderly, or they are not short of food.

Xu Tao knocked on the door of Li Jianjun's office while sorting out the information.

"Come in"

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