My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 162 Subsidy

The extinguishing of the sea of ​​fire on the road was also heard by Cai Wenjie who was working at the office at the first time. Read М

A soldier stationed at the entrance of the gathering place came to the combat meeting room in the barracks to inform Cai Wenjie of the news in person.

"Report! According to observation, the flames on the road outside have all extinguished themselves, but the road has been destroyed beyond recognition. Although people can still walk, vehicles can no longer pass here."

"Really? I see, you go back first."


After saying this, the soldier saluted and left the combat meeting room. After Cai Wenjie knew that the flames were extinguished, he immediately contacted his three platoon leaders, Deng Jun, Zhang Fei, and Shunliu, using the intercom.

"All platoon leaders, gather in the combat meeting room immediately!"


In a short while, the three of them hurried to the combat meeting room and knocked on the door outside.

"Come in

After Cai Wenjie spoke, he entered the meeting room.

"Find a seat and sit down first"

Cai Wenjie did not speak directly, but asked the three to sit down first.

After the three found a seat and sat down, Cai Wenjie spoke.

"The sea of ​​fire left after yesterday's battle was just extinguished."

Before the three could react, Cai Wenjie continued.

"But at the same time, the road was completely destroyed because of yesterday's battle, and it was impossible to pass the road, so the most important thing now is to repair this road as quickly as possible."

After Cai Wenjie said this, Deng Jun understood. As for Zhang Fei and Shunliu, they only had to wait for Cai Wenjie's order and complete the task well, so they did not react now.

After understanding Cai Wenjie's meaning, Deng Jun was the first to stand up and speak loudly.

"Company commander! Let our platoon take care of this task. We will repair this road as quickly as possible! ”

Cai Wenjie raised his hand to stop the somewhat excited Deng Jun. Since the victory of the battle yesterday, Deng Jun suddenly began to be very emotional towards Cai Wenjie, and began to show a desire to perform. In his own words,

“I will follow the company commander from now on! The company commander can resist the attack of tens of thousands of zombies with only a company of 100 soldiers, then what about a battalion, or a regiment? By then, I will definitely be able to rise with the tide! "

This sentence was said by Deng Jun at the celebration banquet yesterday, and it also made the surrounding soldiers more confident in Cai Wenjie, and they were willing to believe that the days to come would become better and better. ˜"*°•.˜˜.•°*"˜

After Deng Jun calmed down a little, Cai Wenjie spoke.

"As for the road repair, I decided to let you and the young and strong survivors in the gathering place repair it together, and build an outpost at the end of the road while repairing the road."

As for why to build an outpost? It was because after yesterday's battle, Cai Wenjie found that it was really unsafe to have only one line of defense. As long as there was a mistake, the entire gathering place would perish, so a line of defense was built in front of the last line of defense, so that even if the first line of defense was accidentally broken, there would at least be a second line of defense.

There is another advantage in this case, that is, you can fully control the hundreds of meters long road and the several meters deep depression, and these spaces can still be used.

"I see! I understand, Captain! Leave this matter to us! "

Although he didn't know if Deng Jun really understood anything, Cai Wenjie still nodded and said.

"Okay! I will let you take full responsibility for this matter. You must complete the repair and construction in the shortest time possible."


"Zhang Fei! Shunliu! You two should also help him share some of the burden. Got it?"

The two people who had been silent stood up and answered loudly.

"Got it!"

"Okay, go down, remember to complete the repair and construction in the shortest time possible."

"Yes! "

The three of them answered loudly and left the meeting room. If they wanted to mobilize the survivors in the gathering place, they had to get the approval of the Civil Affairs Center first, so Deng Jun and the other two went back to mobilize their soldiers and then went to the Civil Affairs Center.

As for Cai Wenjie, after instructing the three people, he continued his work, but before he had worked for a while, the communication equipment in the meeting room began to light up.

Cai Wenjie looked up and found that it was a connection request from Li Jianjun. After putting down the work in his hands, Cai Wenjie answered the connection request, and immediately Li Jianjun appeared on the virtual screen on the conference table.

"Chief Li, it seems that you have survived the attack of the zombie tide, congratulations! "

Cai Wenjie didn't even think about it and just gave a compliment. After all, the armed forces and positions on the other side were larger than his own, and he couldn't afford to offend them.

Li Jianjun on the screen was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Sure enough, Weiguo was right. You are indeed a little different."

Before Cai Wenjie asked what Zhou Weiguo said, Li Jianjun continued.

"Let's not talk about this for now. It seems that you have survived the attack of the zombie tide. The consumption of weapons and ammunition is quite serious, right? Just in time! The subsidy I asked the central government for help yesterday has come. Please send the two transport planes I gave you to me quickly. I will give you half of the subsidy."

This time it was Cai Wenjie's turn to be stunned. He never expected Li Jianjun to do this. It really made him feel a little shocked and moved. Cai Wenjie, who came to his senses, shook his hands and refused.

"No, no, your consumption is more serious, you can keep those supplies to recover your health, don't worry about me."

Although Cai Wenjie tried his best to reject Li Jianjun's kindness, it was useless.

"What are you talking about? You called me the chief, so as a chief, is there anything wrong with caring about your juniors? If you don't come, I will send it to you personally. Besides, now in the whole YJ, apart from you and me, there is only Zhou Weiguo left. We must work together to stabilize our foothold here. Only in this way will we have a chance to retake this city in the future!" Hearing this, Cai Wenjie accepted Li Jianjun's kindness, and then thanked him with some emotion.

"Thank you, chief, I really can't believe this."

Seeing Cai Wenjie's unbelievable expression, Li Jianjun laughed and said.

"Hahaha! What are you afraid to believe? To tell you the truth, when I asked for help from the central government yesterday, I just mentioned you specifically, and then the central government actually gave half more supplies. Although the central government didn't say anything, it is obvious that the extra half of supplies was given specifically to support you. I'm just offering my gratitude, so thank the central government if you want to thank anyone."

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