My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 156: Merciless Sea of ​​Fire

This is the first large-scale defensive battle commanded by Cai Wenjie, so for this battle, Cai Wenjie will use all his strength without reservation. As the ammunition is consumed, Cai Wenjie will get more and more points, and Cai Wenjie will not keep these points. The ammunition required for defense is limited, and Cai Wenjie must make additional exchanges. ♦♗  ♦♦ReadМ

For this reason, Cai Wenjie specially made a simple ammunition depot in front. Once the ammunition consumption exceeds 50% of the total, Cai Wenjie will immediately go to this simple ammunition depot to exchange ammunition and accessories that need to be replaced.

Now the entire defensive battle has fallen into a stalemate. The zombies are still desperately charging forward, and the defensive forces are also desperately blocking these zombies. The armed helicopters and drones in the air have also run out of ammunition and are returning to the gathering place to reload. The barrel of the machine gun has become so hot that it needs to be replaced or urgently cooled.

"Report! The barrel of the machine gun is about to be scrapped!"

A soldier operating a heavy machine gun shouted loudly. After hearing this, Cai Wenjie ordered without hesitation

"Gatling guns are firing at full power! Grenade launchers and mortars are firing rapidly! Buy some time, the remaining machine guns immediately stop firing and replace the barrels!"


Finally, an hour after the battle began, the soldiers' firepower appeared in a weak area, and the zombies saw this opportunity and began to attack fiercely. Of course, this was just a self-proclaimed attack by humans. The zombies maintained this attack frequency from the beginning.

When the soldiers replaced the barrels of the machine guns that were about to be scrapped, the zombies had already moved from the initial 400 meters to the current 200 meters, but that was all. Although the firepower of the missing 20 heavy machine guns was weakened, under the intensive bombardment of Gatling guns, grenade launchers and mortars, the zombies could not break through the remaining distance at all.

And with the replacement of the machine gun barrel, the firepower was increased to the original level again. The zombies were directly beaten back 50 meters. So far, the number of zombies has been reduced from about 25,000 at the beginning to 12,000. Most of the zombies died in the flames in the depression.

The battle fell into a stalemate again. The zombies could not rush up, and the soldiers could not fight. The distance between the zombies and the gathering place remained at about 200 meters.

Seeing that the defense battle fell into a stalemate again, Cai Wenjie frowned, and then his expression became serious as if he had made up his mind, and he said to the walkie-talkie.

"Order! The mortar team replaces the special shells!"


The special shells here are actually special shells such as white phosphorus shells and sulfuric acid shells.

Suddenly, the mortar bombing on the battlefield stopped, and the zombies took the opportunity to close the distance. However, within five minutes, the unique sound of the mortar sounded. However, this time the mortar shells did not explode on the ground as usual, but exploded above the zombies. At the same time, with the explosion, white smoke appeared above the zombies, and scattered among the zombies below like flowers from the sky.

White phosphorus has a strong irritation, extremely low ignition point, and strong combustibility. Once it comes into contact with oxygen, it will burn, emitting yellow flames and thick smoke. It can burn substances that are difficult to burn with ordinary combustion materials. The combustion temperature can reach more than 1000℃, which is enough to eliminate all organisms within the effective range.

When the human body touches the burning white phosphorus, the white phosphorus will penetrate the human flesh layer and reach the bones. Zombies are no exception. Zombies contaminated by white phosphorus will fall to the ground in less than a few seconds. Most of the flesh and blood in the body are burned through by the white phosphorus, making it impossible to stand up. Some unlucky zombies even have their skulls burned through by white phosphorus and die on the spot.

Because the poisonous gas produced by white phosphorus bombs may affect the soldiers with the wind, Cai Wenjie ordered the soldiers to wear gas masks while ordering the firing of white phosphorus bombs.

A total of three rounds of white phosphorus bombs were fired, and any more would be a waste. The mortar team in the back row switched back to ordinary mortar shells. At this time, most of the zombies contaminated with white phosphorus on the battlefield fell directly to the ground and burned silently, while the zombies that had not been affected by the white phosphorus bombs continued to charge forward by stepping on the burning zombies.

However, because there were too many zombies lying on the ground, the speed of the charge was greatly affected and could only move forward with difficulty, which reduced the pressure on the soldiers at once. Cai Wenjie did not want to waste this opportunity, so he picked up a rocket launcher that was placed casually on the side, aimed at the zombies in the distance and fired one.

After Cai Wenjie pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher, the rocket flew out and accurately hit the zombie who was struggling to step on the corpses of the same kind.


When the rocket hit the zombies, there was no huge explosion but a strange liquid was sprayed out. This was actually an accelerant, which would engulf the zombies around in flames. Moreover, this accelerant could not be extinguished by ordinary means and could only burn naturally until there was nothing left to burn.

The zombies that had just been hit by the white phosphorus bomb and could not stand up were sprayed with the accelerant and instantly became fire sources. The entire road leading to the gathering place was engulfed in flames. Countless zombies wailed as they were ignited by the flames and finally burned to death.

But even so, it still couldn't stop the zombies. The zombies behind were still pushing forward like crazy. Soon, a zombie broke through the flames again and continued to rush to the gathering place, and then was accurately shot in the head by a machine gun.

The dead zombie bodies had piled up like a mountain at 200 meters. The height had reached at least two meters and was still increasing. Although the flames were burning these corpses little by little, it was impossible in a short time.

At this time, the armed helicopter that had originally gone to replenish ammunition returned to the battlefield. They completed the replenishment of ammunition within a short time, and this time the rockets were replaced with napalm bombs.

The armed helicopter that returned to the battlefield at the first time did not have any extra movements. It just started from a hundred meters away from the intersection of the gathering place and moved along the road all the way to the direction of the zombies. It started to drop bombs while moving. One by one, napalm bombs began to explode on the road, which intensified the flames still burning on the road again.

This time, even the zombies in the distance were not spared. Napalm bombs were dropped directly on their heads, so that they also tasted the pain of the zombies in front.

The two armed helicopters dropped at least dozens of napalm incendiary bombs, directly turning the several hundred meters long road into a sea of ​​fire. It was the kind of flame that could not be extinguished. This dealt a huge blow to the zombies. The soldiers didn't even need to shoot, as they could just pass through the several hundred meters of sea of ​​fire to eliminate most of the zombies.

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