My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 155: The War Called Survival

At the same time, the zombies that rushed onto the road also encountered buried mines, and one of the zombies in the front unfortunately stepped on a mine. Read М


With a dull explosion, the zombie that stepped on the mine was instantly wrapped in the flames produced by the explosion, and because of the impact force, his body was directly blown up at least several meters high.

The zombies within ten meters around were not doing well either, and they were all blown to the ground by the shock wave. This was just the beginning. More and more zombies stepped on the mines, and without exception, they were blown to pieces. Every explosion meant that at least a dozen zombies died.

Those zombies that fell into the depression, although they could not get up for the time being, still moved forward firmly. However, what these zombies did not know was that there were more traps in the depression than on the road. Countless zombies that fell into the depression had to wade through countless small traps in the process of moving forward.

For example, the simplest pits, each of which is at least three meters deep and full of barbs. Once a zombie falls into it, there is only one outcome, which is to be pierced by the sharp and thin barbs. The whole body is pierced by the barbs and cannot move. As more zombies fall, the first zombie that falls here will be pressed more and more tightly until the pit is filled.

In addition to this kind of trap pit, the depression is full of flammable and explosive materials. As long as there is a little fire in the depression, the depression will become a flaming purgatory, burning all the zombies that fall into the depression and becoming fertilizer here forever.

Cai Wenjie, who was watching all this on the wall, raised his right hand high, and held the walkie-talkie in his left hand and waited for an opportunity.

"The zombie tide has entered the designated area, mortars are ready! Fire!"

With the sound of "Fire!", the raised right hand fell fiercely.

Following Cai Wenjie's order, the mortar team in the rear began to bombard, and a total of twelve 60mm mortars fired their shells at the same time.


With the sharp sound of the shells falling, the mortar shells began to land in the dense zombies. With the sound of explosions, countless zombies were blown to pieces, and countless zombies were blown away. The uninterrupted mortar shooting brought huge losses to the zombies.

But this is not over yet, Cai Wenjie began to order again.

"Armed helicopters and drones begin to attack freely!"

The air force that had been hovering in the sky finally began to exert its terrifying power under the command of Cai Wenjie. The two armed helicopters that were originally hovering in the sky began their own performances, and the machine guns and rockets under the fuselage began to pour out, and moved forward while firing.

Let the pouring firepower fall evenly on the zombies' heads. In the direction that the armed helicopter moves, a straight open area will appear below that direction. With the explosion and the flames, the casualties of the zombies began to increase sharply.

At this time, the depression was also taken care of by the air force. As mentioned earlier, the entire depression was full of flammable and explosive materials. Now these flammable and explosive materials exploded without surprise under the stimulation of the air force.

Suddenly, the entire depression made a deafening explosion, and a small mushroom cloud appeared above the depression. Even the armed helicopter was affected a little bit. With the rise of the flames, the entire depression became a purgatory of flames. The zombies who fell into the depression were either killed by the first wave of explosions or burned to death by the subsequent flames.

With the explosion of the depression, the attention of people behind the gathering place was also alarmed, but that was all. They could not help at all, and it was good enough not to cause trouble for the soldiers.

The defensive battle continued. As a large number of zombies died, the zombies gradually approached the entrance of the gathering place 400 meters away. This distance has entered the optimal shooting distance of grenade launchers and heavy machine guns.

"Listen to my orders! Grenade launchers, ready! Fire! Heavy machine guns, ready! Shoot!"

The fixed weapons on the wall immediately began to play their role. 20 Type 89 heavy machine guns and 4 Gatling machine guns emitted deadly flames. Machine gun bullets were fired through the long barrels and accurately hit the zombies hundreds of meters away.

"Tong tong tong! Bang bang bang!"

With the loud gunshots, the zombies hit by these heavy machine gun bullets were knocked to the ground without exception by the strong penetration and impact.

And it will hit whatever it hits. A 7mm bullet is about the size of a palm and as thick as three fingers. It will basically make a hole as big as a bowl when it hits the body. And because the bullet penetrates, it will directly knock the zombie to the ground. After penetrating the first zombie, it will also penetrate the second zombie. And because the bullet flips irregularly, it will cause greater damage to the zombies behind. If the first zombie hit will have a bowl-sized hole, then the second zombie will have a basin-sized hole.

In addition to these, the Gatling machine gun has a faster firing rate, basically reaching a firing rate of dozens of bullets per second. Basically, a sweep will knock down a group of zombies, or directly penetrate the zombies in a line. The zombies rushing in the front may be directly beaten into mud. It is also the fixed weapon with the fastest ammunition consumption.

The grenade launcher fires 35mm explosive bombs. Each explosion will kill or blow away zombies within a few meters. It is a good defensive weapon when used on narrow roads. Moreover, the grenades of this grenade launcher are connected by a chain. It is not a grenade launcher that fires one round at a time, but can fire continuously, which greatly enhances the firepower sustainability of the grenade launcher.

Countless zombies rushed to the intersection of the gathering place one after another. Even if they stepped on landmines, were bombed by mortars and rocket grenades, and were torn to pieces by bullets from heavy machine guns, all of this could not offset their desire for living creatures. When one zombie fell, two zombies would make up for it. When two zombies fell, more zombies would make up for it.

Their desire for flesh and blood surpassed everything. Explosions and flames only made them more excited.

The entrance to the entire gathering place was filled with gunfire and the wailing of various zombies. The various gunfire and zombie roars mixed together to form a different melody, which was the melody of doomsday.

The flames were burning, the machine guns were roaring, the soldiers desperately pulled the trigger to protect the gathering place behind them, and the zombies also kept charging forward for their own desires. This was a war called survival!

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