My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 381 Grand Duke of Wallachia, Vlad III

Chapter 382 Grand Duke of Wallachia, Vlad III

The reason why Shuo Yue chose the Magic Association is simple - as the current only servant and master of the 'Blue' camp, he needs a force to endorse him.

Just like behind the 'red' camp is Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, a saint who has been preparing for sixty years, a Ruler with the 'true name'; behind the 'black' camp is the Thousand World Tree who possesses the Holy Grail, also since World War II. Like Danik, the head of the family who has been planning so far, each camp has its own background.

The sudden appearance of Shuo Yue and his 'Blue' camp, although they have foresight that no one can match, obviously lack the ability to deal with emergencies. Once something happens to Shuo Yue, it will mean that the 'Blue' camp of falling apart.

In particular, Shuo Yue is not qualified to talk to the two camp leaders on an equal footing - this kind of thing is the most fatal in a three-party melee.

Strength is the basis for equal dialogue, and power is also a part of strength. Even if it is just a fake power, it is enough for Shuo Yue.

He also had no intention of letting a behemoth like the Magic Association enter.

"It's just trying to pull the flag off. At the moment, the Great Holy Grail has not activated the preparation system. The appearance of the 'blue' camp that is completely inconsistent with the original plot is outrageous enough. If the Magic Association is still involved, the situation will be different. Finished in a way that exceeded my expectations.”

Shuo Yue didn't want to give up the advantage of foresight.

"--excuse me."

A deep male voice sounded. Shuo Yue heard the words and raised his arms. Behind him, more than fifty magicians stopped and waited for orders with expressionless faces.

These people are called the Cleaning Team, a group of magicians dispatched by the Magic Association who specialize in combat capabilities.

After Shuo Yue reached an agreement with the top management of the Magic Association, he had the control over fifty first-class magicians. According to the original plan, in the early morning of the next day, Shuo Yue brought the cleaning team to Romania, which is also known as Qian. The territory where the boundary tree is located.

"What's up."

Still using Hades' cloak to cover his face, Shuo Yue turned around and asked his deputy, the previous captain of the team.

"There is an abnormality in the spiritual veins." The captain is a thin man wearing a suit. He is holding a spiritual energy disk and reports, "I'm afraid there is an ambush in the forest ahead."

"Oh? We have just stepped into the boundary of Thousand World Tree's territory." Shuo Yue raised the corners of her lips with interest, "It seems that Thousand World Tree values ​​you very much."

Neither of them mentioned the issue of intelligence leaks. The Clock Tower's too loose system was destined to be filled with spies from different forces.

"What to do, Captain?"

"There is nothing worth reminding. They are all experienced magicians. Just perform as planned." Shuo Yue said casually, "The obstacles before the arrival of the servant will be solved by themselves. I will complete my mission and wait until the servant arrives. back……"

"I know, I know, run as far as you can, and also arrange a magic array to seal the spiritual veins, right?"

The red-haired magician on the side said impatiently that he was the former deputy of the cleaning team. Due to Shuo Yue's airborne landing, he was naturally demoted to an ordinary member.

"..." Shuo Yue was too lazy to say anything, but gave the red-haired magician a thoughtful look, then said a few words and left.

"The action begins."

The order was issued. No matter what the thoughts of the people in the team were, their extremely high quality still allowed them to take action and apply body-strengthening magic. Fifty magicians rushed into the front line like a rushing wind at a sprint speed that far exceeded the world record. In the dense forest.

In response to the team that rushed forward like an arrow, Qianjieshu also responded - as the soil surged, strange-shaped things suddenly emerged from the soil in front of the "cleaning team".

The shapes of these things are different, some can barely be recognized as humanoid, and some are completely alien. The only thing in common is that these things all carry weapons on their bodies, and they exude magic power that is not inferior to that of a second-rate magician.

The obstruction from the Thousand World Tree did not change the expressions of the magicians. These things may frighten ignorant ordinary people, but they are not taken seriously by them, because they are very common guards in the magic world - - Demon puppet, and according to the intelligence, the Thousand Realm Tree clan they need to conquer has an excellent puppet master.

After Shuo Yue left, the captain who became the team leader again took the lead. With the roar of the invisible spirit, the demon dolls in the fan-shaped area in front of him were crushed and destroyed as if they had been run over by a steamroller.

The magicians standing behind also took action one after another. In an instant, colorful mysterious lights illuminated the forest at night and destroyed the puppets blocking the way.

"Hmph, vulnerable." The red-haired magician snorted coldly. The fire snakes around him easily burned the enemies who dared to come forward. "Neither the golems nor the defensive barriers are great things. Just these rabble. Rebellion?"

For him who is loyal to the Magic Association, what he doesn't understand the most is not the stupidity of the Thousand World Tree, but the distrust from above.

"Why do you have to send a mysterious guy to put pressure on us? Can't we just take care of these offal?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into an inexplicable silence.

The red-haired magician thought that everyone acquiesced to his remarks, and just as he was about to continue speaking, a strong force came from behind and pulled him to his side.

"team leader……"

"Shut up!"

The thin man didn't even look at him, but stared straight ahead, breathing rapidly. The other magicians were also waiting for him, cold sweat dripping down their cheeks.

At some point, a man walked into their sight.

The man's whole body was wrapped in aristocratic clothing that was so dark that it seemed to melt into the night. Contrary to black, his face is pale but creepy, and his silky white hair hangs loosely.

The moment he appeared, the atmosphere in the forest suddenly became tense. Just standing there makes me feel overwhelmed, and if someone even looks at me, my whole body will tremble uncontrollably.

This is definitely not because this man is rough and violent. In fact, he is very elegant and noble in both image and temperament. It's just that his eyes are too cold, and those who look at him can't help but realize that he is an extremely fragile and powerless existence.

"Who do these rude people think they have permission to stand here?"

The man's voice was low, carrying unmatched pressure. However, this pressure did not make the 'cleaning team' lose their will.

The man in black robe who claimed to be Shuo Yue had told them before.

[When you see people like medieval nobles appearing, run, run away immediately, otherwise no one can save you. 】

So without hesitation, the magicians dropped the escape magic they had prepared and rushed out of the forest.

"...Stupid." The man who looked like the king of the dark night uttered cold contempt. Even on the battlefield, his clothes were still not messy at all.

"Where do you think this land you are stepping on is?"

The man looked down at the escaping magicians from a high position, and slowly raised his naturally drooping left hand, moving from left to right.



"And here."

"Together with that—"

"Looking around, everything is my territory!"

When the man finally clenched his fist, magic power greater than that of fifty magicians combined swept out from him.

The next second, the place where the magic swept over was covered with dense black rafter piles.

The rafters were so densely packed that the magicians had no place to stay.

These rafter piles are so sharp that even a magician, who is known for his physical toughness and can withstand a shot, cannot withstand them.

The growth speed of these rafter piles is so rapid that the high-speed movement of the magicians is nothing compared to the speed of the rafter piles.

"Ahhhhhh!" The scream pierced the sky. The red-haired magician who was behind the team felt a chill all over his body, and there was a feeling of being punctured in his lower body. Immediately afterwards, his scream also sounded like It quickly became hoarse like an aging record player.

Because the rafter piles from Romania grabbed his limbs and went all the way up, like a bloody plant growing from hell, breaking through the red-haired magician's large intestine, small intestine, stomach, and throat, and together with the surging and splashing blood and flesh, rushed out of his Mouth!

Not only the red-haired magician from the lagging team, but also the magicians at the end of the cleaning team screamed one after another. Regardless of male or female, strong or weak, they were all like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, being pierced from bottom to top and transformed into heavy... Now the nourishment of epic.

The bright red blood dripped onto the ground along the black rafter piles, as if it was the reappearance of an ancient legend on this land.

Legend has it that in the Middle Ages, the once powerful Ottoman Turkish Empire sent a large army to attack the Transylvania region, which was still the Principality of Wallachia at that time. The then Grand Duke led an army to resist. During the resistance, the Grand Duke impaled all the captured or killed Turkish soldiers with wooden stakes and nailed them to the ground of the Principality of Wallachia. The total number of impaled people exceeded 20,000.

"I offer you your blood and your life."

Seeing the tragic situation in front of him like a breeze, the man who was called "The Impaler" by his frightened enemies stretched out his palm and slowly tightened it.

"I am given the piercing with the stake of despair... I am the one who drinks and laments!!"

He is the most famous hero in Transylvania and even Romania - Vlad III!

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