My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 380 The Platform of the Magic Association

Chapter 381 The Platform of the Magic Association

In that dark, empty room, the sense of distance was extremely distorted. It looks incredibly broad, yet feels oppressively narrow. The candle standing in the center dimly illuminates the faces of the men in the room, making everything blurry. The air in that ill-defined room was filled with unspeakable anguish.

Just like the last bachelor party on the eve of a wedding, or the unemployed uncle whose wife and children have run away with each other, the three men looked at each other, their faces full of sorrow.

"When I returned to the room, I saw that the walls were carved with spells that could blow up the entire building."

An old man spoke first. Despite his short stature, his back was straight and the wrinkles on his face were as shiny as wood carvings.

The chairman of the Department of Summoning, Locke Bellfebon, is rumored to have been in office for more than fifty years since he became the department chairman, but there is no conclusion on this.

After listening to what the old man said in a hoarse voice, a young man agreed and said:

"Something happened to all the spirits in the storage room of the Spiritualism Department. They all succumbed as if they were suppressed by the top of the food chain. If they don't obey, all these precious samples will die the next day - the note said That’s what you told me.”

He was a red-haired young man with fine features. His eyes contained a strong and noble will, and his elegant appearance made it clear at a glance that he belonged to the upper class. There was a sense of mission in his words.

The man’s name is Bram Nusare Sofiali. He is not only the successor to the head of the Spirituality Department, but also serves as the first-level lecturer in the Clock Tower.

"Well, have you been intimidated too?"

The old man nodded as if in agreement and turned his gaze to the last person who remained silent. The man had long, disheveled hair and frowned in displeasure.

"What do you think? Lord El-Melloi"

Using a candle to light the cigarette held between his fingertips, Weber slowly turned his head to the side and exhaled the smoke.

"It's the Second. Although I'm grateful that you want to respect my original intention, but add the Second to me, otherwise the name El-Melloi will really make people feel uncomfortable."

Without waiting for Belphebon to reply, he continued:

"Compared to the two of you, I will be more straightforward - the princess of El-Melloi, my adopted sister, was held hostage by the attacker."

"Oh?" Bram raised his eyebrows, showing a look of surprise mixed with exploration.

"Can't even the supreme ceremonial dress of El-Melloi, one of the twelve families, stop him?"

El-Melloi II lit his cigar: "No need to test, Your Excellency, that is not something that a magician can defeat."

In front of the administrators of the two major departments, Weber said the word again without changing his expression.

"After all, the opponent we encountered is a servant."


As soon as these words came out, the other two magicians present couldn't help but hold their breath.

Now that the Great Holy Grail information has been leaked, how could the Magic Association not know this taboo term?

It is a collection of fantasies from the past to the present, the most noble crystallization of things, and also the most powerful and powerless object for magicians.

If it weren't for the fact that each of the subspecies of the Holy Grail War had its own shortcomings, and the requirements for servants' spiritual veins were extremely high and there were many restrictions, making it impossible to leave a certain territory, otherwise the Magic Association would have been attacked by people with ulterior motives.

But now, El-Melloi II said that what they encountered was a Servant...

"Could it be that the Holy Grail War also broke out in London?!" Bram shouted, unable to hide his anxiety.

For the Magic Association, letting a group of nuclear warheads fight under their noses... shouldn't be too scary!

"A reasonable guess, Mr. Bram."

The fourth sound in the room was made by a figure in black robe who appeared at some unknown time.

There was no alarm, no defense. When Bram and Belphebon came to their senses, the man in black robe had already pulled out the chair and sat in the main seat.

"Please take a seat, the three persons in charge of handling the Thousand World Tree's rebellion."

"...Where is Lenis?" El-Melloi II glared at Shuo Yue, and also pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Put it back." The young man replied casually, as if he had just released a wild cat. "It's quite sensible. He didn't threaten me before leaving."

Speaking of this, Shuo Yue released some murderous intent at the right time, and the originally depressed room suddenly became bitingly cold, as if it was filled with ice.

"Otherwise, the ending wouldn't be so good."

Surrender, or die.

The young man's actions are nothing more than illustrating this point, and the two veterans who have been immersed in power for many years will naturally not fail to see it.

"If your Excellency is truly a Servant, the threat from us magicians would be a unnecessary joke."

Belphebon and Bram looked at each other and spoke one after another.

"So, what deal do you need to make with us?"

"Deal... Humph, you can change concepts so quickly." Shuo Yue banged on the table. Having visited the Clock Tower before, he already knew the nature of these magicians and politicians, and he was not angry after hearing this.

"It's okay to call it a transaction. There are only three things I want you to do -"

"First, I need to have the absolute dominance of the 'Cleaning Team'. Of course, the purpose is to clean up the rebellion of Thousand World Tree."

"Second, I need a token that symbolizes the Magic Association. Its authority is at least comparable to that of the bishop of the Holy Church."

"Third, I accidentally killed a magic family. I need you to help me block the news."

"Wait a minute." Belphebon raised his hand, interrupting Shuo Yue's speech, "In other words, you destroyed a magic family? What was the name of that family?"

"Yes." Shuo Yue nodded, "The head of the family is an old man, and he was also the master who summoned me, but he was killed by me. I didn't have time to know the name of the family, and I don't care, but their magic seal is controlled by I have the address in my hand and can provide it to you.”

As the young man smiled and spread his hands, a black magic mark emerged in the void, emitting a shocking light.

"I see." Facing the murderer who brutally murdered a family and stripped off all his magic markings, Weber remained calm and nodded clearly, "That's why you came here quietly. It seems to be the Magic Association. The supervisors let you take advantage of the loophole."

"As expected of Weber, he is so smart." Shuo Yue nodded with a smile, admiring the expression of stomachache on the second child's face when he was called by his original name, and then turned his eyes to look at the other two magicians who were contemplating.

For the Mage Association, which is a large enterprise, Shuo Yue's request seems simple. As long as he helps wash the floor and gives a more symbolic than practical identity, a servant-level combat force will join the cleaning team to assist them in cleaning the floor. The Thousand Realms Tree is on a crusade.

However, for these old foxes, why can't they understand Shuo Yue's meaning?

What Shuo Yue did was to ask the Magic Association to state its position at the expense of assisting in the crusade against the Thousand World Tree - which is why Weber said he couldn't make the decision as soon as he heard it.

The first condition is the help and benefits provided by Shuo Yue.

The second condition is the rights that Shuo Yue demands from the Magic Association.

The third condition is Shuo Yue's threat, implying that he can destroy a magic family and doesn't mind turning the clock tower upside down.

"It's just that I still have a question." Perhaps he was dissatisfied with Shuo Yue's high profile, Bram knocked on the table and questioned.

"What exactly is hidden in the Thousand World Tree that makes you think that even a fifty-man formation of top-notch magicians can't defeat these garbage gathered together?"

"Don't you understand yet? Weber obviously reacted from the beginning."

Shuo Yue stared at the person in charge of the Spiritual Soul Division, showed a cold smile, and gave the answer:

"Because Qianjie Shu's side has long been ready to use servants to welcome you idiots."


The door to the room opened, Bram and Belphebon hurriedly left without looking back, while Shuo Yue, wearing a black robe, walked out hand in hand with Weber.

Under the pressure of the information he provided, the three magicians all chose to agree to his request, but they still had arguments over the details, and they refused to give in for the sake of the clock tower or their own interests.

Belphebon, for example, stated before providing the token that the association will not interfere and will not care about what you do - the implication is that even if Shuo Yue destroys the world, the Magic Association will not be blamed.

For example, Bram, as the director of the Spiritualism Department, naturally requested the spiritual base data of the servants - exactly the same as the Spiritualism Department in another time and space.

Another example is Webber Velvet. He was much more straightforward - except for the necessary materials, all the materials, money, and trophies of that family were placed under the name of the Modern Magic Department.

"But it's impossible for a family that has been squeezed out by demons to fill your debt in El-Melloi, right?"

"It's just a matter of pushing one's limits at the political level." Weber was no longer surprised that Shuo Yue knew him too well. Instead, he paid more attention to another matter, "Are you serious about the Great Holy Grail emergency mechanism you mentioned earlier? ?”

In the room, Shuo Yue also dropped a piece of bombshell information in order to make the two vampires relax.

"The Great Holy Grail will provide assistance related to the Holy Grail War such as the redistribution of Command Seals based on the situation. Although the possibility is almost zero, when all seven Servants are unified by one force, in order to find a countermeasure, The preparation system will be activated."

In the corridor soaked with time, Weber stopped, his eyes burning.

"——At that time, it will become possible to summon another seven servants in order to fight against the seven servants."

"Yes, that's right." Shuo Yue nodded, "This is the battle we will face, an unprecedented battle between fourteen servants - what, do you want to meet your king again?"

"How do you even know this...forget it." The handsome but unspeakably tired man with long hair shook his head, "I'm not mature enough to meet him again, I'm just sighing."

"Then just like those two people, concentrate on collecting holy relics and selecting candidates, Weber." Shuo Yue smiled lightly and patted his shoulder, of course her face was still hidden under the hood.

"I will lead the cleaning team to open the preparation system of the Great Holy Grail. After that, my help to the Magic Association will stop here."

"However, the Magic Association stands behind you and becomes your help invisibly."

Weber rolled his eyes, but didn't complain much. Instead, he waved to Shuo Yue and turned to leave.

The conditions and requirements of each other have been exchanged, and after getting the promises and concessions they wanted, Shuo Yue no longer needs to stay in the clock tower.

"Then, let's go." Looking at the clock tower for the last time, Shuo Yue turned around, like a drop of ink, quietly blending into the vast colors of dusk.

All preparations have been completed, and now it’s time to kick off the Holy Grail War.

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