My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 287 The establishment of the Qin Empire

Just imagine, when you have won the victory and are catching the enemy to kill, suddenly someone stabs you hard in the back...

Are you surprised or surprised?

"Roar——!" The Warcraft roared and turned around, ordering the army to move back without hesitation. Anyway, their combat power was far superior to that of ordinary humans, and there was no need to consider tactical and strategic issues at all. (audience)

There is no need to talk about moral principles when dealing with evil heretics. Let’s go shoulder to shoulder with all of you!

It would be better if the ‘righteous people’ would stop shouting with red eyes.

Facing the allied forces who were pushing and shoving, trying to turn around and counterattack, the general standing at the top of the walled city calmly raised his hand, and countless arrows rose and fell like cold stars, covering the strong and fast Qin warriors as they charged into the chaos. The army penetrated vertically and cut horizontally, pushing the already chaotic enemy army into a state of scattered sand.

"Ho ho ho - ow?" The monster, which was only a black shadow, was angry at first, wanting to turn into its true form and teach these bastards who had no martial ethics a lesson, but when it saw the nightmarish figure on the city wall, The fierce roar suddenly stopped, and even his eyes became a little clearer.

This, this, this... isn't this the God of Death?

In an instant, the resentment of the three brothers killed by this man, as well as the humiliation of being attacked and killed by the master but still escaped by him, surged into its heart at that moment.

The monster stared at the tall man with firm and fierce eyes. Just when Shuo Yue thought it was going to explode, he suddenly turned around and ran away, evacuating to the side at lightning speed. Even Shuo Yue, who had expected it, was shocked. Taking a step slower, he could only watch the red light flash out and disappear without looking back.

Unexpectedly, this is my escape route!

Not only Shuo Yue, but also everyone else did not expect this unfolding at all, and they were all stunned in place.

Shuo Yue stared at the escaping monster for a long time, and finally curled her lips and looked away.

"Keep marching, leaving no one behind."

With the blessing of the Holy Grail, he no longer has to worry about magic power. He can use his former warrior to his fullest to inflict heavy blows to his enemies.

In front of the well-equipped and well-trained Qin army, the situation reversed instantly. Shuo Yue skillfully controlled the army to divide the battlefield, encircle and suppress the trapped beasts... and in a matter of seconds, an artistic massacre was staged.

The golden-red sunset fell, and the silvery cold moon hung on the sky. Apart from the murderous black heavy cavalry, there was no trace of Rome anymore on the battlefield. Even the blood splashed on the armor was stained with a deep black color. .

"This..." Although Boudica had heard of Shuo Yue, she had never imagined that the man in front of her was commanding such a powerful army. She murmured, "What kind of team is this?"

"It's the Qin army, it's unmistakable, it's the army of Great Qin!" Jing Ke looked extremely excited at this time, as if he remembered a regret in the past, his eyes became hot and bright, "If it was him, then King Qin Zhaoxiang would also Are you there? Or is it the First Emperor!"

"■■■!" Even Lu Bu suddenly became excited. Compared to the Roman emperor Nero, the Chinese emperor, or even the Qin State that once dominated the world, was more suitable for his backstabbing.

But others would not understand Jing Ke and Lu Bu's backstabbing complex, and they just thought they were excited when they met teammates who also belonged to the ancient East.

"Mr. Sakutsuki..." Fujimaru stared blankly at the black bird flag that did not belong to Rome, and the monsters that fled immediately after the flag appeared. Suddenly he gritted his teeth, and the master's decisiveness came online again.

"We also rush back, we must not let these enemies go!"

"Oh!" The biggest threat had already escaped. Naturally, the followers would not be timid because of the mere soldiers. With their morale boosted, they took the initiative to fight back and further encircled and suppressed the United Empire's army.

It didn't take long for the war to completely subside. The soldiers of the United Empire were dying and surrendering, and they were no longer able to resist. Under Boudica's order, the imperial army began to repair the tattered defense lines, and under the command of the logistics officer, they lit fires and cooked. The originally scorched battlefield suddenly filled with the smell of fireworks.

"But what exactly happened to make the monster run away immediately after seeing Mr. Sakuzuki?" Fujimaru muttered in confusion, and couldn't help but look at the city wall, only to find that the white-haired general at this time was looking at him with blazing eyes. Looking at a certain place on the ground, or a certain person.


Looking up, he saw Saber, who was wearing a visor that made it difficult to see her face, with her head raised, looking at the general with white hair and blood-eyed eyes, and the scene seemed to have stopped.

"What's going on?" A voice asked. Fujimaru turned his head and saw Boudica walking slowly, followed slowly by a blond girl in a red dress.

"General Boudicca, and His Majesty Nero? Why are you here too?"

As if he heard the words he cared about, the black-armored swordsman withdrew his gaze and glanced at Nero lightly, but then quickly turned his head back to silently confront the white-haired general on the city wall.

"I heard that our army was at a disadvantage and wanted to come to help, but now it seems that it is already a step too late."

"Well, the battle has been resolved, Your Majesty Nero." Boudica smiled, "Thanks to General Shuo Yue, he contained the enemy from the rear at the critical moment, allowing us to seize the opportunity and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop."

Fujimaru Ritsuka also hurriedly said: "Yes, Your Majesty, thanks to General Sakuzuki, we can win. I guess he must have rushed over to rescue us for us, right?"


Are you here to save me?

When Nero heard this, he couldn't help but look at Shuo Yue who was sitting on the city wall. His eyes softened. Just as he was about to speak, a cold voice of denial sounded.


Along with the sound, there was an instant surge of magic power.

"Saber!" Fujimaru Ritsuka immediately felt a sense of weakness, and what shocked him even more was that the black-armored swordsman suddenly exuded a biting cold air, the blade turned, and the suddenly expanded black magic sword struck instantly. came out, the light cannon that had destroyed 'Caesar' went straight towards the man on the city wall!

"What are you doing!"


"Are you crazy!"

A group of people screamed in surprise one after another. Among them, Nero reacted the most and drew his sword directly. If Boudicca hadn't stopped him, he would have almost attacked Saber.

A huge bloody shadow appeared on the other side of the city wall. The soldiers set up their beast-faced shields expressionlessly, blocking the attack at the cost of their own collapse. However, the white-haired general did not appear, but disappeared from the city wall as if he had been repelled. superior.

Such a big movement naturally caused agitation in the surroundings. Both the soldiers and the followers looked towards the top of the city wall. The general who single-handedly turned the tide had disappeared, replaced by a man gently waving his feather fan. A young man with flowing hair.

"Hello everyone, I am Lord El-Melloi II. For some reasons, no, it is due to some fate that I serve as Mr. Sakutsu's military advisor."

"Lord?" A surprised voice sounded. On the other end of Fujimaru Ritsuka's bracelet, the doctor subconsciously called up the information and saw a familiar face. "It is indeed true. This person is one of the current lords of the Clock Tower." One, just...why does he appear here?"

"Mimic Servants...existences that are possessed by heroic spirits on humans. Shuo Yueqing once told me that he is also this type of Servant." Nero stared at the man on the wall with a solemn expression. For some reason, There was an ominous premonition.

And soon, her premonition came true.

"Then, since a certain guy ran away from the battlefield, let me make the final declaration."

The military advisor with his feather fan swaying slightly smiled, and instead of the disappeared general, he made a formal declaration:

"Following the United Empire and Warcraft; the Roman Empire and Chaldea, General Shuo Yue will lead our country of the Chinese family, Da Qin, to stand here as the third pole of the world. You are welcome to join us."

Here, Shuo Yue's betrayal is announced.

Here, the founding of the Qin Dynasty was announced.

The calm and indifferent voice of the military advisor came in the biting wind. Nero felt as if he had been hit hard, his eyes darkened, and he fainted immediately.

"His Majesty!"

In the chaos of the governor's betrayal and the emperor's fainting, Jing Ke and Lu Bu didn't show much surprise, and they didn't even do any superficial tricks. They just each carried a wine flask and stared straight at the statue on the city wall. Two looming figures.

"Hmph, this world is really getting more and more chaotic."


"Ha, just like my Madam Xu's dagger, your evil star is starting to get restless, isn't it, Brother Wu Yang?"


"I know, I know, I believe you won't run away from the battlefield."

Without looking back, he stretched out his hand and touched the jug with the berserker who had been apart for hundreds of years. Jing Ke's white clothes fluttered and he showed a smile that was sure to win.

"Marquis Zhuge Wu, Lord Wu An..."

"We look forward to your actions."

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