My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 286 The defeated imperial army and the famous Qin generals who came to the rescue

The balance of war has tipped again.

If the Noble Phantasm liberated by Saber forced 'Caesar' to tear off his disguise, then the counterattack launched by the demonic beast that revealed its true form was an unbearable burden for the Imperial Army.

Just like the starting gun was fired, the moment the Warcraft appeared, the corrupted Union Army soldiers were also exposed to their unworthy nature.

Chaos, distortion, corruption, depravity...

The sticky tentacles pierced the flesh and protruded from the human body. The dense scales and horns grew and turned into lumps to parasitize the soldier's body. Finally, they pierced the cocoon and poked out of the body, leaving the beast that had lost its mind. More and more inhuman.

The roar of death enveloped the entire battlefield. In front of the completely inhuman enemy troops, the Imperial Army soldiers were easily knocked down. The mournful cries for help were quickly replaced by the bites of wild beasts.

The blood is rushing, the soul is trembling, and the spirit is shaky.

The Imperial soldiers looked at the crazy beasts in horror, and they were the lambs waiting to be slaughtered!

"We can't go on like this!" Boudica reluctantly killed several beasts that rushed towards him, and she was panting from exhaustion. "What's going on with these soldiers? Their strength is almost as strong as that of the servants." !”

"It's just an illusion caused by squeezing the vitality. These enemies in front of you can't live for more than a few days." Stheno remained as calm as ever, calling Tamamo Cat and asking her to retreat with him.

"Just stay away from the edge for now. They will lose their ability to fight in a few days."

"No!" Boudicca refused flatly, "We cannot retreat. If the enemy catches up, the Gallic front will completely collapse. By then, the Roman Empire will no longer be defenseless and lose its ability to counterattack!"

"Then what should I do?" Elizabeth panicked when she heard this. Although she was very strong, it was not good to be attacked by a sea of ​​people. "I don't want to become a dragon steak! Little piggy, little piggy, Please think of a way!"

She hurriedly pushed Fujimaru beside her, but the black-haired young man fell forward without saying a word.

"What's going on, Fujimaru!"

"Master Wang!"

"This...this is not my problem! The little piggy turned into this with just a push!"

Among the exclamations of all the servants, Tamamo Cat reacted the fastest and helped Fujimaru, who had fainted, but saw that his face was blue and his breath was weak. Only the slight rise and fall of his chest proved that he was still alive.

"This is a symptom of magic power exhaustion. Fujimaru's vitality is being continuously squeezed out, and we can't control it!" The doctor exclaimed from the other end of the bracelet, "Fujimaru has taken the initiative to close the control port, and someone must stop him. How reckless!”

"Who is consuming too much magic power?" Stheno thought thoughtfully, his eyes scanning the followers, and finally landed on the black-armored swordsman who was fighting with 'Caesar'.

With the blessing of 'Magic Release', that petite figure was like a bullet, fighting powerful monsters without falling behind.

And such unbridled release of magic power is undoubtedly the source of the Master's weakness.

"He is really a good warrior..." Stheno brushed Fujimaru's forehead with her hand, and pure magic power poured into his body. At the same time, she glanced at Tamamo Cat.

Tamamo Cat understood, put its paws to its mouth, and shouted into the distance:

"The black swordsman over there looks scary, the master can't hold it anymore!"

The sound came from afar, and Saber, who was fighting fiercely with the monster, smacked her lips and retreated. However, the arrogant monster in charge pursued her, spitting out magic power and aurora and rushed towards the swordsman.

"Tsk!" Saber had to pull back. Just when the situation was about to fall into a stalemate again, a thunderous war cry sounded in the distance, and soon there was another distant voice.

"Jing Ke, I'm here to help you with General Lu Bu!"

After the words fell, everyone on the field subconsciously looked somewhere and saw a tall warrior with bulging arm muscles holding a huge bow and shooting five light arrows that had been charged for a long time.

The Noble Phantasm Against People, Against the Army, and Against the City, The Five Weapons of the God of War!

That is the true name of the legendary Fang Tian Painted Halberd, a reusable weapon that can be transformed into six forms: cutting, stabbing, hitting, swinging, slicing, and shooting.

When Lu Bu goes all out, its power can rise to an astonishing level against the city!

Like five missiles falling, light suddenly fell from the endless tide of beasts. That bit of hot heat quickly spread and rose, tearing apart everything around it in an instant, spewing out massive amounts of light and heat, as well as casual destruction.

Disillusionment was planted into the soil like a seed, and soon the fruits of destruction grew.

There was a deep vibration in the earth, spreading like ripples, and the seeds of destruction fell one after another. One after another, lush and solemn flame trees grew out of the earth, growing lushly in the enemy's hinterland.

Those were two Chinese servants who once roamed the land of Rome. Before the arrival of the new moon, they volunteered to serve under Nero and led the army to fight in order to protect the singularity (Lu Bu:?).

Now that the front is in a critical situation, they naturally withdraw from their respective defense lines and come to support.

"Well done, General Lu Bu!" Boudica waved excitedly, and Spartacus also laughed loudly, ignoring the monster that was eating his thigh, and the big sword in his hand fell down, widening the road ahead.

Taking advantage of the moment when the monster was frightened, Saber released the Wind King's barrier, escaped from the battlefield in an instant, picked up her master, and said in a hurried tone: "Withdraw!"

"Eh? But there are obviously reinforcements..."

"No, we must retreat." Without the big energy consuming powerhouse, Fujimaru Ritsuka quickly woke up with the support of the costume. He lay on Saber's cold armor and said reluctantly, "The doctor has checked the high-energy magic reaction. That monster He’s not dead. Without Saber’s control, the soldiers can’t stop him!”

Before Fujimaru could finish speaking, there was an angry roar in the distance, and a tentacle-like monster broke through the clouds, its demonic scales reflecting the color of destruction.

The next moment, countless magic beams expanded unbridled!

"The Chariot of Boudica!"

The Noble Phantasm unfolded and screamed the moment it came into contact with the magic beam. Boudica gritted her teeth and shouted: "Move faster, I won't be able to stop you!"

Without Boudica saying anything, the followers quickly took action, gathered their forces, and began to evacuate. However, even so, at the moment when the Noble Phantasm was shattered, the magical energy beam erupted from the monster still took away the lives of countless soldiers.

"So, the soldiers are ordinary humans and can't stop these monsters at all!" Boudica's hair spread out as she retreated in embarrassment. She looked at the soldiers who lost their lives with a distressed look on her face and gritted her teeth bitterly. .

"General Boudica has done a great job." Jing Ke, in flowing white clothes, led his troops and appeared beside everyone, "Is this Master Fujimaru mentioned in the report? Nice to meet you, where is His Majesty Nero? Gone? Shouldn’t she be on the front line in this situation?”

"She is not in good condition right now, so we let her rest in the camp."

"That's it. I didn't expect that the emperor would be weak sometimes, well...but the current battle situation is not optimistic. It would be great if a truly famous general arrived. Although the Chariot Queen is famous for her resistance battles, she has great abilities. It’s all about protection, right?”

"'s true." Boudica nodded dejectedly after Jingke told the truth frankly.

Others showed strange looks and exchanged glances with each other.

A famous general who can control the military power and be invincible...

But will that person really come?

The distant roar sounded again, and Elizabeth looked up, suddenly shocked.

"Little... little piggy, what's wrong, they're chasing us!"

"What?" Everyone turned around in shock, only to see that the huge monster had disappeared. It had turned into a vague human form at some point, and was driving away the beasts like a sheep, rushing towards them like a tide of corpses.

Compared with the Imperial Army that had to transport the wounded, the speed of this crazy beast wave was much faster!

"Noble Phantasm, is there anyone else whose Noble Phantasm can stop them?"

"No, the master's magic power has been exhausted!"

"The magic power on our side is almost running out. After all, we haven't signed a contract."

"Ho ho ho—"

"It seems I have no choice but to do this..." Fujimaru gritted his teeth, raised his arm, and the three command spells on the back of his hand began to become brighter.

"Have you thought about it, Fujimaru, if you use the command spell now, you have to return to Chaldea to replenish it!" The doctor on the other end of the bracelet reminded quickly.

While everyone was in chaos, behind the enemy's army, a general wearing heavy armor and bright red pupils slowly climbed to the top of the enemy's fortress.

The three-foot long sword in his hand was dripping with blood.

"It seems that I still need to grow up, Fujimaru, but, this is also the reason why I don't choose these servants."

Seeing the imperial army fleeing in panic, the man couldn't help but shook his head, swung his sword, sheathed it, and raised his right hand high.

The black flag was fluttering, and the black bird, which symbolizes water virtue, raised its head and flapped its wings, soaring in the golden-red sky.

The incomparably domineering declaration set off a frenzied hurricane.

"You don't have any clothes!"

The passionate voice fell, and then, countless footsteps sounded in response:

"How can I say that I have no clothes? I am in the same boat with you. The king raised an army and repaired my spear and halberd. Work together with you!"

"How can I say that I have no clothes? I share the same clothes with you. The king raised an army to repair my armor and soldiers. Let's go with you!"

Amidst the trembling rumbles of the earth, soldiers wearing heavy armor swarmed out, like a torrent of steel that was constantly advancing, raising their weapons toward the undefended rear of the coalition forces.

"All troops, charge!"

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