My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4025: Not bloody

Time crystallization?

Huo Liancheng, Li Shui'er, and the more than 10,000 Horror King Gods all changed their faces. They couldn't imagine that the old gods had the method to create ‘time crystallization’!

Bingbing Ling has been completely dull--

Obviously, she also saw what those spars were all over the sea cliffs!

The whole sea was swept by waves because of the anger of the gods, and the gods outside could only condense the most violent position on the seabed!

There stood Su Jin and Dianbing Ling! And the gorgeous "time crystallization"!

Li Shui'er runs faster than other **** races in the ancient barrier! Because with so much "time crystallization", if she and other great abilities do not want to find a way, they can only leave the ancient seal enchantment——

Also, how much she cherishes her beauty, if the "time crystallization" spreads, she is even afraid that she will get old quickly—

Huo Liancheng said bitterly: "It's useless, come up with a solution! So much time crystallization, plus such a small range, will speed up the flow of time, and we will reach decay very soon!"


The old man Xingchen and Huo Liancheng are going crazy!

"The ants on the hot pan started to move." Su Jin smiled coldly.

When Bing Bing Ling shifted her gaze to Su Jin's face, her state was still awkward. This guy is so clever, there is no way out...

She only wants to say three words now! This... also works?

"How did you do it!" Ran Bingling reacted, very excited.

If the ‘crystallization of time’ can force the gods out of the ‘ancient enchantment’, then it means that Su Jin may enter the ‘ancient enchantment’!

After entering, his injury will have a chance to get better quickly, even if she is a traitor, she can stand under Su Jin's umbrella and be blessed by him!



look forward to--

Dianbing Ling felt that his mood changed instantly!

"Controlling the wheel of time, it's not difficult to do this." Su Jin said relaxedly, but under the feeling of dyeing the ice spirit, he seemed to be pretending to be paralyzed.

She doesn't understand.

Is it possible to control the ‘wheel of years’ to create ‘time crystallization’? How could this be so simple, the difficulty of which might be as difficult as the sky!

"Lord of the old gods! You are mean!" Huo Liancheng's voice penetrated the ancient sister, and he roared out, but the voice was separated from the barrier, the stone cliff, and the spread of water, his voice was extremely small small.

"It seems someone is saying that I am handsome?" Su Jin frowned and glanced at Dye Bing Ling.

Bingbing Ling took a step back in an instant:...

Although the voice was faintly mosquitoes, it seemed to be cursing him with a terrifying power! At this juncture, if the opponent does not withdraw from the ‘Ancient Enchantment’, the crystallization of time will cause unimaginable disasters! How could anyone else say he is good?

"What to do? It spreads over, and I feel that the flow of time is increasing exponentially!" There was a Terror King God in the ancient enchantment, panicking.

"I have survived for countless years, and I have struggled to stabilize the realm on the eve of decay! the passage and let me leave!" There is a scary king who looked at Li Shuier with red eyes.

Although Li Shui'er is now the new king of Bing Linghai, her identity is indeed a bit embarrassing, and she will not be recognized by all the Protoss in the Eternal Gods Realm, plus... plus she is just a king of the Bing Linghai, it is Not to be too valued by other powers-

But after being reminded by the other party, Li Shuier couldn't help but look at Huo Liancheng and Old Man Xingchen!

Li Shui'er panicked.

Huo Liancheng and Old Man Xingchen seemed undecided in such a short time!

"Quick! I want to live forever! Without opening the channel, at least a half of our more than 10,000 horror king gods will quickly enter the state of decay, and you can only carry it for a while than us!"

"Let me out! You can't die if you want--" The King of Terror continued to regard Li Shuier as a life-saving straw.

"Open!" Huo Liancheng shouted.

"No! This is definitely the conspiracy of the Lord of the Old Gods. He has used the power of the years before, which shows that he is not afraid of the years. In this way, once we leave, he will enter the ancient barrier more easily than anyone else! "The old man Xingchen stopped.

Damn it--

Li Shuier and Huo Liancheng still hesitated.

No one wants to fall into this embarrassing situation. They clearly have the upper hand. They only need to hold the "Ancient Enchantment". There is no chance to enter for convenience, and they can even wait to die... But now, the other party has instead ganged them up. In a hurry!


There is a Terror King God who is close to decay, after all, he is still a step slower, running in the ancient enchantment, and the speed has gradually slowed down! His body is drying up quickly!

Not only was it shriveled, but the skin also began to appear a terrible brown, and then the body was instantly left in place!



There were screams one after another. During this period, there were more than a dozen Terror King Gods, who were left by time and directly entered the decay period that changed the color of the Protoss!

"Open it!" The old man Xingchen was heartbroken and looked directly at Li Shui'er. All the horror king gods he brought were good hands. Now there are more than a dozen horror king gods who have stayed in place and turned into decay. It is under his command!

Had to make this decision!

Three great powers, reach an agreement! Li Shuier had no choice but to cast the Seal of the Sea King and instantly opened a curtain of water, and the gods swarmed out!

But then--

Li Shuier's face stiffened a bit!

"This...this..." Li Shui'er stammered, with a strong disbelief in her eyes. When she and many other horror kings walked out, they actually appeared in a vast battlefield. This feeling is very strange. She can go from here. Seeing the ancient enchantment, seeing the sneer on Su Jin's face...

"Formation! We walked out of the ancient enchantment and fell into the battlefield space he set... Damn it! He wants us to watch him heal the injury!" Huo Liancheng stamped his foot in despair.

"Don't panic, it's not so easy for him to find the ice core in the seal!" Li Shuier said.

"But there is your traitor from Bing Linghai by his side! The former king!" The old man Xingchen also had strong anger in his eyes, and he was a little bit exhausted--


Li Shuier knew that his explanation was untenable.

But what can she do?

Suddenly she had an idea, and quickly said: "Broken the formation! Break the formation!"

"Why?" The Terror King God just escaped, before he could catch his breath, he looked directly at Li Shui'er.

"The opponent is eager to go to heal his injuries, and he can't spur the big formation in the battlefield space. If he finishes his healing and adds the formation, we will probably suffer extremely heavy losses!" Li Shui'er said quickly.

Huo Liancheng and Old Man Xingchen also nodded directly, "Okay! There are strong players who are good at formations, quickly get out!"



"And I!"

"A ban on the battlefield in a mere battlefield, I can break it with a wave!"

"Yes, it's easy to break!"

"Leave it to us."


And Li Shui'er, Huo Liancheng and Old Man Xingchen began to pay attention to the problem of ancient enchantments when they saw many horror king gods who were proficient in formations running around to break the formation!

Su Jin smiled disdainfully, and appeared directly in the northeast corner where he could see the "Ancient Enchantment"——

Dianbing Ling took advantage of that moment to enter the occlusion, lightly clicked on Su Jin's lips, then blushed and shifted his eyes elsewhere.

She lost.

Just keep your promises!

Su Jin was only slightly stunned, knowing that it was not the time. He raised his arm, shook it lightly, and faintly turned into a dragon's claw. He tore a hole in an instant, and he directly pulled the dyed ice spirit in!

The ancient barrier has been restored again!

"Why am I okay?" Ding Bingling was still very nervous, she felt that it should be related to the "Wheel of Time" imprint drawn by Su Jin on her hand.

"Because you are on the side with me." Su Jin smiled.

"Cut." Dianbing Ling stretched out his hand and said, "Can this mark exist forever?"

"No, if you stay with me, this mark will last forever, but as long as you separate, the mark on your hand will gradually disappear." Su Jin explained.

"Hmph, follow God's curse a routine." Ran Bing Ling said.

Su Jin shrugged, why does he need to explain?

"Do you know where the sealed ice core is?" Su Jin asked.

"Know, come with me." Dye Bing Ling quickly pulled Su Jin and started walking towards the exact location. After all, she had been here. Outside she was not sure where the ancient barrier was, but as long as she was in the ancient barrier, she Know the exact location.

Huo Liancheng, Li Shui'er, and Old Man Xingchen all watched Su Jin and the others enter the barrier...

But the scene after the enchantment disappeared.

"I'm coming." Li Shuier's two-finger Jieyin directly used the'Sea King's Mark' to condense all the scenes in the'Ancient Enchantment'.

Time has crystallized and is still growing——

"He really is not afraid of the limitation of time crystallization! The old man is so angry!" The old man Xingchen seemed to have never been so depressed. They should have had the advantage, but they were forced out by the old master. They were embarrassed, not to mention, now they can only watch Now!

"If you don't have a **** sword, you can drive me out... This old master is really amazing, and now there is no way to do it in a hurry, let's break the formation first--" Huo Liancheng said depressed.

"Yes! Break the formation! You can't let him control the situation all the time!" As the old man Xingchen said, his voice resounded through the entire battlefield space again: "Has it been broken?"

It's quiet--

After a while, someone was weak and weak: "The battlefield space he set up seems to be different from the restrictions of ordinary formations!"

"Bullshit! Why is he the old master, aren't you? Get out of here and find a way to break through!" The old man Xingchen scolded.

Li Shui'er's inner ambiguity became more and more intense, her eyes were not staring at Su Jin...but staring at the ice dyed spirit...

"Traitor! Detestable traitor!" Li Shuier screamed inwardly.

In the ancient enchantment.

Bingbing Ling seemed to be extremely impressed by this place. After a while she took Su Jin into an open field, where there were all pillars engraved with patterns!

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