My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4024: A shocking scene!

Su Jin fell into a brief silence--

"In this case, it can only be outsmarted." Su Jin thought.


How to outsmart?

Ran Bingling opened her eyes wide and stared at Su Jin's face. She felt that she was just Li Shui'er, and she would never dare to come down. Now through the power of the Sea King's Mark, she definitely brought a lot of terrifying power.

Su Jin sneered, "I have my own plan, first find a safer place, I set up a stunning array, and lead them to come—"


The huge wolf whale disappeared, and the Bingbing Ling took out a water-repelling bead and handed it to Su Jin. Only for a moment, the sea water retreated directly around Su Jin, and the space supported by the water-repelling bead was about ten feet.

"Can you see this sea cliff in the Sealed Land? Or is there a space barrier?" Su Jin asked.

"It's not a space barrier, but a kind of ancient barrier. The barrier is not small and difficult to break. Moreover, although you can see the outside from the inside, you can only see part of it." Ranbing Ling described it.

Suddenly, Su Jin smiled weirdly——

At least let Dianbing Ling feel the back chills!

"Don't they like to be preconceived? Let's let them get out by themselves." Su Jin's expression returned to calm.

"Get out by yourself? How could it be possible!" Dianbing Ling didn't believe it.

"Put out your hand." Su Jin said.

Dying Bingling was dubious, put his hand in front of Su Jin, watching him hold her little hand——

What time is it!

And Xianxin takes advantage of her?

But after a short while, Yan Bing Ling felt different. Su Jin drew a strange symbol on the palm of her hand with his fingers, and then Su Jin took the Yan Bing Ling and started to walk around the sea cliffs——

Every time, Bingbing Ling could see Su Jin leaving a mark on the sea cliff.

At every step, Bingbing Ling saw that Su Jin's feet seemed to have a little formation pattern.

Ten miles.


Thousands of miles!

It's not that Bingbing Ling doesn't understand God's formations, she just knows a little bit. Like before, when she dealt with Su Jin, she used the strength of the formations to freeze Su Jin... It's just... Su Jin seems to be doing a big deal this time!

Li Shui'er and Huo Liancheng brought all the King of Terror into the sealed sea cliff in an instant. Although the enchantment here has been passed down to the ancients, until now, the power has not been reduced by a single point. It is very large, from which you can see some areas in the northwest and northeast.

The old man Xingchen didn’t know where the seal was. The traces of the seal in this submarine space seemed to have been erased. Except for the stone mountains and blue ice crystals, there was nothing alive—

And it was very cold below, even the old man star and Huo Liancheng couldn't help frowning, not to mention the other horror king gods.


Li Shui'er exclaimed: "They are outside! Right there!"

Of course, Huo Liancheng, the lord of the Southern Territory, and Old Man Xingchen had captured Su Jin and Bingbing Ling.

They saw Su Jin and Bingbing Ling in the northeast corner, passing through the bright barrier, they could see two figures as if they wanted to come in ‘rush’.

"Don't panic! The situation is beneficial to us! He is seriously injured, and naturally wants to come in and use the sealed land to heal his wounds. As long as I wait here as a deterrent, with his injuries, I am afraid that it will not last long." The old man Xingchen yelled.

"Reasonable!" Huo Liancheng also smiled openly.

This kind of behavior of chasing after Su Jin was undesirable, after all, it was not clear how many methods and powers the other party had.

As long as they wait for the other party's chills to develop and the injury becomes heavier, it will benefit them greatly.

It's better to die outside--

Li Shui'er frowned slightly. She had a sense of inexplicability, but she couldn't describe it. She could only agree with the plans of Huo Liancheng and Old Man Xingchen.

"The seriously injured Old God Lord is the most anxious now. He just glanced at us, as if he was obviously very alert and panicked. Unfortunately, we are still a little bit earlier than him." There is a Terror King God proudly said.

"There are two domain masters leading us here, no matter how strong he is, it will be difficult to enter! We only need to watch him die outside—"

"He wants to heal, but there is no door!"

"The sea king still has great magical powers. Although the Lord of the Old Gods entered the sea first, he did not come as soon as we did! We are standing here, and he is absolutely impossible to come in."

"Yeah, as long as you dare to come in, the two domain masters can do whatever they want, and you can completely blow him up -"



After a while, Su Jin appeared in a corner of the northwest again, and then disappeared in a flash.

In the ancient enchantment, there are more than 10,000 Terror King Gods, all of them burst into laughter! They are the majority of the power in the Southern and Western Regions. Now that the old god’s lord can’t enter, it seems to be scared by them, so naturally proud——

Dye Bing Ling became more curious as he watched.

Su Jin was about to make a circle, every some distance, his hand would carve something on the stone cliff, she didn't understand, and she didn't dare to ask, after all, she had seen it just now, there were many horror kings inside.

Moreover, there are two domain owners!

"It seems to be the Lord of the Southern Territories and the Lord of the Western Regions." Yinya was trembling when Bingbing Ling spoke. If Su Jin had not been confident, she would have wanted to escape.

"Lao Tzu Tianshen has to get out soon and watch me go to heal." Su Jin said coldly.

"So confident? I hope you can do it—" Ranbing Ling couldn't bear to attack.

If Su Jin had not created so many incredible things in the eyes of Ding Bing Ling, she would never have stayed here!


The footprints of the stars seemed to dissipate in the water, and the dyed ice spirit was led by Su Jin. Her ice spirit divine body was particularly sensitive to the perception of temperature, and she didn't notice that Su Jin felt any nervousness...

Time slowly passed.

The more than 10,000 Horror King Gods in the ancient enchantment, the more they wait, the more impatient they are. Most of them can't see Su Jin, and if it consumes so much, is it really exhausting him?

"Ahem..." Su Jinha let out a burst of blue ice.

"How is it?" Ran Bingling said nervously.

"Last few steps."

Su Jin sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Have you ever seen a frog boiled in warm water?"

"Do you want to trap them to death with formations? Isn't it... difficult? There are countless horror king gods and two domain masters in it. I won't mention it. You also knew what I meant before. You have a king seal. Li Shui'er, you can go unimpeded in the Ice Spirit Sea, and you can open a channel to take them away at any time." Ran Bing Ling said.

"Of course I think about it."

Su Jin said indifferently: "Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to set up a space formation on the periphery. Although she has the Sea King's mark of Ice Spirit Sea, when they come out, it will be another space and space that I set up."

"Will they come out?" Bingbing asked, "That way your injury will worsen, and they will wait for you to die. They can afford it, but you can't afford it—"

"Not coming out?"

Su Jin shook his spirits and looked at the ice dyed spirit with weird eyes, "I bet that when we enter the ancient enchantment, there won't be a Terror King God who dares to stay inside!"

"Impossible, it's too exaggerated, you say you have almost no power, how could they still be afraid of you." Ran Bingling shook his head, and didn't believe it anyway.


"Gamble, gamble."

"What are you betting on?"

"My lady dare to bet anything with you--"

"If you lose, give me a kiss, dare you bet?"


Ryan Bing's spiritual energy didn't strike, then she rolled her eyes and said, "If you lose, give me all the bells on your waist, dare you?"


That's the magic clock!

There is also an ‘East Emperor’s Bell’!

Su Jin smiled, without any hesitation, nodded and said: "Okay."

Ran Bingling's eyes immediately became proud. When she thought of it, she didn't want him either, but she didn't want him to be too embarrassed. She wanted to force out more than 10,000 Terror King Gods, including two Domain Lords, and one Sea King. ?

The impossible

Moreover, they had a clear goal, and it was clear that Su Jin would not be allowed to enter the sealed land in the ancient enchantment. Under such circumstances, it was even more impossible to come out.

The last few steps!

Su Jin has been set up.

"Is it all right?" Ran Bingling turned to look, she and Su Jin walked a full circle, and now she is looking at the place where they originally circled the circle from the east, with Su Jin on it. Means of application.

"Sure." Su Jin nodded.

"What should I do? What can I do for you?" Ran Bingling asked.

"You can't help anything, just watch."

"How about you?"

"I watched it too."


Bingbing Ling was discouraged, she really wanted to persuade, while the other side was strictly guarding, the strong were all in the ancient enchantment, find an empty road, as for the injury, it won’t be better if it gets better, anyway, Su Jin said he Can live with injuries!

"I never lie to beautiful women." Su Jin said.

"Huh." Dianbing Ling curled his lips.

Immediately after...

It's different!

Bingbing Ling slowly widened his eyes and looked down at his feet. That was... that was the roulette that appeared when Su Jin had dealt with the Great Lord Bashe and the others!

Ding Ding Ding~~~

On the sea cliff with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, there was a continuous burst of cold light on the cliff!

"It's the power of time again?" Ran Bingling was startled.

Dianbing Ling raised her hand and looked at her palm. There was also an imprint of the Wheel of Time on her palm, slowly shining!

Ding Ding Ding~~~

A terrible disaster has occurred!

On the rocky cliff on the seabed with a radius of 10,000 miles, a spar quickly condensed... Those spars were extremely gorgeous, and they started directly toward the Wanli area! spread!

If you listen to it alone, the sound of spar growth is not too terrible, but the growth of an infinite number of spars is naturally different.

"What sound?" Li Shuier said nervously.

"Look at the enchantment!" The Horror King God seemed to have seen the most unforgettable thing in this life, and said in horror.

It's not just that the surface of the ancient enchantment is covered with that kind of spar--

The earth inside the barrier has also begun to be invaded by the years, and one spar quickly grows out!

The old man Xingchen glared his eyes and roared, "Be careful! This is the crystallization of time!"

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