My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3781: One thing drops one thing!

Cemetery of the Gods, west.

A few minutes ago, Su Jin could still see the existence of Qingbai Mountain, but since crossing a long and clear river, from the west of Hexi, a Qingbai Mountain was invisible.

Liu Li'er walked with bare feet on the pebble shoal by the river. She looked at Su Jin from time to time, but sometimes when she looked at each other inadvertently, she looked at it at a very fast speed. The shyness on her face was different from anything else. woman--

Su Jin silently observed the surroundings, and when he got here, he just felt relatively safe.

"Do you feel it?" Su Jin asked Liu Li'er suddenly, with a solemn tone.


Liu Li'er was silent from the root of her ears to her neck.

"From the river side, I haven't noticed anything unusual. When I get to the river side, I always feel that an inexplicable being is staring at me." Su Jin said with a solemn expression.

Liu Li'er was surprised, is there? She really didn't feel anyone was watching her--

at this time!

Liu Li'er felt the rocks under the water move! Then, the whole earth began to tremble, and countless stones rose from the ground!

"Stranger, leave this lord's territory at a high speed..." A strange voice that couldn't be explained clearly appeared in the ears of Su Jin and Liu Li'er.

Su Jin frowned slightly, and said lightly: "This king is not scared, I want to walk out of the cemetery of the gods from here, and please make way, otherwise the gods will block and kill the gods and will never be merciless."

"Hahaha... do you know who the lord is? You are really presumptuous! Little protoss junior, dare to come to my place to be wild? Tell you, you can't leave if you want!"

Countless stones fell heavily, and for a time, the earth shook the mountains!

Liu Lier finally felt the horror of the other party! Her face was pale, and she was a little weak in an instant. Her two gods' rules began to leave her body uncontrollably. The power was simply...

"The opponent can **** away my rules of God, combat power is declining." Liu Lier quickly informed Su Jin of this message.


so smart?

Su Jin felt very strange, he didn't realize how strong the opponent was--

"What **** lord, where are you? Come out to fight with you, Xiaoye." Su Jin has been searching carefully with his eyebrows, but he has found nothing, and he is surprised.

"Fuck! I'm so big, you didn't even see me? You...why...smelly feet, so stinky, bad luck, really bad luck!"

The weird sound made Su Jin stunned, he and Liu Lier instinctively looked down—

Su Jin sighed. It was not him... but a fire-red round stone that Liu Lier was stepping on. The round stone was about the size of a palm and was making a trembling, angry sound.

Liu Li'er flushed and retreated to Su Jin's side. She... She was speechless... As a Protoss, she rarely touched the ground with her feet in her life, and she was not as unbearable as the other party said.

"I prove that it doesn't smell at all." Su Jin snorted coldly: "I think it is something, it's just a stone-breaker."

"" The slap-sized round stone was going crazy, protesting: "Become a spirit? Stonebreaker? Listen! The lord is the tallest, largest and most handsome in the cemetery of the gods. The evil lord! Countless kings and gods dare not provoke me. You can't count the kings I have eaten! Now you immediately kowtow to the lord and apologize, otherwise you will strip your little protoss!"

"The gods are afraid of you, the kings are afraid of you, the deity is not afraid of you...Who said that Laozi is a god?" Su Jin finally felt the problem——

This stone gall can absorb the rules of the gods, even if the rules of the kings and gods cannot escape its means, and the other party mistakenly believes that he is a protoss, it may also come from his forehead colored vertical eyes——

If so, it would be interesting.

Su Jin still had to kill it.

Thinking of this, Su Jin lightly grabbed it, and sucked the red gallstone into his hand!

"You...your god's are not a protoss!" The evil lord is going crazy, constantly trembling power, but it can't escape Su Jin's palm.

For all the kings and gods in the cemetery of the gods--

Today is definitely an extremely terrible day.

Most of the cemetery of the gods was trembling, and many kings and gods were shocked, condensing a scene in the evil domain, where there are two figures, and one of the young people is actually holding the evil lord!


Is there such a crazy existence in the world?

And at this moment, King Hogg and King Tianhao, who had already chased the evil domain, were also stunned.

Liu Lier's heart trembled, her rule of God was still swimming out of the body, and the stone gall seemed to be endlessly greedy, constantly devouring her rule of God!

"Yes, I'm not a protoss, so angry?" Su Jin laughed, and then said: "Evil lord, but so, I was captured in a blink of an eye. I have always had a bold idea before, and now I want to use that idea. To deal with you..."

"To deal with me? You are a little human race, the lord killed! You... hey..." How the evil leader can exert his power, he can't have any influence on Su Jin. It can face any king and god, but the human race is heavenly. To suppress it, it makes it feel very aggrieved.

"Now you swear to surrender to me, I will take you out of the cemetery of the gods and admire the wonderful scenery outside. If you do not surrender to me, I will still take you out, but I will find a stinking dung pit as soon as possible. , Throw you in and let you sink forever in the world of cesspools, don't you have a habit of cleanliness, I have some ways to cure you." Su Jinyin laughed.

"Submission? The gods have always surrendered to me! And you don't know what is good or bad, this is the cemetery of the gods, no existence can go out!" Shidan was still struggling, but it was obviously frightened by Su Jin's words——


Su Jin glanced at Liu Li'er and said, "Li'er, if you feel embarrassed, turn your back. Today I want to extinguish his arrogance!"

"What! What are you doing! You can't..." Shi Dan panicked, and for it, it would be a disaster!

Liu Lier blushed and turned around and walked several meters away——

Su Jin didn't say much, undressed in one hand, and then saw that the tremor of Shidan stopped and the red light dimmed.

"It seems to be dizzy?" Liu Lier asked subconsciously without seeing the red light.

"It doesn't matter, pour it first!" Su Jin said in a harsh tone without moving.

"Don't...don't...I surrendered..." Shidan radiated red light again, "My evil lord swears a poisonous oath at the price of decay to recognize you as the master! Never betray!"

The corner of Su Jin's mouth curled, and he said indifferently: "This is about the same... release Li'er's rule of God."

The round stone gall suddenly exudes bursts of misty brilliance, and circles of black and sea-blue gods' rules, like chains, are gripped by Liu Lier's palm.

"Big brother and sister-in-law, as a lord, I have never harmed anyone. You have to treat your younger brother better in the future--" The slapped stone gall was obviously a little frustrated.

"How many kings can you deal with at the same time?" Su Jin asked the key question.

"How many? I haven't tried it. I always eat one by one according to the rules of the kings, and I count the **** when I'm full, and those kings are hard to catch and act faster than me..." Shi Dan said.

"Then I will let you have a full meal--" Su Jin laughed conspiracy again.

Liu Li'er returned to her peak state, and she was shocked when she heard this! She instantly understood Ye Di's thoughts!

"Li'er, go!" Su Jin held the stone gall in one hand, wrapped Liu Li'er's slender waist with the other, crossed the river directly and turned back to the river!

"Ye Di!" The Heavenly Hao King God woke up in a sluggish state. He was the same as King Hogg's, and his face changed suddenly. What Ye Di was holding in his hand turned out to be the evil lord——


"Escape!" King Hogg was so scared that his souls were all gone, and he was about to regret his death. If he was allowed to choose, he would definitely hide in his own divine coffin and would not be agitated by the Tianhao King. Wouldn't he live a bad life? !


The God of Tianhao was almost the same as the God of King Hogg, and he separated instantly!

Su Jin sneered at the corner of his mouth, and when he threw the red stone gall, that is, the demon lord, at King Hogg, but he was faster than King Tianhao and stopped him!

"Ye Di, you really want to die!" Tian Hao Wang Shen's face showed a cruel expression. Was the Ye Emperor smart but was mistaken by his cleverness? He even threw the demon lord at King Hogg, and then King Hogg died. Dead, and the demon lord can't help the night emperor now--

"You have suffered a serious injury, it is still easy to cut you... and you can't escape." Su Jin looked at the Tianhao King God and said calmly.


Even though Liu Li'er had a slender waist and was embraced by the human race of Ye Di, facing the two kings and gods, she had an extremely strong sense of security in her heart!

And now Liu Li'er was also dumbfounded, the demon lord in the distance used endless rules to shroud a void, trapping King Hogg there--

"Ah, there is meat to eat with the big brother. Without his flick, how could this lord catch you..." The demon lord who looked like a stone gall was talking to King Hogg.

King Hogg is as annoyed as he is now! In this rule of prohibition, the scope is not too small, probably tens of thousands of miles. He is now rampant and has not been greatly affected by the demon lord for the time being.

However, his rule of the King God has already begun to move around. Every time he approaches, he feels that he cannot be suppressed. He knows that as long as the rule of the King God is swallowed, he will undoubtedly die!

Whoosh whoosh——

Although King Hogg is close to decay, his power should not be underestimated. In the five hundred colorful rules and restrictions, it seems to be transformed into bundles of brilliance, constantly avoiding the attack of stone gall——

It seems like a chase war!

Only two minutes.

The Tianhao King God who was facing Su Jin was shocked, he heard a scream! That scream came from King Hogg!

Can't wait! King Hogg is bound to die. If he can't get rid of the night emperor during this period, or kill the night emperor, he will definitely follow in the footsteps of King Hogg!

"Ye Di! I'm fighting with you!" Regardless of the severely injured body, Tianhao King God directly raised his arm and slashed towards Su Jin!

In the distance restricted by the rules of thousands of miles...

The evil lord who looks like a stone gall is floating on the head of King Hogg. The rules of the King God make it extremely happy. He **** and sings: "My little baby, we are one. Yes! Fly...Fly..."

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