My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3780: Qinglian Xianwei

How long can it be delayed by doing this——

Su Jin didn't know. Anyway, he and Liu Li'er were in the south. They only wanted to distract King Hogg and King Tianhao away. He felt that time would not be too long, and these two Kings would find him sooner or later.

"Li'er——" Su Jin said.


Liu Li'er instinctively raised her head by the lake to respond. She had never responded to Su Jin's words so quickly, perhaps even she was subtle, and developed a little favor for Su Jin——

"Let's go. Prepare to go to the West." Su Jin said lightly.

"Are you leaving?" Liu Li'er was a little excited. She didn't want to be here, in the heavens to be free. This is just the cemetery of the gods, a confinement, and the home of the gods.

"In three days, definitely walk out of the cemetery of the gods and believe me. I am more anxious to go back than you." Su Jin said to Liu Li'er in a strange tone.

Liu Lier's expression was unhappy:...

But also speechless.

The Cemetery of the Gods, to the west!

The gods of Tianhao and King Hogg rushed to the sky, and the hand that covered the sky was slapped in the western sky, and the prestige definitely made the king not despise!

But now!

With the disappearance of the hand that covers the sky, the faces of the gods Tianhao and King Hogg became more and more ugly--

"The power of the human race's soul, we are being teased again." Tianhao King God was angry, but there was a deep weakness in his heart. He thought it would be difficult to find that human race night emperor, but he didn't expect it to happen again and again. Again, I was tricked again!

"The front is the territory of the evil lord. Ten thousand years ago, I saw him swallow the three kings and gods. We must not go to the west to find! He played us once, and it is not a bad thing for us. At least it proves that he is absolutely Not to the west!"

King Hogg thought for a while, and he slammed his whole body suddenly, shouting: "In the south! He is in the south!"

"Why is it in the south?" Tianhao Wangshen asked quickly.

"There are a few bone wolves that have traveled through a place full of years. I still feel strange that those few bone wolves continue to rush to the south soon after they disappear. Those years of prohibition are definitely the work of the human race Ye Di!" Ge Wang Shen said.

"What a night emperor! The cat catches the mouse, right? We will accompany you to the end!" Tianhao King God shouted.


After covering up their breath from Su Jin and Liu Li'er, after leaving the Erqingbaibei Mountain by the lake——

Liu Li'er's expression has always been strange.

She was very curious that Su Jin was a human being, and changed to another normal person, let alone facing the king god, even if he was facing a god, he would be scared to pee his pants, but just when he left, the emperor was here. Words were left on the mountain of Qingbai stele--

Su Jin's self-confidence is like a poison to a woman, willing to be poisoned, Liu Li'er even has a stronger and stronger affection for him, and I really want to know his past.

Even now, Su Jin is holding her gauze skirt and willow waist, and walking to the west of the cemetery of the gods together, she does not feel any disgust, which was absolutely impossible before.

"The west will be very dangerous, but the most dangerous place is also the safest place. At least they will not suspect that we are in the west for the time being." Su Jin said calmly.


"Well, there is another King God who is with Tianhao King God, and he asked for a helper." Su Jin pondered: "Otherwise, based on the strength of my current soul body, I should be able to beat Tianhao King God. But. Against the two kings and gods, unless my deity is here, it is absolutely impossible."

"Two--" Liu Lier took a breath.

"So you have to work hard, you can also improve me a lot of strength." Su Jin's tone didn't mean any joking.

In the land of glazed glaze, Gao Yue and the lotus goddess had long been verified, and the help to him even made him feel incredible, and Liu Lier was even more powerful than those two gods, because she had two gods rules , And he seems to like her a little bit more-

Upon hearing this, Liu Li'er turned his face to other places, behaving in acquiescence to Su Jin's request.


The **** Tianhao and King Hogg finally saw that strange place!

The speed at which the years go by makes them noticeably different! And there is a lake, there is a green and white monument mountain, there is also the mark of a wheel of years!

When the two kings and gods fell on the Qingbaibei Mountain, the expressions on their faces were as wonderful as they were!

On the green and white stele mountain, there are writings left--

The four words are: "The evil dog is in the air..."

Tianhao Wangshen's face turned green, and he smashed the Qingbai Mountain into powder with a fist. He roared up to the sky, and stomped straight on the spot! !

"Where! Where is he!" King Hogg was also crushed by the play. He wanted to calm down, but he couldn't control it. This was too refined. First, he slammed, and finally left the hidden place!

King Hogg now has the urge to scold his mother, let alone King God Tianhao——

"Chaotic Tianyuan, the Eye of Rules, open it to me!" The God of Tianhao roared hissingly, "Yedi! Even if I damage the origin of the rules, I will get you out. You can't run away! You just need to stay in the gods. The cemetery will be under my nose, there is no escape!"

"You are crazy! This will only bring you close to the edge of decay..." King Hogg yelled angrily, but it was already too late, seeing King Tianhao split his eyebrows, and a drop of blood quickly condensed into a circle. , Directly expand the rule's eyes——

Heavenly Hao King God even puts leaving the cemetery of the gods in second place, his first is Killing Night Emperor! Only by frustrating his bones and ashes can the hatred in his heart be solved!


Thunder in the night, circles of chaos, quickly enveloped the entire lake.

"Ah!" Tianhao King God screamed.

He used the method of killing one thousand enemies and destroying eight hundred, condensing the eyes of the king and god, and wanted to break the night emperor's place. As a result, in the chaos above, there is a lotus flower that covers the sky and the sun. Turn it out!

"Eternal blue sky and a lotus!" Hogg was shocked, and was instinctively taken a step back!

"I...I'm blind in the eyes of rules..." God King Tianhao snarled at King Hogg, clutching his forehead with an extremely miserable voice.


The pain that he hadn't experienced in countless years seemed to pierce his heart and soul, Tianhao King God even wanted to roll on the ground, the pain even he could not bear!

They don’t know--

Su Jin seems to be aware now, this is simply a surprise, the other party's eyes of rules can even affect his "Eternal Qingtianlian", this king is too stupid.

"What's the matter." Liu Li'er didn't dare to look at Su Jin's face. Her hatred was gone now, and in the past two days, she had also thought about it, as if those so-called grievances were not a big deal--

"There is a king **** who is about to cry." Su Jin sneered.


King Tianhao wants to cry without tears!

King Hogg looked at the eternal blue sky lotus that faintly appeared in the chaos, his face suddenly changed immediately, and he flashed away from the position of the Tianhao King God!


A cyan thunderbolt struck Tianhao King God and directly blasted him to the ground!



Thunderbolt lightning, one after another, Tianhao King God's face and skin were all blackened, and shocking wounds appeared in some places! But he is a king god, and he is not at the point of disappearing!

Take the blame, no disaster! The God of Tianhao couldn't think of it, how could there be an eternal Qingtianlian in this cemetery of the gods!

"It must be that person... Human Race..." When Tianhao King God screamed, his whole body seemed to be bathed in thunder light, screaming again and again for a while--

Chaos Qinglian chopped it for half a time!

During this period, at least thousands of thunderbolts were dropped! Tianhao King God, seriously injured!

King Hogg looked terrified. Fortunately, it was King Tianhao, because King God Tianhao was not on the verge of decay, but he was on the verge of decay. It was absolutely impossible to toss like this.

Gods, normally speaking, can live forever, but they cannot be old and immortal. There are many kings and gods. In the end, they are like wood, with their spiritual consciousness still there, but they can't move or speak. At that time, most kings and gods will choose to kill themselves. ——

"Brother Tianhao...I can't chase it..." King Hogg retreated. He really felt that the emperor was extraordinary. He couldn't catch the opponent like this. The future will only be more difficult, maybe He had to explain in the cemetery of the gods.

"Chasing...this hatred...this hatred doesn't share heaven..." Tianhao King God beat the ground with his hand, his whole body was smashed like a beggar, he was no longer a god.

King Hogg sighed. After seeing the Eternal Qing Tianlian disappeared, he dared to walk to the King God of Tianhao, and said slowly: "Hope, Brother Tianhao, if you really find the Emperor of the Night, no matter who you or I go first , In the end I hope you don’t show mercy to me—"

"No... that night emperor will die..." King Tianhao felt cold, staring at King Hogg. Why didn't he understand what the other party meant?

If Tianhao King God had just been hacked to death by Eternal Qing Tianlian, this Hogg would never let him go. If he robbed him of everything, King Hogg would definitely be able to return to normal from the edge of decay, and would have endless time...

Heavenly Hao King God had to be wary... Now that Hogg did not attack him, he was not sure of his current combat power, and he had to be prepared in the cemetery of the gods, anyone could be the prey!

"That night emperor probably went to the territory of the evil lord --" King Hogg thought.

"Why?" In order to show his strength, King Tianhao stood up. In fact, King Hogg had a good chance just now, but now his injuries are recovering quickly.

"When Qing Tianlian hacked you, I saw the lotus roots in the west outside Thunder Tribulation...If the eternal Qing Tianlian is the thing of the night emperor, it means that he is going west or has reached the area of ​​the evil lord." Hogg King Shinto.

"I used the Eye of Rules thousands of years ago. At that time, there was no eternal Qingtian lotus! This thing is not Yedi's, but it belongs to the goddess race! Let's go... as long as we don't disturb the evil lord. God Hao Wang said bitterly.

"What if you are alarmed?" King Hogg asked coldly.


Tianhao King God was silent for a long time before responding: "If the evil lord is alarmed, then run away. One who can go is one--"

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