My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 122: Su Tianlong's help

Su Jin did not explain Qin's surprise. She also understood the current situation of Jutu. The two soon arrived in the living room, and Qin stopped and did not walk in.

"Uncle Su, it seems that you are not in trouble this time." After Su Jin walked in, he said with a smile.

Su Tianlong smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry about your nephew, it's not always clear who will be the one who will die.

"Bo Su is so confident?" Su Jin asked pretendingly in surprise.

"I don't have any strength, how dare you go down in Qincheng." Su Tianlong invited Su Jin to sit down. Su Jin felt very strange that Susan was no longer next to her. Maybe the group was in a critical condition, and then she went out to work. Yeah, but Su Tianlong is not short of beautiful women. This time, Su Jin is showing a blonde foreign girl!

Su Jin couldn't help but glanced more at her face. What is the aesthetic standard of a Chinese man? Guazi face, this beauty has it!

With fair complexion, this foreign sister is born!

good body shape? Where can someone stay with Su Tianlong?

Su Jin was shocked, and wondered what the **** was Su Tianlong doing.

"I'm her godfather, let's introduce yourself." Su Tianlong said lightly to the tall, white-skinned person beside him.


Su Tianlong is fine!

"Hello, my name is Smith Irene, you can call me Irene."

The foreign beauty said the first sentence. Su Jin didn't believe in Su Tianlong before, but now he believes it. Without living in China for many years, it would be impossible to speak the correct Mandarin.

"Su Jin." Su Jin nodded to her.

After Su Tianlong introduced the two, he knocked on the table, looked at Su Jin and said, "I don't know what the nephew thinks of this matter?"

"Someone wants to take a shot at Jutu and they are already doing it." Su Jin said.

Anyway, he just wants to kick the ball to the opponent. Although Su Tianlong definitely knows that he understands some of the inside information, he can’t help it. Now Su Jin falls anywhere, it may cause their failure, because both sides are very Self-confidence, so no unstable forces are allowed to rebel, they are afraid to be here.

"Nephew, I want you to help me this time." Su Tianlong said, staring at Su Jin's face.

coming. Su Jin secretly said something in his heart, and then he closed his clothes and said with a serious face: "Su Bo, don't worry, I'm already helping you. I suggested to Uncle Xia that if the stock market in Jutu collapses, our Xia Group can Acquisitions will never give the other party any chance."

"Oh?" Su Tianlong was not surprised. In fact, he had already cursed in his heart. How could he not understand the old boy Xia Honghai? At this time, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. The two have been dealing with each other for these years. Even if Su Jin doesn’t say anything, he understands it, but what he needs is the help of Su Jin and the forces, not the Xia Group. It seems that this kid is still talking to him. Sloppy yourself!

"I will guarantee like Suber that the Xia Group will never sit back and watch the giant map be attacked, and I will promise you like you, if you really can't support it, I will definitely take action." Su Jin said.

This sentence--

There is a bit of weight!

Su Tianlong is waiting for this sentence. He is confident to deal with Dai Meiyun, but he is afraid that the other party will benefit Su Jin too much. Even if his daughter is a Su Jin woman, in this age of the supremacy of interests, he might appear behind him.' Stabbing the gun' event! So he had to guard against, at least, Su Jin said this sentence, which proves that he still has a tendency to help them Jutu Group!

"Okay! I have this kind of courage at a young age. I really didn't misunderstand the person. Su Bo is waiting for you." Su Tianlong patted the coffee table and said with a blushing face.

"Then Dai Meiyun seems to be aggressive this time. I don't know if Su Bo has any way to deal with it?" Su Jin started to attack from the side. It's a little bit more to understand this kind of thing, maybe you can dig it out. Some secrets I don’t know.

Su Tianlong smiled and shook his head, "Come on, I will naturally be able to deal with it."

"But, I know that Dai Meiyun has the support of super powers behind her. I don't know what Su Bo thinks?" Su Jin felt that if he didn't make a big move, the other party would definitely not reveal something.

"Super power?" Su Tianlong was unexpectedly calm, "They have it, and I have it too."


Su Jin felt that this trip was worthwhile. He wanted to know this kind of thing most urgently. Although Su Tianlong might not tell him anything, he knew that there was a super giant behind Jutu who supported him and made money. Anyway, it's just a matter of playing on both sides, and he just intends to profit from them.

"No surprises. Qin City is not a simple place. Although you look calm, some people have become more restless in recent years." Su Tianlong glanced at him, "I don't think the nephew need be surprised. Isn’t there behind you..."


Longya is also a super power?

Fuck, Su Jin immediately felt that Bige had risen to the height of a god. No wonder Dai Meiyun and Su Tianlong wanted to win over themselves. They didn't even know some things about Longya. These two people had already figured it out, which made him feel It's terrible to them.

Although Su Jin was shocked, he understood that he couldn't be overjoyed. After maintaining his original calm face, he smiled and said, "There is nothing to hide from Su Bo."

Su Tianlong raised her hand, indicating that it was nothing. Irene, who was on the side, looked at the two with a calm expression, but when she heard the superpower behind Su Jin, her eyes were more noticeable. Something less than.

"My nephew doesn't come often recently. You can treat this place as your home in the future. Don't be polite to Uncle Sub." Su Tianlong was happy, but he was still a little suspicious of Su Jin. As the saying goes, the wall is down. Everyone pushed, this kid shouldn't turn back then, but Susan and Xiaoqin are there, so he wouldn't want to do it if he wants to come. Thinking of this, his heart feels a lot more at ease.


Su Jin secretly scolded him for being treacherous and cunning, can he come often? This time she was stopped by Dai Meiyun. Obviously, she has a lot of informants in the dark. If she comes often, she wouldn’t think too much about it. He still feels it’s better to avoid the limelight recently. If something is wrong, do it again. The decision is not too late.

"That's good, I have to make some arrangements. My nephew will stay here for a while, Irene, you accompany Su Jin around the house more." Su Tianlong got up and said with a serious expression.

Su Jin could see that Su Tianlong really didn't pretend this time, and the matter seemed to be more serious than he thought, but fortunately, it wasn't him that was mainly targeted, he was happy and relaxed.

Although Qin Cheng's form is dangerous now, how well is he? There are beautiful women, money to spend, and a wife waiting to be petted by herself. The key is that there is still a foreigner on the other side.

Yang mm, he has seen many.

Don’t forget, before he went to prison, he was also a mess. Qincheng is China’s No. 1 economic city. Many foreigners in those nightclubs went out to sea, but he had never touched...

Su Tianlong probably had a bit of bleeding this time, and his daughter lost it. Now he wants to bring Irene in. After Su Tianlong left, there were only two people left in the room, and there was silence for a while.

Seeing Irene not speaking, Su Jin couldn't help but smile and said, "Beauty, you speak Chinese quite well, how many years have you been in China?"

Irene had been looking at Su Jin. She felt a strong and insidious aura on him. She understood that the existence that could cause Su Tianlong's headaches must be very powerful, and immediately smiled and said, "I am a mixed race, didn't you see it? "

"Mixed blood?"

Su Jin was surprised, but he didn't expect it, anyway, he thought he was a foreigner when he saw the blond and blue eyes, but now, if he took a closer look, he really had some Chinese ancestry as she said.

She is blonde, and the color of her eyes is not as blue as the real Europeans or Americans, but these small details are hard to notice.

"Yes, I have a quarter of Chinese ancestry, and a quarter of American ancestry." Irene laughed, speaking without concealment.

"Then there is half?" Su Jin became more and more interested.

"The other half, it's bit people."

"I have never heard of such a group." Su Jin shook his head.

"It's normal if you don't know it. It's just an ethnic group in a small country far away, but everyone in our place is brave and good at fighting, unlike your Chinese." Irene smiled sweetly, her mouth Sure enough, it's not like the big mouths of beauties in Europe and America.

Su Jin gave a dry cough, "Then what do you think of us?"

"You have one advantage. There is only one." Irene said with a smile.


"Smart, good at doing business." Irene replied.

"That's not good, how many?"

"That's a lot." Irene raised her long legs and sat beside Su Jin, smiling and saying, "The most typical thing is that your size is not good."


Su Jin's face suddenly turned blue and red, and this girl seemed to be a little doubtful, are we clever and tough? Besides, isn't it? Isn't Lao Tzu's worse than them? This Nima is annoying!

It's so uncomfortable to communicate with foreign beauties. Su Jin rolled his eyes and said, "Are foreign beauties open like you?"

"I'm not open." Irene said with a smile: "We bit women, always have to go back to marry their own people."

"But isn't your blood impure, you can consider it, our Chinese man." Su Jin asked.

"That's right, thank you for reminding, but my parents let me go back to marry a tribe." Irene said.

Su Jin sighed in his heart. Once upon a time, many men were proud to control foreign girls. He finally understands that it is our genetic problems that outsiders laugh at. However, this girl shouldn't let herself have a chance. She is a Chinese, let her see how powerful the Chinese are.

"Beauty, it's not good for you to think so, what do you think of me?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

"You? Are you okay?" Irene asked stubbornly, and then glanced at Su Jin.


Nima, Tian Biao Su Jin can't stand it, he is speechless at this time, at least he is very confident in himself! Su Jin looked at her face, smiled and changed his tone and said, "If you don't go back to the family, you can call the shots? How do I feel that you listen to Uncle Su?"

"He is my godfather. In order to get the support of my people, he wants me to marry."

"Beauty, you have confused me."

"Not confused, although I didn't understand why he let me be alone with you, but I understand now." Irene slowly got up and came to Su Jin's body.

Your sister Sun, what are you doing? Su Jin's heart is shaking, hey, this Irene is quite sensible!

Irene stared at Su Jin, smiled pretty nicely, then raised her hand, put her fingers on his chest, and slowly descended...

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