My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 121: Promised dinner

"You, you, you!" Lin Siyan covered her face with one hand.

This man is too cheap! It's no wonder that he ignored himself before and drove away... But he said that, but there is some truth in it. It is always a bit difficult to deal with people in front of him.

"So, Xie Dazhi would also be uncomfortable in that case. Am I not here to apologize to you? If you still need it, I will find one for you from the Xia Group, how about?" Su Jin said.

He is just talking about it. It must be easy for the other party to recruit people. The big deal is to find someone who is willing to change jobs and has experience.

"No need, a cheeky guy like you, poached my people, what else can I say." Lin Siyan secretly said that Su Jin is too smart, so she came to her to explain the situation and it was obvious to him. To be generous, and it will not get stuck in the relationship.

Just imagine, if he didn't come to himself to apologize, Xie Dazhi would leave the next day. Then what would she think of Su Jin?

"Are you angry?" Su Jin said with a smile.

"Don't be angry, just dig it. He is quite capable. If you continue, I might change my mind." Lin Siyan snorted, pretending to be dissatisfied.

"Now I just apologize verbally. When I have time, I will invite you to dinner." Su Jin said.

"Are we two?" Lin Siyan said with bright eyes.

"Eldest sister, I have a husband, don't be kidding." Su Jin said seriously. He knew that Lin Siyan had a good relationship with his wife. If she told her to his wife, it would be strange if she didn't have any trouble. The woman is now A jealous man, he has a little wife Susan, Xia Yuyan still hasn't let go. Although he thinks Lin Siyan didn't mean this, he can't let his wife have any more doubts.

"Cut, you have more than one." Lin Siyan said triumphantly.

"Uh..." Su Jinmeng stared into her eyes. This girl seemed very difficult. It seemed that the Civic Group was very strong. Could it be that there were some forces behind it?

"Nothing to say?" Lin Siyan asked with a wink.

"If I've convinced you, two are two, you are not afraid of a girl, what am I afraid of?" Su Jin shrugged, expressing his indifferent appearance.

"I'm just kidding with you. I'm very happy to just eat. If you dare to make me an idea, I will definitely talk about it with sister Yuyan." Lin Siyan hummed.

Su Jin glanced at her, very speechless: "..."

The woman is so strange, at least the woman in front of him is very difficult for him to understand, what is this? I'm really scared. If you ask someone to go there, don't say anything about going to dinner together. It hurts your feelings.

"What are you doing looking at me like this?" Lin Siyan asked, straightening up.

Su Jin looked at the trembling peak in front of him, his body warmed up, but he didn't respond to her inquiry, but stared at her presumptuously and stared at her. He thought about it. Once you have this tendency, you can tell him that he is not afraid.

Rao was the vice president of Lin Siyan for three years. At this time, she was also uncomfortable by Su Jin’s eyes. She raised her hand vigilantly and patted Su Jin’s shoulder, "Hey, look again. I'm angry!"

"Then you are angry." Su Jin said.

"you you."

"I am what I am! The role of beautiful women has two benefits for men." Su Jin said lightly.


"First, it's just for viewing." Su Jin said with a smile.

"anything else?"

"Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid? Really let me say?" Su Jin's heart was surging, this girl was a little bold.

"Don't say it!" Lin Siyan's expression changed. If Su Jin dared to say it, she would definitely curse!

Su Jin almost laughed to death. She wanted to say that another advantage of beautiful women is that they are used for Gan. In this society, there are very few women who can remain reserved, so he said that.

"I'm sorry too, President Lin, are you busy." Su Jin got up and said with his trouser pocket.

"Hey, don't forget what you said!" Lin Siyan reminded.

"I usually only like to eat with single women." Su Jin did not turn his head.

"My mother is with you!"

Lin Siyan's words almost made Su Jin vomit blood. She was too sturdy. She was among the women she met, not to mention the best, but there was none.

After seeing Su Jin walking out, Lin Siyan played with the charcoal pen flexibly with her fingers. After a long time, she finally heard her words in the room: "Blood Prison? It's really Dad who wants to cooperate. Object."

The matter has been settled. Su Jin knew that Xie Dazhi would submit his resignation in the evening, so he did not go to him. He just knew that everything was proceeding according to his plan. Don’t ask him why Li Qing provided the funds for the people. , He didn't have much benefit and he helped like that. He just wanted to say, help people face, and pave the way for the future by the way.

If Li Qing and the others are doing prosperously, the people invited at that time, even though they are ordinary masters, still have their value. There is a good saying, if a master becomes a master Isn’t that a waste of resources and time if you run errands?

Thinking of this, Su Jin drove to the Xia Group.

After returning to the office with Zhang Anna for a while, Su Jin first received a call from Xia Yuyan, and immediately followed by Su Tianlong's call.

Su Tianlong was not at all polite to him, just said directly, if there is something important, go and see him quickly!

Su Jin didn't go blindly, he had already predicted something in his heart, so he had to ask his wife about the situation.

His prediction is that Dai Meiyun will attack Jutu! Dai Meiyun, who wanted to forcefully eat the Xia family group, had prepared for so long after seeing that the road was blocked, and finally started to act.

Sure enough, when she saw her wife, her first sentence was, "Something happened to the Jutu Group!"

Su Jin sat in front of her and looked at her curiously: "Isn't Jutu right with us? They should be happy because something happened."

"Happy shit, what do you think? Are you stupid?" Xia Yuyan said irritably.

"What? I don't understand business a bit." Su Jin shook his head.

Xia Yuyan then said, “Let’s tell you this. There is an idiom called “Lip Death, Teeth Cold”. Now Jutu Group has such a relationship with us. My family has been developing in Qincheng for many years. Although Jutu has only a few years, it says In the end, our family is still okay. If Dai Meiyun attacks Jutu, he will be killed, which does not rule out the possibility that we will also be eaten."

"So? Is there any good way?" Su Jin also thought about it, so it was just trying to reduce some of his wife’s hostility towards the Jutu Group. At least he believed that as long as he was there, the Xia Group would definitely Will not be eaten by the giant map.

"A good way? I just contacted my dad, and he said to me, trying his best to help Jutu." Xia Yuyan said.

"It turned out to be like this." Su Jin was a little surprised. Although the businessmen had different ideas, there was one sentence he understood very well, that is, to unite the secondary enemy and deal with the main enemy. This is a strategy.

Xia Yuyan nodded, "Now that the stocks of Jutu are beginning to plummet, we are all very surprised, because there is no sign at all. This is the most despicable means. Back then, Jutu did not dare to deal with us. Coming so blatantly just squeezed our market share."

"Then how do you help?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"Jutu was prepared, but they didn’t expect that the stock fell a bit miserable this time. It is estimated that the preparation funds are a bit urgent. I have to pay close attention. According to my dad’s idea, it should be to buy their increasingly cheap shares. Right." Xia Yuyan sighed.

Su Jin nodded, "Since I have helped Jutu, although I know I can't make a move, I can still help secretly. Su Tianlong called me just now, and I have to see him now."

"Alright, go." Xia Yuyan was a little unhappy, after all, it was normal for her to be nervous after seeing this.

Su Jin didn't talk to her any more, he knew that his whereabouts would be monitored by Dai Meiyun, and the other party must be prepared for this kind of thing.

Sure enough, as soon as he came out, he saw Dai Meiyun smiling and waiting for him at the door.

"Su Jin, where are you going?" Dai Meiyun walked over pretendingly.

Su Jin smiled bitterly, "Are you trying to stop me?"

"You think too much, now I have time, I invite you to drink coffee." Although Dai Meiyun did not say clearly, but this is also very obvious, just to prevent him from seeing Su Tianlong.

"No time, I have something." Su Jin's eyes rolled.

"You are going to see Su Tianlong." Dai Meiyun said.

"That's right." Su Jin knew she couldn't hide it.

"Oh, we're done, we should be neutral." Dai Meiyun's smile also condensed.

"How do you know that when I met him, I was going to help him? Now that I have also met you, then according to your logic, I will help you too?" Su Jin asked curiously.

Dai Meiyun's eyes flickered, carefully observing Su Jin's face, and hesitated and said, "I believe you, but you can't let me down. There are still big people staring at me. Don't make me embarrassed."

"Okay, don't worry." Su Jin finished speaking and sat back in the car.

It's dramatic enough, what do I have now? It's just a blood prison. Dai Meiyun is probably afraid of the old guys, and he doesn't care how the Xia Group helps Jutu. Anyway, he believes that he is not the controller of the Xia Group. These have nothing to do with him.

Dai Meiyun wore a little worry on her face. Seeing Su Jin's car going further and further, she didn't know why, she was a little worried, but that anxiety did not come from Su Jin.

Su Jin didn't like this feeling of being noticed. He had to give Su Tianlong's face, after all, his daughter was his own woman.

As soon as she entered the gate, she was greeted by Sister Qin. It seemed that after the previous hot spring incident, she felt more about herself.

"The chairman is waiting for you." Sister Qin said.

"I know." Su Jin rolled his eyes lightly and smiled: "Sister Qin, I want to ask you a question."

"You said."

"Nothing happened last time, were you disappointed?" Su Jin said.

"Now, this is not the time to talk about this." Sister Qin flushed all of a sudden, and said embarrassingly.

"At least I'm very disappointed. It would be better if he didn't plan to make me and you into a small movie." Su Jin looked at her solemnly and said.

Sister Qin didn’t dare to talk about things that day, but this guy still mentioned the old things again, which made her embarrassed and a little overwhelmed. Although she knew it was a pit, she couldn’t help it. All of them are the chairman. Call the shots, and her ownership is nothing more than the chairman's, otherwise how could she do something like that to cheat Su Jin, fortunately, seeing his current state and not blaming herself.

Su Jin laughed and grabbed her little hand, "Sister Qin, I regret it. If I choose now, I will definitely want you that day."

"Huh?" Sister Qin was suddenly surprised, what on earth made him think like this?

It’s just that she doesn’t know, Su Jin figured it out, because the situation is very good now! Since Su Tianlong dared to give Sister Qin to him in front of his daughter, what else he dared not do, after all, Dai Meiyun’s offensive has just begun. !

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