Museum of Demons

Chapter 91: Wild Foxes Deceiving People, Life Is Like a Dream (Thanks for the Reward of Tomato and L

For a hundred years in the world, there is a dream in Nanke, but the weight in it is no lighter than any living being.

Su Yuer and the three fox girls sat quietly at the table until the green smoke in the incense burner cleared away, and then they slowly came back to their senses. They always felt that they had some insight, something stuck in their chest, and wanted to say it, but When I opened my mouth, I found that there were no words to describe such feelings.

Hu Mei supported her chin with one hand, sighed melancholy, and said: I kind of know why so many sisters always yearn for the world. Although it's not as good as I thought it was, it's still very good, and it's even more so. It's really cool.

Su Yuer rarely nodded slightly in agreement.

He looked up at Wei Yuan who was leaning against the door, thought for a while, and made a suggestion that was immediately agreed by the two fox girls——

Should we go to the outside city and see these two old people?

For some reason, Qingqiu, who has always prohibited young fox girls from going out, agreed this time, but the old fox clan guarding Qingqiu Road smiled and made another request, saying : However, you need to find a trustworthy guide.

The old fox is said to be very old.

When he was young, he wandered around the world and left behind the name Tianhu.

After encountering some things, he gave up the prosperity of the outside world and returned to the vital road of guarding Qingqiu. In the whole country of Qingqiu, not many fox demons knew the name of this old man, nor did he know his age. But everyone has the impression that when they were young, they had begged for candy from the old fox.

When I was growing up, I also listened to him tell stories.

So the older you get, the more you respect him.

When such an elder spoke, the three fox girls had no choice but to go back and forth, blocking the relieved Captain Sili at the door.

Because the matter of going out was ultimately because of himself, Wei Yuan had to take this responsibility. This time it was different from when he arrived in Qingqiu. The passage was opened by relying on tokens before, but this time it was the main entrance.

The guard at the gate of Qingqiu is an old man with white beard and hair.

The three fox girls walked in front, the reality revealed that Qingqiu was different from the dream after all, except for Su Yuer, Hu Mei and Su Yaner were a little excited, kept whispering to each other, occasionally couldn't help laughing, Wei Yuan left behind.

After Su Yan'er and the three of them saluted this old fox fairy of unknown age, they walked out of Qingqiu country.

When Wei Yuan passed by, the old fox smiled and bowed:

These three children are bothering the general.

Surprised, Wei Yuan returned a salute immediately before following.

The three of Su Yuer were waiting outside. Su Yuer turned her head to look at the place connecting the two worlds. She vaguely saw the Qingqiu guard and said something to the human youth, but she didn't care.

There is not much difference in general structure between the dream city and the ordinary world.

The three fox girls cast a simple invisibility spell, while Wei Yuan only covered the sword behind his back.

After crossing that bridge, we walked to the old road covered with tall plane trees on both sides.

In the distance ahead, you can see the flagpole erected high in the school. The impression in the dream and the reality are intertwined, which makes people feel something in their hearts. Wei Yuan bought some fruit, went to the hospital, and evaded that it was the grandson of the old man. Friends of mine were entrusted to come here to see them.

The old man on the hospital bed had fallen asleep again.

The old lady was very surprised that someone came to visit, and quickly asked him to sit down.

Originally, he had to pour water, but Wei Yuan naturally refused to let the old lady do this kind of thing, so he washed the fruit and put it on the cabinet next to the hospital bed. Seeing the old man's calm expression, the old lady next to him was a little embarrassed and said: It’s rare for you to take a trip, but it’s really troublesome for you, young man.”

Wei Yuan smiled and said, What's the trouble?

You two can come all the way, Hehe Meimei, I am very envious. It's rare to meet in person. I can't let go of this opportunity.

Wei Yuan is chatting with the old man about homework here, and in the world invisible to the naked eye, the three fox girls, who are either elegant or delicate, are listening, their soft hair protruding from their furry ears, or they are standing quietly, or sitting quietly. On the windowsill, shaking his legs, his eyes were full of curiosity.

Little things to babble about.

It's just a very ordinary life, but after witnessing their lifelong relationship, it feels special.

Su Yan'er and Hu Mei listened very carefully.

Su Yu'er was also fascinated by listening, but gradually noticed a trace of strange breath.

Dai's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, originally she didn't want to make any extravagances, but the smell was still too pungent, which made her extremely displeased, she thought about it a little, and softly mentioned something to Wei Yuan, concealing her real purpose, only saying that she wanted to be around here. Taking a walk, Wei Yuan didn't seem to think much, just nodded in response.

Su Yuer still ensured the state of the invisibility spell, and walked out of the ward.

Follow the aura that displeases her.

The more you walked to the northeast side, the stronger the breath, and finally stopped in front of a ward. Su Yuer followed the nurse who entered the door, walked in, and then looked at one of the beds. On the bed lay an extremely skinny young man. The eyes were tightly closed, and the aura that made her feel strange and unpleasant came from above.

There are family members nearby, who are wiping tears and crying to others.

Su Yu'er pondered, tapped her fingers lightly, and used the magical powers of the fox demon to make slight changes, so that these family members would slowly tell what happened.

She glanced at the medical record in the nurse's hand.

Name: Du Hongyi.

Age: twenty-nine.


It was seven days after Du Hongyi disappeared that someone called the police.

It was his fiancée who called the police.

Because Du Hongyi didn't go home for a long time, he felt very uneasy. At first, it was because Du Hongyi had said before that he planned to go to Changbai Mountain for this business trip. He thought it was because he had too much fun and wasted time. Something is wrong, the phone cannot be connected, and the messages on the Internet have not been answered.

But after asking the people in the workplace, they found out that Du Hongyi had been out of contact for such a long time.

It was only then that I was in a state of confusion and called the police.

Later, the police investigated and found that Du Hongyi had returned here by car on the day he climbed Changbai Mountain, but when he adjusted the monitoring, he found something very strange. After he got off the car, he walked to a remote place in a daze. It was easy to find Du Hongyi by searching the mountains directly with search and rescue dogs.

For some reason, the whole person has become as thin as a stick.

I can't wake up, and after waking up, I just yelled Ah Zi, Ah Zi, as if crazy, I didn't recognize the people around me, and asked sharply that I was at home and with my wife, why did these people call me? They break up? !

When talking about this, Du Hongyi's mother couldn't help wiping away tears.

Then what kind of mansion is it?

When we found him, he was lying straight in the coffin, almost dying.

After being rescued, he doesn't look like a person, but like a fox and a wild dog in the wild, so he can only be sent over to have a look.

As he spoke, he began to cry again, and the relatives and friends around quickly comforted him, but he looked at Du Hongyi who had fallen asleep under the effect of the tranquilizer, with a bit of pity in his eyes, Su Yuer stretched out her finger, and the void stirred slightly, and there was an invisible aura on Du Hongyi's body There was a look of disgust on her face being involved in her fingers.

After taking a look at the room, after walking out, he recruited both Su Yan'er and Hu Mei, finished the matter briefly, and then showed the aura, saying:

It's a wild vixen.

This kind of vixen harms people outside, absorbing people's yang energy to ruin our Qingqiu's reputation. It's obviously their evil deeds, but in the end they implicated our lineage.

Su Yan'er said: This... how to do it? Tell the elders?

Hu Mei's eyes brightened slightly, and she was gearing up and said, Now the directors of Qingqiu don't like to meddle in human affairs. It is definitely useless to talk to them. Why don't we go and catch this harmful wild vixen back? Or Send it to the Jinyiwei in the human world! Hehe, those clan elders will definitely look at us with admiration!

Su Yan'er was also a little moved.

They were all young, always a little impulsive, and they were born in a famous family, so they didn't really look down on these wild spirits who went wrong and harmed people. The three of them made up their minds and decided to deal with this guy in person.

Su Yan'er said again: Then do you want to tell Mr. Wei?

Su Yuer thought for a while, then shook her head and said, I still don't want it.

I saw that he didn't seem to have much Taoism, and his spells were weak. Yesterday, he relied on that spirit beast to capture the evil way. Those wild foxes are best at targeting men, and their spells and supernatural powers also have a lot of charm. Now his spirit The beast is not around, so we don't want to harm him.

Let's find a way to distract him.


Wei Yuan was chatting with the old man, when he suddenly heard a crisp voice in his ears:

Young Master Wei, Young Master Wei.

We really want the dessert that the girls outside like now. Can you please buy some milk tea? I want the vanilla flavor.

I want lemon juice.

Hey, please trouble Mr. Wei.

Wei Yuan was slightly stunned, and immediately had no choice but to agree to these requests. The old man was chatting about his wife waking up today. When the doctor asked him puzzledly, his wife muttered that he dreamed that a young man pushed him, and then After waking up, the doctors couldn't figure it out. It's impossible for there to be a god, right?

The little nurse nearby muttered, Who knows?

Maybe there is, maybe, the world is so big.

This statement made the old lady couldn't help laughing, she looked at Wei Yuan, and said, What do you think, Xiao Wei?

Well, science is still important in modern times. Where are there any gods in the world?

Probably just an ordinary dream of the old man.

Wei Yuan replied, then raised his eyebrows slightly, and saw from the window that the fox girl who had pinched the three invisibility spells was heading to one side. Wei Yuan promised the old fox fairy to take care of the three fox girls, and his heart ached. I'm also curious about what these three guys are going to do.

After a few more pleasantries, I got up to say goodbye.

The old lady was surprised: Shouldn't you sit down for a while?

Wei Yuan smiled and said, No, there are still some things to deal with.

His voice paused, and he said sincerely: There may not be many opportunities to meet each other in the future, I hope you two can continue like this.

Perhaps it is rare for someone to say such a thing so solemnly, the old lady was surprised, and slowly nodded in agreement:


Wei Yuan smiled and walked out.

There was a young man with a bag on his back, and he walked in hastily. Wei Yuan politely stepped aside and let him in first. The old man on the bed seemed to be awakened by the footsteps. He slowly opened his eyes and turned his head to look at the Who is it that makes such a noise, but I see it is my grandson.

Before he could be happy, his eyes fell on the man who smiled and nodded to his grandson, and then walked out of the door. Even though he was getting older, he looked away from everything, and the old man still felt a shock in his heart, almost subconsciously wanting to Sit up straight.

The young man rushed to stop the old man's violent action:

Hey, wait a minute, old man, you just happen to be agile, lie down first.

But the old man clapped his hands in disgust and opened it.

It's a pity that just this interruption, the young man had already left.

The old man had no choice but to sigh and lie down. The old lady was happy to see her grandson, she took the freshly washed fruit with a smile, exchanged a few words of greeting, and said, Look at your child, why didn't you treat your classmate just now? stop?

Classmate? What classmate?

The young man was at a loss.

The old lady was shocked and said: Isn't the young man who just walked out your friend, did he visit your grandpa instead of you?

The young man shook his head and said, No.

This is the first time I've seen him.

I've seen him.

It was the old man on the bed who spoke. He lay down with his head resting on the pillow, but he felt his mind buzzing. He was silent for a long time, and said: It was he who pushed me in the dream, and I woke up, and , and I always feel that I am not seeing him for the first time...

He seemed to be back in his youth when he was riding a bicycle, flirting with young people.

Glanced out of the corner of the eye.

Beside the road, there is a young man in black with a sword.

At that time, the trees on both sides of the road were not so old, and the leaves could not cover the road.

He couldn't believe it, and said almost dreamily:

I've seen him before.

Seventy years ago.

At that time, he was exactly the same as now...

There was a dead silence in the room.

PS: Thank you for the reward of tomato and lemon, thank you~

Three thousand eight hundred words~ I found out, as long as I stay up late, the adjusted schedule will collapse again, and I will lie dead.

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