Museum of Demons

Chapter 90 Human Love (please subscribe for a 5,000-word chapter)

What is human emotion, this is almost too vast to answer the question.

Beside the long bridge, Su Yuer's voice paused, and then said:

Is it really as they said? So good?

This is very similar to a child occasionally asking the question 'who am I', Wei Yuan looked at Su Yuer, thought for a while, and said: This question is very complicated, but generally speaking, it is not as bad as you said, It's not as good as your sisters thought.

Su Yuer muttered dissatisfied: Isn't that very ordinary?

Lieutenant Sili laughed: That's right.

He said: Humans are such ordinary and somewhat unusual creatures.

Most of them are like this. It's not that good, but after thinking about it, it's not that bad, is it?


A night run hastily drawn to the end.

Wei Yuan handed over the evil way to the Qingqiu branch, which is a force that has a good relationship with the human race. The leader of one of the Qingqiu branches, Tushan, was even a servant of Yao, Shunyu, and he was trustworthy.

Besides, Qingqiu Fox's supernatural powers are very suitable for inquiring information.

There was nothing to say all night, and the black cats seemed to value the evil way wearing the yellow talisman.

He didn't mention the clues in the dream in a short period of time, he looked around curiously from time to time, and finally left a sentence and slipped out directly, intending to find the Qingqiu Fox Clan to ask about the situation. It has more than five hundred years of Taoism, although it is limited In the category of cat demon, there is an upper limit, but there is no need to worry about safety.

Wei Yuan hasn't seen the goddess who came here together for more than a day, and is planning to go out to have a look.

But as soon as the door was opened, there were three more fox girls outside.

Su Yuer was dressed in white, another girl was dressed in red, and finally yellow.

Their looks are rare and beautiful among the fox clan, either cold, delicate, or heroic.

Su Yuer hugged the book, sighed helplessly, and looked at Wei Yuan: I went to ask the old ancestor what happened last night. The old ancestor said that whether it is my opinion or theirs, it is wrong. We If you don’t understand the feelings of the human race, you need to ask the human race for advice.”

Wei Yuan said blankly: So...

Su Yuer said: You are Qingqiuli, the only outsider human race.

In addition, this is what the elder who came with you said, saying that you should be able to help us.

Wei Yuan: ...

He could only sigh and said, Okay.

Although I'm just an ordinary person, if I want to talk about the outside world, I know something about it. If you don't dislike it, you can talk about it.

Wei Yuan's voice paused, Have you ever gone out to Qingqiu?

The three fox girls all shook their heads.

Although it is said that there were humans in Qingqiu country.

But for a long time, the human race inevitably intermarried with the monster race living here, and most of them are now half-demon bodies. What's more, the customs here are different from the outside world, and the culture is not circulated. It can almost be regarded as a different lineage.

After pondering for a long time, Wei Yuan didn't have a good solution, and he didn't know what to say. This kind of proposition was too vast for him. He was having a headache when he suddenly heard a sound transmission from a black cat. Wei Yuan He was a little surprised at first, then thoughtful, pondered for a while, and said to the three fox girls:

Since this is the case, how can you know the love of the world if you don't look outside?

It's better to go out for a walk, maybe you have some understanding yourself.

The girl named Hu Mei said in surprise: But Qingqiu's rules are very strict, we can't go out secretly.

Wei Yuan said wait a moment, and went out to get a few feathers from the elusive class.

Undoubtedly, it was the kind of feathers of a different bird that matched well. I don't know which bird was harmed by this black cat.

With a sigh in his heart, he took down the incense burner from the wooden cabinet in the guest room, picked up a talisman, lit a piece of sandalwood, and the faint fragrance diffused, making people feel relaxed. The three fox girls followed Wei Yuan's instructions. As I said, sitting on the futon, I also fell into a dream.

Then he picked up his feathers and walked in the dreamland.

Slowly walked out of Qingqiu.


The oldest place in Qingqiu.

The girl in white looked at Wei Yuan and the three fox girls who had fallen into a dream in the distance, then looked away and looked at the celestial girl next to her in white loose clothes. She looked about seventeen or eighteen years old.

White clothes and black hair, drinking tea quietly.

Nvjiao smiled and said:

You want to get him a fox girl?


The name of Crouching Tiger is enough to be my son-in-law in Qingqiu, but in this era, we don't want to force it, so let's see who can fall in love with these three children, and let Crouching Tiger and them have a good relationship. Once you get married, it is also a beautiful thing, in the Han Dynasty, you are a general who is qualified to receive the tiger talisman and lead the three armies to the war of destroying the country.

Thank you, senior.

Nvjiao shook her head, and smiled kindly: Don't be too busy thanking, what if he doesn't like any of them?

The celestial girl thought about it, and said, It's impossible.

Oh, why?

He is not a lustful person, not a greedy person, not a ruthless person.


Because he is not a lustful person, it is absolutely impossible to be dissatisfied with this kind of beauty; because he is not a greedy person, it is absolutely impossible to dream of asking for more, and because he is not a heartless person, as long as he let They get along with each other for a long time and go through some hardships together, and they should be able to develop friendship.

Nvjiao was surprised: It's not lustful, it's not greedy, and it's not ruthless.

The goddess said firmly:

As long as a fox fairy can meet him day and night, and experience life and death together, they should fall in love.

Nvjiao suddenly laughed, and Tiannv was surprised and puzzled.

But this woman who was almost staring at the continuation of Shenzhou until now, just pushed the teacup with a sly smile.

Come on, Jue'er, drink tea.

If this tea is cold, it won't taste good.

Huh? Yes, thank you, senior.


Wei Yuan walked out of Qingqiu Kingdom in his dream with three young girls with different appearances.

He said he wanted to teach them the love of the world, but he himself didn't understand these things, but what the black cat said was indeed worth visiting once, so he had to lead them aimlessly on the street. Once they knew that they could leave Qingqiu in this way, they were all surprised.

The three fox girls belong to Su and Hu respectively, but there are two surnamed Su.

Chattering along the way, Wei Yuan probably knew their views on the human world. Su Yu'er was always sure that men were ruthless, while the other two had a natural affection, especially the story of Hu Yue, which spread a little bit, which made them even more so. They yearn for envy.

The girl surnamed Hu was full of vigor, and she looked around curiously with her brown pupils.

Immediately said: Young Master Wei, where are you taking us?

Wei Yuan was silent, calculated the time, and just heard the bell of the bicycle, took a step to the side, turned around, and saw a bicycle riding fast, the boy's loose school uniform was unzipped, white shirt, school uniform Blown by the wind, it seemed as if pure white wings grew from behind.

Panting, he rushed to this road, looked at the time, and hurriedly turned into an alley.

But the school is still ahead.

Black cat sound transmission.

Wei Yuan took the three fox girls and stood beside him. After a while, he saw a girl riding a bicycle passing by this street that must be passed. She was the kind of girl that most teenagers had silently liked. , the black ponytail is clean and delicate, revealing a bookish atmosphere.

Then after she passed the alley, the boy hiding in the alley took several deep breaths before carefully chasing after her on his bicycle.


The boy scratched his head and spoke with a smile.

The girl looked at him in surprise, then smiled and replied, What a coincidence.

The boy was carrying his backpack across his shoulders, with the smell of sunshine in his messy hair, carefully following the girl in front, controlling the handle, not wanting to go too far, and not daring to get too close, talking loudly about trifles that he thought were interesting , go away slowly.

Wei Yuan watched the two high school students leaving on their bikes, looked at the fox girl next to him, and asked thoughtfully:

What do you think of this feeling?

Hu Mei smiled and replied: Very good, those childhood sweethearts, the feeling of wanting to get close but not daring to get close is probably the kind I like. If such feelings are all fake, then nothing is real .”

Su Yu'er said, It's just Lan Yinxu Guo.

The karma between a man and a woman is beautiful at first, but how many are separated in the end? There is no one in a hundred miles that can have a fruitful relationship in youth.

Wei Yuan was noncommittal, but also found it interesting to hear these words from the fox demons.

Then take them onwards.

In the dreamland of this street, I saw a man and a woman who were passionately in love with young people. They vowed to each other and wished to stick to each other all day long. Then the man half-kneeled on the ground, stammering, and proposed marriage there. The mouth is pursed, the eyes are bright.

so good.

Another fox girl named Su, Su Yan'er, sighed with envy in her eyes.

Is there anything better than being able to go through hardships and live with the one you love?

Wei Yuan nodded, and a black cat emerged, lying lazily on his shoulders, and fell asleep somewhere in reality, and then he walked forward to another building. In the building, I heard the sound of fierce quarreling, and the sound of smashing bowls, then the sharp voice of a woman, and the roar of a man.

Su Yan'er was shocked.

Wei Yuan stepped forward, this is a dreamland, people in the dream cannot detect people outside.

Through the window, you can see broken glass and ceramics all over the floor, a woman sitting on the sofa wiping tears, and a man smoking silently. The child is lying on the bed in the inner room, looking blankly at what happened outside. The picture is oppressive and broken, but it also gives people a feeling of depression.

Wei Yuan looked at the three fox girls and said, What do you think of this family?

Su Yan'er stuck out her tongue: It's so scary.

They must have never been tempted by each other at the beginning. They had no feelings. They got married just to get married.

Hu Mei nodded her head in agreement.

Correspondingly, Su Yu'er appeared calm and composed, and curled the corners of her mouth a little proudly:

This is the so-called affection in the world, and affection can also be turned into fickleness.

So those stories often only end at the big wedding.

Su Yan'er was about to argue, but saw the young man in black smiled, turned around and walked down the tube building. He was wearing a black sweater, with a sword on his back, and the mysterious black cat was lying on his shoulder, licking lazily. Holding his paws, for some reason, there was an ancient and distant feeling, he was stunned, and hurriedly walked up.

Next they saw another family.

This family was in a lot of trouble, owed a huge debt, and couldn't breathe. In order to solve this debt, the man got up before dawn every day to go to work, almost as hard as his life, and the woman did the same. People do odd jobs, and their fingers gradually become rough. The family doesn't even have a relaxing topic at the dinner table.

But they never gave up, and they always supported each other to move forward.

Hu Mei opened her mouth and said embarrassedly: This... I admit that this is very touching.

But, Mr. Wei, isn't this the so-called family affection? It's not like the story, a beautiful relationship at all... If Hu Yue and that boy are married, they will definitely not be so depressed, and will be very happy.

Su Yuer was also a little hesitant, which seemed to be different from what she knew.

It's just life, she concluded.

Wei Yuan nodded, walked down slowly with the black cats, walked into another dreamland, the sun was shining brightly, in the park, two old people were walking together holding hands, they walked very slowly, but it was impressive feel peaceful.

This time, not only Su Yan'er and Hu Mei's eyes brightened slightly, Su Yu'er was also a little moved.

It's true human friendship to be able to go hand in hand for a lifetime in this way.

Is this what you want to say, Mr. Wei?

Wei Yuan shook his head, even the black cat couldn't help laughing.

They looked at the two old men who were walking hand in hand. Slowly, the old woman disappeared, leaving only the old man bowed and walked forward step by step. Surprised by Su Yuer, the black cat licked it. Claw, said:

Haven't you found out yet? Didn't you say that foxes are very smart?

The three fox girls were puzzled.

Wei Yuan turned to look back, Su Yuer turned her head and saw that there were many people following them on the road they came from. Some of them were silent men with gray hair who were bent over the burden of life, and some were with them. The wives quarreled, the man who smoked silently with guilt, the man who was too excited to speak when he proposed, and the first boy.

And when these people stood together, their faces were somewhat similar.

Su Yu'er remembered the talisman that Wei Yuan lit first, and her face was surprised.

Wei Yuan said: What you see is just a dream of one person.

Su Yan'er lost her voice: Impossible, they are obviously in different dreams.

Wei Yuan said: Past experiences, obsessions and obsessions that refuse to let go will become dreams, but some people even lose these memories, loss of memory, loss of self, modern medicine calls such symptoms Alzheimer's disease.

It was the black cat who found out about it yesterday by asking those ghosts and monsters living in the gap between dreams.

Today I told Wei Yuan again.

Wei Yuan stepped forward, walked side by side with the last confused old man, lowered his head, and said gently:

Don't you want to go back? Your wife should still be waiting for you to go back.

The old man stomped his feet and muttered, Don't go back!


Why?! You asked me why? I just added a little more salt when cooking, and she got angry, and I won't go back!

Wei Yuan showed a slight smile: But she is not angry now, she still regrets it.

She will be very happy if you go back now.


A look of hesitation appeared on the old man's face, and finally he said blankly: Yes, but I forgot how to go back.

Wei Yuan said, I'll lead the way, Lei.

The black cat jumped up from its shoulders, stretched lazily, and walked forward, passing through layers of mottled dreams, walking through one street after another, and finally stopped in a dream field that looked like a ward. The old man stared blankly at the hospital bed over there. On the bed was his emaciated self, and beside him lay a woman with silver hair lying on her stomach.

He reached out, but couldn't get close.

Let's go back.

Wei Yuan stretched out his hand with a smile, pressed on the old man's shoulder, and pushed forward lightly.

The old man subconsciously stepped forward, and then the three of Su Yuer saw that the men of different ages who were following them disappeared, and the old man's footsteps gradually became stronger, his waist gradually straightened, From old people who need crutches, to middle-aged people who have thrown away crutches, to young people with strong feet.

Finally, there was a boy with bright eyes in an old-fashioned school uniform.

penetrate the body.

There was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of my eyes.

In fact, there is such a problem -

When you go through your boring life, go back to your childhood, and meet the girl you like, what will you do? Will it be missed?

He opened his eyes. The trees on both sides were tall and mottled with green shadows.

Jingle, jingle.

Wearing a white shirt and school uniform, a girl with a single ponytail rode by on a bicycle.

So he mustered up his courage.

With a hard step on the pedal, the bicycle flew out with the courage of a teenager, and passed through the mottled green shadows. The flying school uniform was like wings. He looked at the surprised girl and scratched his head. There is a smell of sunshine in it, exhausted all the courage, said:


She laughed: What a coincidence.

This kind of memory is too vivid, and it is almost possible to smell the past that makes people cry.

The old man on the hospital bed slowly opened his eyes, and saw his wife who was lying on the bed next to him.

He touched the tears in the corners of his eyes, and muttered that such a big person doesn't know how to take care of himself, so he has to watch it by himself when he has a cold? Then he stretched out his hand, pulled the quilt on his body, covered his wife, and hugged her thin body tightly. Wei Yuan and the three fox girls saw this scene in the dream realm through the hazy wall of dreams and reality. .

Su Yu'er, Su Yan'er, and Hu Mei didn't know why, they were speechless and shocked.

Wei Yuan asked the black cat to come back, walked away, and said peacefully:

Okay, I've finished all I know about human feelings.

The dream is over.

Back to Qingqiu country.

The three fox girls slowly opened their eyes, each feeling a little sad, but they were all speechless.

Captain Sili stood up.

And the incense on the table has not been burned yet.

PS: The number of words is a little bit more, a total of 5,000 words. Although it is considered a transitional chapter, I hope it will be more interesting.

As for how to open the next chapter, if you are interested, you can guess~

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