Museum of Demons

Chapter 840: Cause and Effect

Jue Cao is young, Jue Mu is only Qiao.

Tao Zhiyao, his son Ye Zhenzhen, Yu Gui, is suitable for his family.

Xingyao, Yao, he is young and strong, with lush vegetation, and his son Yugui, this is indeed one, in line with the name of the first poet and civil official, only after his death was he really given the position of Xingtian. What happened back then? What……

Xing Tian, ​​Chi You, Xuan Yuan, Shen Nong, these are comrades in arms?

Yes... Ji Xuanyuan buried Xing Tian at the foot of Changyang Mountain, respecting Chi You as a military lord, priests of past dynasties, if he was really an enemy, it would be impossible for him to be treated like this, and most importantly, if he hadn't made old comrades in arms, he would not be able to treat himself like this. In Xing Tian's memory, the battle spirits of Chi You, Shen Nong, and Xuan Yuan reappeared.

Wei Yuan looked at Lei Zu in front of him.

Holding tea, the latter seemed to be recalling the distant, but not so distant past, and replied: You should also know that it was the biggest battle, but at the beginning, no matter whether it was Jiuli or the bear, it was not so far away. There are a large number of gods participating in the battle, one side is the gods of the wilderness, and the other side is the gods of Kunlun.

But are there any heroes of the human race that have emerged as the main force?

Wei Yuan looked slightly startled.

Aware of this subtle problem - that era was the era in which the heroes of the human race appeared in a blowout, but in the end, the main force in the battle of the emperor was all the gods, relying on the gods to attack here, and pulling in from the other side The gods fight.

It was an agreement, a strategy.

The white-haired and red-eyed woman looked at Xuanyuan, who was drunk over there, and said softly: It is impossible for the gods to allow the rapid rise of the human race, and the background of the human race at that time was tantamount to suicide, and at that time, all the people of the human race The large tribes are just beginning to converge, and this process must not be interrupted.

So Xuanyuan and Ayou made an agreement.


It was an era that was turbulent but already filled with the taste of swords and blood.

Eighty-one tribes gathered under Chi You's command, called the Jiuli tribe, and the Yan and Huang tribes who farmed and hunted in the great rivers and rivers, after a contest between the Shennong clan and Xuanyuan, chose Youxiong who gathered in Emperor Xuanyuan. underlings.

The originally scattered human races finally began to gather in this era.

But such a rapid growth rate also brought the attention of the gods.

Let's break up and start a war.

The tall Lord of Jiuli looked calm, and Ji Xuanyuan was drinking.

Just as the gods hoped, but we gathered all the main forces of the human race and attracted the gods in. I will attract those from the wilderness, and you will attract those from Kunlun. Hmph, Di Jun and Queen Mother of the West will not be mentioned. The forces on both sides are too great.

There are too many gods and the sphere of influence is too large, there will be gods full of ambitions, there will be gods who think that the human race is uncontrollable, there will be conflicts of interests and other kinds of calculations, there will be conquests, and such things In fact, it has already begun.

With her hair tied up with a red rope, the heroic Ji Xuanyuan stretched out her hand:

The two sides are fighting, attracting the gods into the game, retaining the vitality of our human race, and consuming the gods...

They want war, we will give them this war!

The Lord of Yanhuang smiled: The winner will be the emperor.

The Lord of Jiuli looked heroic: The loser is just a death.

But no matter who it is, you must take care of the tribe on the opposite side.


So the soldiers of Jiuli drank the last wine of their friends and left Xuanyuan Hill. They led the elite of Jiuli to sweep the world, and the tribes of Yanhuang also clenched their swords. All the swords are directed at the friends who once sang wine.

The original heroes forged the upward ladder with their own blood and swords, and each other's swords pointed to the gods. The patriarchs of the eighty-one tribes in Jiuli all died on the battlefield. Heroes also died in battle, and Feng Hou also paid a sufficient price.

At the same time, more corpses fell in Dahuang and Kunlun, and some of the gods of war who were thirsty for blood and the battlefield all withered here.

After stepping over the corpses of the gods, the forces of the Great Wilderness withdrew from the realm of the human world.

In the winter of that year, Xuanyuan's sword pierced Chi You's heart.

Then, Shennong disappeared.

He killed the angry Xingtian.

Exiled the crazy female demon.

After burying the wind, Li Mu.

He expelled Geng Chen who suffered from the position of the two races.

On the spring day of the seventh year, the peach blossoms in Yuxiongbe bloomed again, as bright as a flame.

However, the young people who used to sit on the ground under the flower trees, drink and sing together have all left. The heroic spirit and aspirations of heroes are scattered among the pages of history like ashes after burning. Under the flame-like flower tree, only Ji Xuanyuan was left drinking alone.

Those who could accompany him were eventually sent away one by one by himself.

But he turned around, held the sword, and still had to fight against the gods with the posture of the Emperor of Yanhuang Limin. He poured the strong wine in the cup into the flames, and quietly looked at the peach blossoms of the Xiong tribe.

Ji Xuanyuan buried Chi You's body in Tushan Qingqiu, Xing Tian's body under Changyang Mountain, and spread the legend of Shennong to the world.

And he raised his sword and watched the gods calmly. Under his command, the Shennong Yan Clan, Xuanyuan Youxiong Clan, and the eighty-one heroic tribal leaders in Jiuli gathered behind him, silently aiming their weapons at the sky and the earth. When he was called the Yellow Emperor.

For some people, history and mythology have ended, but for others, it is just the beginning. The dead go to their own end, and the heavy responsibilities will be borne by the survivors in the end.


In the end, the victor personally beheaded his draw the conclusion of this ridiculous war, and no matter who wins, he will completely integrate the opponent's tribe into his own power, so Yanhuang Limin .”

Lei Zu quietly looked at Ji Xuanyuan over there.

Holding the tea, Wei Yuan didn't know what to say for a while, using the struggle of the human race to trigger the general trend of the world, which greatly consumed the internal friction of the gods, so, the queen of the wind also died early because of plotting against the gods...

After the huge battle, the gods retreated, forming the current power structure, and the hearts of the people who have been fighting for a long time are also longing for the emergence of a world of great rule. The concept of Yanhuang Limin was also created for the first time. Wei Yuan said: That Shennong clan...

Uncle Jiang, I don't know where he went.

However, the reason for Xing Tian is that once Shen Nong dies, he will definitely raise the banner of rebellion regardless of everything. The peaceful world can no longer be like this. It may be the choice of the gods to let the human race break into another war of division.

Leizu replied: So Xuanyuan took Shennong's death on himself.

Invite Zhan Xingyao, seal his soul with secret techniques and supernatural powers, and die in anger, but he will be able to live for a long time... Maybe this is also a kind of selfishness. They die in this era, but they will eventually die in a distant place. The recovery of the future, and become the help of the human race in another era.


The tea in Wei Yuan's hand became cold.

Leizu looked at Xuanyuan, the former young hero, the high-spirited young emperor, now smelled of alcohol all over his body, his temples were graying with gray hair, he had lost his original calmness and the grace of an emperor, the woman's eyes were complicated, and said: It's just, people In the end, someone else is needed.

When those who knew his past are gone, the familiar scenery can no longer be seen, and the familiar friends disappear one by one, in fact, the era that belongs to us has passed, and no matter what the difficulties are, killing comrades-in-arms with one's own hands , banishing companions, bearing a bad name, these are all facts.”

It's rare to be able to talk about these things with others.

It's just that I don't know why, but when I look at you, I feel like I'm destined.

Leizu smiled and said, Take it as the gossip of my old lady.


Wei Yuan shook his head, thought for a while, and said, I actually know some medical skills. If you don't mind, can you let me take a look?

Huh? Okay...

Wei Yuan breathed Lei Zu's pulse, his expression became a little gloomy, and the expression on his face was suppressed bit by bit. On the contrary, Lei Zu looked gentle, and said: Is it time to approach the end of life? You don't have to think about it. Difficult to speak, my own body, I understand myself.

After the death of Gui Yuqu, I haven't seen the art of luck for a long time.

Did he leave behind any inheritance disciples?

Guiyu District, Dahong family, the old man who taught Xuanyuan's luck in the Huangdi Neijing.

Invent the five elements, discuss the pulse meridian in detail, study its meaning, and think of it as the theory of the classics.

It is the origin of the Five Elements in Shenzhou, and the ancestor of doctors. Whether it is the Taoist Qi refining technique or the luck method of various schools and schools, the five elements of heaven and earth all have their roots in the Huangdi Neijing that records his words and deeds.

And Leizu's injury was far more serious than Wei Yuan imagined, and he soon understood the reason - in ancient times, even the ghost area recorded in the Huangdi Neijing had just passed away, the art of the five elements, the veins and luck The methods are all initial creations, and there is no practice at all.

This era is an era of competing with heaven and earth, and striving for survival with all things.

With abundant vitality and high concentration of aura, those heroes with strong will can quickly increase their strength, but those strong vitality and tyrannical aura will also impact their bodies and damage their foundations, so that their lifespan is not long, but can solve the problem. The Shennong of this issue is also missing.

...Is it because of this reason that Shennong was killed?

Heh..., it seems that I scared you.

It doesn't matter. In my life, I have fought against the gods. I have seen the sky high and the sea wide. I have also seen the appearance of gods falling like rain. It doesn't matter how long I live.

With a smile on his face, Leizu just said with emotion: I'm happy enough...

Wei Yuan warmed up Lei Zu's injury in silence, and wrote down many medicines that might be effective for her injury based on the memory of Shan Hai Jing. Lei Zu smiled and nodded, suddenly remembered something, and said: By the way, you are so interested in the matter of Ayu and Xingyao.

Here is the corresponding method to lift the ban.

Heh... One more person can ensure that this method will not die out. If Ayou and Xingyao have been sleeping, they will also hate us.

Lei Zu took out two jade talismans and handed them to Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan took it solemnly, fell silent for a while, and said:

Ghost Yu District, he is...

That is the source of Qi refining techniques, Chinese medicine, internal martial arts, and the rotation of the five elements.

Lei Zu replied:

In the battle of Zhuolu, in order to save the people, he died of exhaustion.

Buried in Yong.

The white-haired Taoist was silent and bowed his hands.


Wei Yuan walked out slowly, and the voices of Leizu and Xuanyuan could be heard in the shadows behind him. Ji Xuanyuan's strength seemed to be particularly powerful in this era, but even the role of the era on the Emperor was revealed, which really only reflected small world?

Wei Yuan stretched out his hand, and there were two jade talismans circulating on his fingers.

That represents the method to completely unblock Chi You and Xing Tian.

It is a secret mantra that has been lost in later generations.

In the ancient times... Really, the era when the first heroes ran on the earth. Wei Yuan couldn't imagine the great battle back then. He put away the jade talisman and returned to the house. Xian had already woken up. Yuan lifted the things and said, I went outside to find something.

I'll give you the whole big one today.

The girl was curious, and Wei Yuan relied on these movements to relax his mind when he was busy.

Chiyou, Gonggong, Xuanyuan, Leizu.

Zhu Rong, Bu Zhoushan, each of the characters they knew because they knew each other has added new parts.

Now the original protagonist, only Zhuanxu is left. Could it be that something happened to Zhuanxu... that led to a series of changes later? However, this is absolutely impossible, that is the idol of King Yu, the Human Emperor who supported the human race hundreds of years ago in the era of King Yu.


There was a whimper from behind, Wei Yuan was startled, turned his head subconsciously, and saw the girl in white sticking out her tongue, eyes full of anger, staring at the red fruit in the fruit basket, the white-haired Taoist laughed loudly: Ahahahaha, I told you this food is very sour, and you still eat it secretly?!

It's so sour...who would buy it?

Xian was so sour that he grinned.

Wei Yuan said triumphantly: Oh, the mountain people have their own clever tricks, so the ancestors of Qinyuan, I'm really sorry... He used spiritual honey from ancient times and added a spiritual fruit similar to hawthorn, and succeeded. The ancient candied haws were concocted.

Hmm, there are a lot of kids at Gonggong.

That guy is another rich and arrogant taker, ahem, good customer.

Only in this small world, please let me make you a fortune, water is working together!

Because I owed it first, I will not pay it back haha!

Wei Yuan offered the girl a candied haws with a lot of sugar, and aggressively set up a stall, thinking that after treating Zhu Rong's wife today, he would also visit Zhuanxu, and this time, the stall owner Wei got another Enthusiastic response, it seems that there have been rumors that the Tu Shan clan is particularly good at cooking all kinds of meals.

So the queue is long.

The girl Xian sat on the bluestone behind, biting candied haws, and dangling with her feet together in buckskin boots, the bells jingled, the line in front was extremely long, from the back to the front An hour later, a figure pondered for a while, and suddenly shouted—Master Ji Xuanyuan has come out!!!

Um? ! !

Ji Xuanyuan? !

Wei Yuan was surprised. He looked up, but he didn't see Ji Xuanyuan's figure at all. The people who lined up before didn't have his spiritual sense and cultivation, so they rushed over to look for the figure of Huang Di. The corners of Wei Yuan's mouth twitched, he understood that it was probably because some people didn't want to line up to do something.

What a disgrace... this method.

Too crumbs!

Wei Yuan complained in his heart.

The culprit appeared soon, with the sound of sleeves being rolled up, a figure squatted down in front of him, with naturally curly black hair hanging down, a blue headband, a white robe, and a beauty mole at the corner of his mouth, but it happened to be a man, with his palms resting on his back. On the chin, a pair of purple pupils looked curiously at the dim sum in front of them.

What is this? It seems to taste good...

The head guard's thoughts froze, looking at the pair of transparent purple eyes.

Um? enlightened?

enlightened! ! !

When you set up a stall as a food stall and encounter enemies who come to buy things, what do you do? !

Wei Yuan subconsciously clenched the candied haws stick in his hand, staring into enlightened eyes.

I want to sprinkle some sugar ashes in your eyes.

PS: The second update today...

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