Museum of Demons

Chapter 839: Ancient Secret

Dragon and Tiger Mountain.

Miss Siyu, you have prepared so much food.

This, can you take it away?

The young Taoist with the flame marks between his eyebrows looked at Feng Siyu humming a song while happily collecting a lot of delicacies, and then stuffed them into the cuffs. The golden-red cuffs are actually not big, but they can be stuffed in. So many little snacks.

The girl flicked her ponytail and said, Master Wei said he would take us to the South China Sea.

Hmph, I want to show the priests there that I got so much in the world! So much! It's delicious, of course I have to bring more.

And what the head guard said is right, the universe in the sleeve is really the best magic power to use.

Ah Xuan watched Feng Siyu put things in one by one.

I really want to remind the girl that the universe in the sleeve is the only method that the master of the guard can practice to the extreme, almost upgraded to the immeasurable supernatural power of the Tiangang level, and the sleeve robe directly accommodates a world, and the ordinary method should be called seven. [Pot Sky] of the Twelve Earthly Demons.

But seeing the girl's high spirits, she also swallowed her words back. After all, there are countless supernatural powers in Taoism. This little girl can only learn it in a short period of time if she is full of enthusiasm for Hutian. level.

Maybe it's like what my brother said.

This is the power of hunger.

With a gentle smile on his face, Ah Xuan squatted down and helped the girl clean up the food. Feng Siyu bit a lollipop in his mouth and muttered, Aren't you unhappy that I packed so much?

The little Taoist scratched his head and said:

I will persuade you, Miss Siyu, if you like it, I will still help you.

Oh, little Taoist priest, you are so good!

Feng Siyu reached out and rubbed Ah Xuan's hair, and finally touched the warm flame brand, and said: It's not the same as your senior brother, uh, speaking of it, didn't you say that you were raped by you when you were young? Did the senior brother save it?

Did you become a teacher at that time?

Ah... this, no.

A Xuan shook his head and said: Senior brother's master, in order to help senior brother cut off the death calamity, his lifespan was greatly shortened, and he passed away before senior brother returned to the mountain. I don't seem to remember why I became a Taoist disciple, but my brother said...

He packed up a pack of snacks and said:

I woke up from a coma and forgot a lot of things, but in the Sanqing Palace, I pointed to the Yuanshi Tianzun in the middle and said that I wanted to worship him as a teacher, so... At that time, Longhushan felt that I had a destiny Fa, since he couldn't find his relatives, he stayed in the Taoist sect, and simply gave him a high level of seniority.

Well, that's probably it.

Perhaps, I really have a fate with Daomen...

The little Taoist clapped his hands, stood up, looked at the sky outside, and said:

Nanhai, Age of Gods... I don't know why, but I always feel a little familiar...


On a sunny day, the scenery is beautiful, and the red flowers are green grass.

I am happy to run forward... ah, run forward...

The white-haired Taoist walked forward happily, humming non-tunable music.

Farewell to Gonggong, the god of water, and Zhurong, the god of fire. Wei Yuan separated the seal of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty at a place far away from Xuanyuanqiu, and took off the mask, and then forcibly broke off his own line of celestial secrets. But it's better to be more cautious.

Then I picked some fruits, and found many fruits similar to hawthorn along the way.

They hunted some more game and found honey.

It seems to be the ancestor of the Qinyuan bird, who was ejected three to five miles away by Wei Yuan.

Then the owner of the guard guard ruthlessly and forcibly took away Qin Yuan's nest honey.

In ancient times, it was said that when you leave your hometown, the whole town will die of thirst. Today, I dragged my family and took my family away.

Then he pretended to go out and work overtime all night and worked hard to beat the workers. When he returned to Xuanyuanqiu, he was unanimously praised by the gate guards, saying that it was rare for Tu Shan to be so diligent and not fish for fish.

When Wei Yuan went back, he heard some quarreling voices. He didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but he could hear them clearly. One of the voices was more familiar.

i don't want to get in trouble...

Wei Yuan was about to enter the door, but he still rubbed his brows when he heard the familiar voice.

Sighing, the phrase I don't want to cause trouble is as outrageous as a flag.

If you don't want to cause trouble, you will definitely run into trouble.

Those who want to come back to get married usually don't come back.

After thinking about it, he restrained his breath and went over to watch the excitement as Tu Shanbu.

The place where the incident happened was in the Lei Zu Department.

It seems that because it is still early, there are basically no people in this area.

Looking at it from a distance, I saw the white-haired red-eyed woman who agreed to return the goods in Lei Zu's Department before, who seemed to be arguing with someone, both sides lowered their voices, and their eyes seemed to turn red because of anger and grievance, like brilliant gems , and the person arguing seems to be a...

Hmm, rogue?

The guard master made a judgment with an intuitive instinct.

Full of alcohol.

Sloppy behavior.

Get out of the way! the white-haired, red-eyed woman scolded in a low voice.

If you don't get out of the way, I'll call someone and let them see you...

The man didn't care, and said slowly: You yelled, I just think we should clarify this matter... He smelled of alcohol, and he stretched out his hand to grab the woman's wrist, and the woman really yelled, But the man didn't care, and said: No one will come, you and my husband...

bang! ! !

There was a loud bang.

A wooden stick in Wei Yuan's hand directly hit the back of the head of Jiumengzi, a Liuzi from Shanggu Street.

No one will come? !

You fucking stinky hooligan, give me death.


The man lay directly on the ground.


Who said no one?

The white-haired fox cub raised his eyebrows, carrying a stick on his shoulders, very chic, this woman from the Leizu tribe agreed with them to return and exchange the goods today, and her attitude was very good, Wei Yuan couldn't understand what this man was doing at all. , but the white-haired and red-eyed woman was shocked, and then she couldn't laugh or cry, her voice was gentle.

Ah, it's you, a child of Tu Shanbu.

Wei Yuan nodded and said:

Well, I haven't thanked you today. After all, I have caused a lot of trouble for that guy.

In addition, when the road is uneven, it is time to stand up.

Hmph! I just never thought that such a scum would appear in Huangdiji Xuanyuan's tribe. I want to see how Emperor Xuanyuan will sentence you! Wei Yuan picked up the drunken man who had fallen to the ground with his backhand, intending to watch See what this guy really looks like.

Then fell silent.

this face...

This gas machine...

Why so familiar?

He raised his head stiffly and looked at the woman in front of her. Well, she has a young face, but her breath is no longer vigorous. I think she is not young, with white hair, red pupils, short stature, and a gentle and beautiful face... huh? White hair and red pupils... White hair and red pupils? ! ! !


Well, it shouldn't, it shouldn't.

A certain white-haired fox was covered in cold sweat.

The woman smiled helplessly and said: I haven't introduced you yet, I am Lei Zu.

he is the one……

The drunk middle-aged uncle said in a daze, I am Ji Xuan... Wei Yuan's body is faster than his brain. The fighting instincts of the ancient rogues kicked in.


He raised his hand and spread his five fingers, and directly clasped the top of the uncle's head.

Backhand, twist body, force.

Exploding at one point, the momentum is overwhelming!

Die to grandpa!

boom! ! !

Ji Xuanyuan's head was buried in the ground using the method of planting bamboo shoots in Jiuli, which was passed down by Chi You's descendants. The ground cracked and cracked, and even the tribal flag next to it, which was a signboard, was shifted.

The smoke and dust flew like sand, and there was a dead silence.

Ji Xuanyuan's head was buried in the soil, and his legs and feet twitched.

Ji Xuanyuan—for some reason, in a strangely familiar way, rushed to the street.

There was silence.

So, here is actually Xuanyuan and Leizu quarreling, a matter between husband and wife.

That's why they lowered their voices, not wanting others to know.

That's why there is no one here, because Ji Xuanyuan must have made arrangements...

So, when I came to the small world of reflection, what should I do if Xuanyuanqiu, who was gathering masters in the hinterland of the human race, backhanded Ji Xuanyuan and knocked him out on the first day?

Think about it, my brain must, must have a way to break the game!

Must have!

The white-haired Taoist was silent.

Give up thinking.

Scratching his head and laughing heartily:

Ah, ah ha ha ha ha...

Really, I seem to have heard it wrong? What Ji Xuanyuan, oh, it's really a big misunderstanding.

Then, I'm going to set up a stall today. Goodbye.

Holding the crime tool, he scratched his head with a simple, hearty and harmless smile while quickly panning to one side.

slipped away.

Leizu smiled, stopped him, and said: It's not the Emperor's Grand Ceremony, Xuanyuan doesn't care about these things, besides, he did something wrong in the first place, and you just helped me, it's okay, I can do it myself Keep you safe, I just think you haven't hit hard enough.

Well, you carry him over first...

The white-haired Taoist was silent for a while, still holding Ji Xuanyuan's ankle with his backhand.

In a very proficient way.

With a puff, Ji Xuanyuan was pulled out with a bruised nose and swollen face.

Jiuli's direct inheritance against Xuanyuan's special offensive martial art - Destroying Qianzhu!

Well, the original name is Food Iron Destroying Thousand Bamboo.

There is also the secret biography of Jiuli, pull up the mountain!

The original name is plucking mountain bamboo shoots.

Not to mention the power of the moves, I can only say that this method of naming is really too simple...

Wei Yuan withdrew his thoughts, looked at the dizzy middle-aged Ji Xuanyuan in his hand, and twitched the corner of his mouth.

Get used to beating, and get used to being beaten.

I'm used to the cost.

Damn it, when I came to Xuanyuanqiu, I didn't solve Buzhou Mountain, and I didn't solve the water god Gonggong, but I fainted Xuanyuan Huangdi, who was holding the Emperor's Ceremony, what should I do? Um……

The white-haired Taoist thought suddenly.

Slowly lowered his head to look at the ancient reckless man in his hand.

If you think about it, if you understand it.

Wait, Ji Xuanyuan has been in a coma for seven days, and the matter seems to be resolved?

direct extension.

Don't vote for both of you. If you don't vote, you won't be bumping your head against Zhoushan.

But this kind of thought is just thinking about it. Compared with other things, this difficulty is huge. Wei Yuan honestly sent Ji Xuanyuan, who was probably stunned by drinking too much, to the bed. While in a coma, she was still gnashing her teeth:


You bastard...


As expected of Ji Xuanyuan, can you tell who the kung fu came from from the strength of beating him?

The corner of Wei Yuan's mouth twitched, and he sighed, and Lei Zu over there poured him a cup of tea.

It was Shennong who found it back then. It was a simple sencha with a few petals of spiritual flowers in it. It tasted sweet. Wei Yuan took a sip of this tea that could not be reproduced in later generations, and said: Today is really...presumptuous ...

Leizu shook his head and said: It's okay, if you didn't take action, things might become more unpredictable... Heh, after he was drunk, he was even more stubborn. In the past, only Ayou and Xingyao could stop him. he……

Ayou, Xingyao?

Wei Yuan was stunned.

Leizu narrowed his eyes and said, That's right...Your generation may be more familiar with their other titles. Chi You, the warlord, and Xing Tian, ​​the god of war, were the same back then. Only Chi You and Xing Tian made Xuanyuan calm down.

The white-haired Taoist looked at Xuanyuan, who was muttering the two names while sleeping, and suddenly said:

What happened back then, shouldn't be a simple fight and kill each other?

Lei Zu was slightly stunned, and said: I felt it before, you child, it seems... It seems that you speak very directly. The woman with white hair and red eyes thought for a while before she thought of this adjective, and then sighed with a smile: A little bit! It's not like the Tu Shan family.

Well, it's just your guess, it's really good...

They used to be comrades in arms.

The woman smiled gently, seeing the curiosity in Wei Yuan's eyes, and said:

What happened back then... If you are interested, I can tell you slowly.

PS: The first update today...

Xing Tian, ​​this work is in shape——Dictionary of Chinese Mythology

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