Museum of Demons

Chapter 812 Farewell to Heaven and Earth

【Rear】The letterhead...

Wei Yuan's expression softened, and he walked slowly into it, looking at the information conveyed in the original way, and continued to read——

'I have come back from a long journey, and I have gained a lot from visiting many small worlds this time. It is a pity that you and Huntian have never been together. If you were there, you should be able to see more from the myriad phenomena in the universe. Although what you see alone is enough to enjoy yourself, it is not as good as traveling with friends to inspire each other'

'I saw a strange flower, when it was in full bloom, it bloomed with the radiance of the sky, and it became more and more strange'

'So I broke off a branch, brought it here, and planted it in the back of the mountain. If you come back, you should be able to see the flowers blooming and falling, and it will remain undefeated all year round. '

The tone was as gentle as ever, as if he saw the beautiful woman in a long skirt returning from a long journey, gaining something, and then holding a flower branch, visiting friends, Wei Yuan looked down, [Hou] has a very good personality Well, she and Emperor Wa probably had a good relationship with both sides at the same time during the turbulent battle between the Great Wilderness and Kunlun in that era.

Wei Yuan thought.

As for Fuxi...

Wei Yuan thought about what Fuxi had done,

Well, I was beaten up with Dijun for grabbing the number one in the world; I beat my sister back, challenged Bu Zhoushan and was beaten up, bullied Lu Wu, secretly called Xiwangmu Huya Lolita, was enlightened and told Xiwangmu, and then slapped Lu behind her back My cat's hair was stunned by Lu Wu, and then the cat.

He watched Wahuang's failure to create humans with a dark belly, and then when Wahuang planned to use his own blood to create the lineage of Tushannu Xishi, he secretly replaced his own blood with Wahuang's blood and created The famous Tushan lineage in ancient times.

Develop innate gossip to prevent the future self from meddling in the past to snatch my sister.

At the same time, I was thinking about how to bypass my innate gossip and find my sister in the past and future.

The corner of Wei Yuan's mouth twitched.

How should I put it... I suddenly felt that this guy was really a mixture of human scum and snake scum.

Strictly speaking, he seems to be an extreme fun guy who is even more outrageous than the old man.

If the fake Fuxi is included, the name Fuxi is very active in almost all events in the ancient times and ancient times.

Does this count as knowing that you will never die, so you can play vigorously?

Wei Yuan sighed, and continued to read.

In the early stage, Houtu traveled around, and then came back to tell his friends who could not go out, and then brought back special products so that friends could see what he saw in other ways. There was another stone tablet that read ——'I met a good friend today. '

‘It’s called Feng Lixi, a nice name. '

'Ah, by the way, she seems to have many names when traveling in this era, and she is also called Nv Xiwa. Later I found out that she is that Nv Wa. A Wa has a very good character and is in charge of creation. I got a lot of experience from her. '

'So I came here and tried to perfect the body of Jiayi, but it was a pity that I was limited by the foundation and couldn't go any further. I thought you had awakened, and I thought that if you awakened, you could bring Emperor Wa to visit here . '

‘I don’t know why, but I always feel that you will hit it off with Ah Wa. '

The white-haired Taoist brought himself a cup of tea, sat on the ground, looked at these words, shook his head with a smile, and felt a little bit regretful. He could see thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years ago, as Fuxi said. Wahuang, who failed and had two big bags of tears in his eyes, felt that he had missed a huge opportunity.

Tsk, if I had known earlier, I would have gone back later.

Wei Yuan thought, but if he saw Emperor Wa, he might be thrown back by the huge karmic backlash in an instant. Emperor Wa will have the existence of extreme karma in the long years to come, and, if Emperor Wa comes, Then Fuxi will come...

If Fu Xi comes.

Wei Yuan only needs to think about Fuxi in the past and feel the breath of Fuxi in the future from himself.

Well, I will definitely regard it as the subordinates sent by my future self to find the past Emperor Wa.

Then the firepower is fully fired in an instant, and the eight types of innate concepts are directly smashed over.

Open the world, determine the universe, divide the mountains and seas, step on water and fire, yin and yang flow, congenital gossip, attack the sky and the earth, reverse yin and yang.

Thinking of that scene, Wei Yuan's mouth twitched.

So this is considered to be an instinctive premonition that something was wrong and slipped ahead of time, otherwise, I might be even more unlucky than Lao Buzhou. Although the Fuxi of that era was not as strong as the decadent and rotten snake now, But it's also one of the top ten, so it's no problem to blow yourself up.

Wei Yuan just mastered the four major forces in the domain, and manipulated the direction of the fate of the world with human power.

Certain opportunities can be created to amplify the probability of things happening.

But that bastard Fuxi can really directly control the eight types of laws, derivation, creation and destruction.

Haven't had to fight yet.

Wei Yuan looked down and saw Houtu's next words—Originally, Emperor Wa intentionally came here to place it directly, but that young man named Fuxi, after hearing that you are male, suddenly started to say His Also very interested, and then, the two of us discovered that Fuxi was sharpening his knife'

When I found out, I just said gently that I needed the necessary preparations to protect my sister.

'Huang Wa was very angry and knocked down the knife in his hand'

'Then he accidentally dropped out of his sleeve almost as many weapons as a mountain, and they contained Dao rhyme, but the five elements restrained each other, they were extremely unstable, and could be thrown directly to blast. The small world was completely smashed into slag, so for your safety, we chose not to come directly. '

Wei Yuan: ...

Well, the gene of lack of firepower phobia started from you?

The white-haired Taoist twitched his mouth, shook his head helplessly, took a sip of tea to subdue his shock, and slowly looked at the other parts. Some mentioned the past, saying that he saw the Queen Mother of the West. She was really a heroic goddess. He is good at all types of weapons, and has a strong and dignified personality.

Invincible, it is said that when he was young, he once defeated 999 gods in a row in one day, and then got the title of Kim Jong from Liaoshou, and powerfully ascended to the Lord of West Kunlun, known as the Golden Emperor of the West, In charge of the robbery and murder.

But she likes to grow flowers very much, and her ears are soft.

It feels good to the touch.

It's really soft!

And it will change due to emotional changes. For example, when you are angry, your ears will stand up, your teeth will be exposed, and the fur on them will explode. For example, when you eat something you like, you will lie down. If there is a crisis When the time comes, it will be erected parallel to the ground, with a vigilant face.

The girl known as the Western Emperor once held an eight-foot-eight-inch long spear to quell demons.


It's just a pity that the female character of Nv Xijiao that Emperor Wa had concocted back then has never been able to deal with it. In other words, only Nv Xijiao can easily touch the ear of the Western Emperor.

Lu Wu is a very serious young man, and Kai Ming is a young man who is not in tune with his smile.

Houtu always felt that there would be problems with his body after enlightenment.

Because he likes to eat sweets so much, in order to eat sweets, he actually raised a kind of beast that picks flowers and makes honey in Kunlun Mountains, called Qinyuan Bird... For this reason, he even had a fight with Lu Wu, which made Lu Wu so angry Swear and swear that you will never eat a bite of honey.

I always feel that this is enlightened and intentional.

Wei Yuan looked at these words while drinking tea.

It seemed that there was a woman with a soft face in a long skirt next to her.

With a smile, I introduced to him every year in the past, and told every trip, even without him as a friend, as one of the protagonists of the past era, a woman who is in charge of virtue and love , her experience is still wonderful.

Until he saw one of the stele letterheads.

'[Huntian] passed away. '

Wei Yuan's smile froze.


'...【Huntian】passed away, I originally wanted to come to you and see him off together for the last time, but unfortunately, 【Yuan】you are still not here, why are you not there, the last time of 【Huntian】, unexpectedly Still haven't been able to see you...'

‘Sorry, I shouldn’t have written it like this, you probably have things you must and have to do’

'It was me who was too naive. '

'[Hun Tian] walks on his own path, you are like this, and so am I. '

'We should not regret it. The so-called Taoist friends mean that we each have our own paths, and in the end we once walked together for a while. We supported each other and were honest with each other. In the end, we will leave with each other. wish go ahead'

‘It’s just, how I wish you were here at this time, 【Yuan】. '

Wei Yuan was silent for a long time.

'[Huntian] passed away, even though he said he had no regrets, and thanked the two emperors for helping him see the final scenery, but the two emperors still couldn't forgive themselves at all, they stripped their power, and then self-imposed exile. '

'As [sudden] Vientiane, as [sudden] intangible, the connection is rapid, and it is the first description of time and years. They punish themselves, cut off the foundation of their own way, and say that their friends are dead. Climb to the top ten peaks, there is no chaos, but it is also boring, it is better to go to Xi'

'They should be the most miserable. '

'In the end, I stripped them of their power, connected with all the spiritual materials I collected, and created a new creature like Emperor Wa, I call him Yanming... I hope he can follow the path of the two great emperors... ...'

‘Hundred Chaos, no, let’s call it [Huntian]. '

'He has a gift for you. '

'If you come back, you can take a look...'

Wei Yuan saw a box under that stone carving, Wei Yuan recognized this box, it was a food box that Wei Yuan had given to [Hun Tian], Houtu also had it, he just randomly found wood here, and carved it with sword energy , because the sword energy seals the surroundings, it is difficult to corrode over time.

[Huntian] gift.

A gift from the ancient emperor of Chaos who once stepped into the pinnacle.

In fact, Wei Yuan has now understood the root of chaos.

'There are things that are mixed, congenitally born, and lonely. '

'Independence does not change, Zhou Xing does not perish. '

Chaos, perhaps the existence that is closest to the great way that the old man imagined.

To the great depth of the Tao, the mixture is boundless; the body is empty, and the reason is extremely mysterious, which is the chaotic way of heaven.

It is not easy for a hundred kings to have the same respect in ancient times.

Such a presence, a gift left behind.

What could it be, is it enlightenment, or something extraordinary? Wei Yuan also had some doubts and a little curiosity in his heart, and he was more depressed and sad. There were still a few stone tablets. He didn't look at them immediately, but took the box and opened it with a click.

When the sword qi blockade was lifted, the wooden box instantly turned into fly ash due to the long years, leaving behind a letter.

The white-haired Taoist opened the letterhead and saw the text inside.

'Dim sum, sweet and greasy, not my favorite'

'The soup tastes good. '

‘That one is called noodles, and it tastes good, but the meat is too greasy. '

'Heh... Maybe it's the first time I've eaten, and the turbidity is too strong. '

The transcript is a description of Wei Yuan's food. The white-haired Taoist was in a daze, and suddenly remembered that when they met for the first time, the middle-aged man with a gentle expression had a very good evaluation of the meals he served them. , smells and tastes good too, nice color.

This is the final addition.

‘However, I still like it very much. '

'Deliciously cooked'

The white-haired Taoist looked at these words, and his expression became quiet. There was a stone tablet in front of him, and the letterhead in his hand. Finally, he felt that the tea soup tasted very good.

'I have reached my end, what I see and feel, I live up to my progress. '

'Even though the time is short, the wish is fulfilled. '

'I just feel that the sky is high and the earth is wide, and I feel hearty and dripping. I have no regrets in this life. '

Wei Yuan seemed to see the middle-aged man back then, as if he turned around, smiled and cupped his hands slightly, the last two sentences on the letter.

‘Fellow Daoist, let’s just leave now. '

'Farewell. '

PS: The second update today...

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