Museum of Demons

Chapter 811: News from Houtu

Ye Ming finally put away his sword.

His calmness, rationality, restraint and judgment, when it comes to [Houtu].

Just like Wei Yuan when he heard that Emperor Wa was forced to marry him.

It cannot be said to exist at all.

Holding the white horse sword, Ye Ming stepped up to the green-clothed Taoist in front. The small world here was devouring the aura that erupted from the remnant body after the death of the god, and the world that was originally extremely thin aura began to expand violently.

After the gods die, their powers return to the heavens and the earth, and their own spirits dissipate.

And Qi himself, as an existence with a very high level of vitality, will feed back all things in the world.

Ye Ming saw the simple but vaguely vast ashram, saw the garden built by spiritual plants, saw the white-haired Taoist stop, as if in a trance, and then stretched out his finger to point to the remaining table in front of him, He said calmly, Sit down.

The elegant young man with his eyes closed pondered for a while, and sat down calmly.

Wei Yuan walked to the place where the teapots and cups were originally stored.

Too much time has passed, and he should have scanned the place with his spiritual sense to find it, but when he subconsciously opened the cabinet, he saw that the teapot was still in its original position, and there was no difference even where the tea leaves were. paused.


Wei Yuan narrowed his eyes, took out the tea set, and brewed a pot of tea himself.

It was the tea and spring water grown in this small world. I poured a cup for Ye Ming and myself. The tea leaves rose and fell in the clear tea soup. The white-haired Taoist was holding the tea. After a long silence, he asked: 【Hou】, that is, Houtu, how did she disappear?

Ye Ming was silent for a while, and said: I don't know the reason. At that time, I was still very young and weak. My mother probably didn't want me to know about this matter... I used to think that she didn't understand me. , It was she who abandoned me, and thinking about it now, maybe it was because she knew me too well.

The Lord of Time with white hair on the sideburns said: She knew that if I knew her purpose at that time, I would definitely choose to walk with her, and I would definitely find her direction at all costs. What a burden...

He was able to speak these words calmly at this moment.

It proves that these long years are not in vain.

Wei Yuan said: When did you leave...

Yan Ming frowned and thought for a long time, and said: It should be between the time when Chaos was cut open and the seven orifices died, and the time when Emperor Wa disappeared for the first time. On that day, the empress looked a little bit wrong. After she took me around the wilderness. , left me in the Xinggong Dojo in the West Pole, and then left.

Never came back.

Wahuang once disappeared once. According to the previous statement by the woman in green shirt Xian, the first time Wahuang disappeared was more than 7,000 years ago, and then only appeared once when Buzhou Mountain was knocked down by Gonggong. Hastily filled the sky, and then quickly disappeared.

About three hundred years after Emperor Wa disappeared, Fuxi left here and went to the deepest part of the sea outside the Age of Gods. According to what the Qingshan woman Xian said at the time, she went to the central place where the ancient emperor Hun Chao once lived.

After Wahuang disappeared, Nuwa God of Ten Intestines and the girl in white appeared in the wilderness.

[After], what exactly did you learn, and where did you go?

As soon as A said, I have been here many times, will I leave some clues here...

Thinking in his heart, Wei Yuan saw Ye Ming, the Lord of Time in front of him, took a sip of tea, then frowned indiscernibly, and the white-haired Taoist said, Oh? It seems that this tea doesn't suit your taste very much.

Ye Ming pondered for a while, this tea is only grown in an ordinary and remote small world.

He has never experienced selection and breeding, let alone the irrigation of spiritual spells. It is not a good tea at all. For the vice-lord of the Great Wilderness, he has tasted many spiritual seeds nourished by the world. It seems that this kind of tea is bitter and dry. He really doesn't like tea.

The empress this kind of tea?

He said: ...Sorry, I'm just a little surprised.

Although Empress Houtu has a gentle personality, she is very persistent in her diet and has cooked some dishes herself. For her, it is hard for me to imagine that she would like this kind of dry tea soup.

Um? Can Houtu also cook?

She is obviously skilled at dismantling organs even when reorganizing them.

...However, with her divinity level, she can easily accomplish anything she wants to learn.

It only takes a moment after cognition to reach the realm of the great master that ordinary people pursue all their lives.

The so-called virtues carry things, and the soil plays ten thousand ways.

It is also very easy to learn my cooking skills...

However, did she actually raise Ye Ming's appetite so tricky? I clearly remember that the tea was delicious at the time. Really, it is useless to say that the tea we all like is dry in the mouth. This kid's character...

Wei Yuan took a sip of tea, his thoughts froze slightly, the taste was bitter and dry, very unpalatable.

The white-haired Taoist looked at his own reflection in the tea soup.

But obviously at the time, I thought it was the best in the world, with a fragrant and hearty taste.

After all, the tea you drink with your friends changes the taste.

I was stunned for a while.

Ye Ming also knew that what he said just now was a bit offensive, and said: Does Empress Houtu often come here... The white-haired Taoist chatted casually about the past when [Hou] and [Hun Tian] came here. After a long time, Ye Ming Ming sighed, that's the case.

Gradually, he truly believed that this was really where the past Houtu used to be.

Ye Ming changed the subject and said, When I came here, I got news about the puppet from Guixu, why didn't I see it?

Wei Yuan said, It's asleep.

The brokenness of the body is not irreparable, only the erosion of the spirituality under the years is irreparable. The reason why heroes and heroes are eligible to reincarnate is because they are strong enough to resist the most ruthless years. What they once conceived only rely on the brain and the soul The way of immortality is impossible to survive.

Because the soul also has a lifespan limit.

Therefore, each school and school attaches great importance to the practice of the true spirit and soul.

Taoism has the method of Yangshen, which is pure and yang, and Buddhism has the realm of abandoning the skin and crossing the other shore.

Because if the soul is immortal, the broken body can be completely repaired.

And Jiayi's true spirit is about to reach the end.

Before the finish line, I saw the Taoist of that year.

Ye Ming was silent for a while, he was keenly aware of the meaning of Wei Yuan's words, and said in a gentle tone: Senior, mourning, even the soul of a god will gradually get lost under time, as a puppet, a newborn spirituality, can It deserves respect for supporting it for such a long time.”

Wei Yuan said, You really should respect him.


Because he was the first creation created by me and Houtu together, and [Houtu] also made more attempts after that, and then after the great supernatural powers were achieved, he created you, Ye Ming... ...

So, in a sense, you should call him brother, not puppet.

Ye Ming was slightly startled: ...Who the hell are you?

The white-haired Taoist drank tea alone, and said flatly: You should have a book of swordsmanship essence in your hand.

That's what I wrote.

Ye Ming's expression froze, and he stood up suddenly.

! ! !


Before that, Han Xin also got the news from Lao Bu Zhou when he was in Beihai.

The decadent uncle sits on the throne, with two beauties rubbing his shoulders extravagantly behind him, and helping him light a cigarette, and self-restraint, he only wants to stay with Yu Ji wholeheartedly, especially after reincarnation, who is almost ascetic Overlord Xiang Yu compared.

This guy is like a 100% street guy.

The purity, the purity is simply too high.

Han Xin stroked his unshaven chin thoughtfully.

‘Hmm, perform martial arts in the East Sea and West Sea, and at the same time give a plan for an upcoming attack. '

He intends to secretly put pressure on the Emperor of the West Sea and the Emperor of the East Sea.

To contain these two for Wei Yuan.

In addition, the old man who came to inform the information also mentioned that Wei Yuan is worried that they have already occupied the North Sea at this moment. If they move the East Sea and the West Sea again, it may attract huge attention, usher in the counterattack of the East China Sea and the West Sea, and attract the emperor. Jun Dahuang's reaction, this is a huge oppressive force.

So even though it is necessary to put pressure on the two great emperors at this moment, it can't really come, just a wave of defense.

Well, that's how it is...

Han Xin waved away the beauty and said with a bright smile:

I understand, don't worry, I have prepared a place for you to rest.

When the old man, the girl in white, and Zhaoyang left,

Overlord Xiang Yu came, looked at the girl in white over there, and subconsciously stopped. For some reason, he felt that his injury was recovering faintly, as if it was nothing, and the calm fighting spirit actually felt boiling again, just like the old Holding a sword alone, he defeated a hundred elite city lords, and after one person won a city, he had a childish mentality of showing off his achievements to his uncle.

What's wrong?

He asked Han Xin.

The decadent ranger bit his cigarette and said, Oh, just the news about Wei Yuan.


Xiang Yu dispersed several beauties who were dressing Han Xin, and asked them to go out and close the door. Looking at Han Xin who was slightly relieved, he said, Is it intentional to show my weakness of being greedy for money and lust for someone?

It's the plan of that Marquis Wu.

The corner of Han Xin's mouth twitched: I feel like I'm responding.

The corners of Xiang Hongyu's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

The guy in front of me died under the bamboo pole carried by the court lady, because Liu Ji and Han Xin agreed that he would not die under the sun, he would not die under the sword, it seems that he would not die under the strong man, As a result, a curtain was placed in the deep palace, and the woman was assassinated with a sharpened bamboo spear.

Hit the strong with the weak, find a gap and break.

Originally it was Bingxian's forte, but it was also the cause of his death.

Well, according to modern games, this kind of background requires at least several background specialties, such as defense against weapons, and special attacks by women, maybe the profession is an Avenger or something? The highest level of the art of war is EX, anyway, Han Xin now has an instinctive resistance to women in palace attire.

The psychological shadow is relatively large.

It is a good seedling to be a monk.

Seeing him unhappy makes me happy.

Xiang Yu said: So, what is he going to do?

You Xia'er let out a puff of smoke and said, Well, he asked us to...

Han Xin recalled what the old man said just now, defending a wave?

no no no...

Listen to me about the war.

You Xia'er took a deep breath of cigarette, with a sincere expression:

Give it a go...


In the end, under the violent impact, Ye Ming chose to leave and go back to the Great Wilderness without even having time to explore the small world here—the death of the two great emperors preceded his own, the creature created by the empress, and the original The Essence of Sword Art opened for the first time.

The repeated shocks almost shattered his mind.

Can I come back later?

Since you are the son of Houtu, you can do whatever you want.

The white-haired Taoist watched the restless Ye Ming leave, paced in the green shirt, and walked to the depths of the dojo—if Houtu had really been here several times, if Houtu wanted to leave something to tell him, Well, it must be there.

at the location of the initial encounter.

Wei Yuan pushed open the gate of a quiet palace, and saw the stone carvings inside, with dense and beautiful patterns on them, which cannot be understood in words, but can directly convey the meaning, which is exactly what [Hou] is good at.

‘My friend [Yuan], respectfully. '

PS: The first update today...

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