Museum of Demons

Chapter 70 Execution!

When the wind came, it first brushed the cheeks, then soaked the shoulders and elbows, and finally roared and surged. The high-speed wind compressed the airflow and turned into pure white waves. Wei Yuan sat on the only windless place on the mountain, watching the storm rushing around.

The wind field covering the entire range of Huangquan Mountain left a sharp whistling in the ear.

If you look at it from the bottom of the mountain, it looks like a layer of pure white airflow is covering the mountain, or it looks like a large cloud is falling from the sky, covering the entire mountainside to the top of the mountain, and it is still flying like a cloud. Roll and stir at slow but fast speeds.

The ghosts roared in horror and struggled to escape, but they were swept up by the extremely high-speed whirling wind, the trees were uprooted, and the houses were crushed by the wind from top to bottom, and then they were rolled up together with the foundation, sharp and sharp fragments Involved in the air current, tearing out a piercing scream.

If the ghost has no substance, it will be scattered by the wind and clear air. If there is a substance, it will be cut by the sharp fragments flowing at high speed. The shattered body, the collapsed soul, and everything on this ridiculous banquet are all swept into the storm. Among them, it was finally crushed into fine powder.

The strong wind collided with the clouds and mist, making a low-pitched thunderous sound.

Unexpectedly, thunderbolts occasionally struck down, heavily bombarding this ghost domain.

The thunder and fire rushed, and the evil and filthy air collapsed immediately.

Wei Yuan stared blankly at this vast and magnificent scene, speechless.

He no longer struggled to sit up, but leaned on the only remaining ruins, stuck his sword upside down on the ground, and watched the scene of a single person fighting against natural disasters. This is the power called gods in ancient times, the peak The demeanor of a monk.

There happened to be an unopened wine jar next to it.

Simply crossing the sword in front of his knees, slapping the Kaifeng mud, raising his neck and drinking a sip of wine, seeing the vastness of the world, he said:


The violent wind brought by the heavenly girl swept in all the monsters and ghosts all over the mountains and plains. How could these monsters that even Wei Yuan could not stop could match the mighty power of heaven and earth? The ghost king is still fighting to the death.

The evil spirit enveloped the whole body, barely being involved in the storm.

But it is clear that Luojiang from the outside world has been diverted, and the anti-bow evil spirit no longer exists. The ghost king gritted his teeth and roared, struggling to support himself, but he couldn't escape a death word. , the body has been flying, and the mouth still roared unwillingly:

No, no, you are mine!!

Before the words fell, he was caught in the storm.

The storm that was originally rotating with the trend suddenly tore in reverse.

The Ghost King uttered a shrill scream, collapsed and disappeared, returning to the dust together.

But at this time, the storm had just dissipated. Seeing that the previously ghostly and gloomy mountain was now a mess, the trees were uprooted, and the houses were turned into ruins. The blood that was thrown out, but Wei Yuan felt that although the mountain was not as lively as before, it made people feel much more comfortable.

The celestial maiden in white clothes and streamers landed on the last ray of breeze.

Her complexion was pale, obviously the impactful scene just now was not easy for the goddess in front of her.

it is finally over.

Wei Yuan tried his best to stand up and said, Young lady.

The goddess turned pale, nodded, and said: Be careful, it still has the last bit left.

Wei Yuan was surprised.

It's all like this, and the ghost is still not dead?

Before the goddess could explain, there was a maddened and ferocious roar from the foot of the mountain:

No, you are mine, you are mine!!

Wei Yuan's pupils contracted and he looked down.

In this ghost domain that has been almost completely wiped out, one person struggled out.

No, that's hardly human anymore.


In the picture scroll of strange power and chaotic gods, the main subject is only the young man, the goddess.

It is the young man who becomes gray-haired and dies in the end, but the face of the goddess remains unchanged.

Wei Yuan originally thought so.

But after seeing the thing that appeared, I suddenly realized that there was a third subject in the picture scroll, but I hadn't noticed it all the time.

Amidst the rumbling sound, an almost completely decayed inn rose from the ground.

Sticky black objects like thick blood vessels are attached to the inn, beating strangely. The parts of these creations gathered at the entrance of the inn form the appearance of the young man on the picture scroll. His back is accommodated with the inn, as if flesh and blood grew on it. On the wall, it looks distorted and terrifying, and the face of the young man is constantly changing, sometimes it is the original boy, sometimes it is a human face with white bones, and sometimes it is a demon with the first horn.

It was as if all the unwillingness and resentment of his life had been condensed here.

Roaring and roaring constantly, there is the voice of a boy, but also the low growl of a demon.

Wei Yuan stared at the monster that had never been seen before. After all, he was no longer the Wuxia Amon at the beginning, and he could see some roots. This state was like an earth-bound spirit, but he had never seen this kind of monster before. The demons that merged into one body in the Land of Bound, and at this time, Wei Yuan finally understood the problem that had been hidden before.

Back then, the young man was just a mortal, even if there were monsters in his heart, he would die after being killed by the crouching tiger. And even if he survived, the original story was already in the Jin Dynasty, more than 1,700 years ago, and his soul should have been scattered long ago.

Now that I see this inn, I can think clearly.

I see.

Wei Yuan didn't know how to describe the feeling in his heart, so he just sighed:

It was the unwillingness and resentment he had left behind in the wooden building inn. In addition, he had practiced sorcery and buried the girl's feathers and flesh and blood in the ground, which finally caused the inn to become a monster. I think it must be added a hundred years ago. The evil cultivator intentionally made this inn give birth to a demon, who mistakenly thought he was him.

When a person dies, his obsession is immortal, and he still has to do things that he was unwilling to do in his lifetime.

It turns out that human obsession is so terrifying.

Seeing that the inn seemed to have its own hands and feet, it roared mournfully and came towards the mountain.

Previously, it was haunted by evil spirits and could be intimidating, but now it has exposed its true nature.

Wei Yuan staggered and stood up straight, raised the Eight-faced Han Sword, and said:

It's said to be the ghost king, but it's just an obsession, relying on the evil spirit to be fierce.

He looked at the goddess again:

Maybe the girl will fight again?

The celestial girl pursed her lips and nodded slightly, but Wei Yuan had already seen that she had just recovered her cultivation, and she was at the end of her strength when she used the supernatural power just now, so she simply raised her sword and said, Then Miss Lao will get angry.

Wei Yuan hung his badge on one side of his waist.

Holding the sword, breathing heavily, feeling the tingling pain in the lungs, the blood foam between the lips and teeth, and biting the jaw, I was glad that when I sent Zhang Hao and the others to interrogate Zhang Hao and the others, in addition to asking for Luojiang to be diverted, I also asked them to Change the original Anti-bow Sha to Western White Tiger Sha.

It was originally intended to prevent the evil spirit of the ghost king and still has a lot of inventory, but now it comes in handy.

Just now, when the wind rushed, the ghost king's body was shattered, and the evil spirit scattered all over the mountains and plains.

Wei Yuan could faintly feel that there is a connection between Captain Sili's waist badge and the reappearing evil pattern between heaven and earth. The white tiger master of the West kills and fights, and is also the prime minister of the tiger. Captain Sili is in charge of the elite and is the top of the Han general Military officer, the second rank of the official residence, more than two thousand stones, also known as Crouching Tiger, perfectly matched with Baihusha.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, alchemists were rampant. If there was no contact, how could there be the name of Crouching Tiger.

And learn from this ghost king to borrow evil spirits.

There will be future troubles, and I can't take care of them.

Wei Yuan held the sword in his right hand, pointed the blade obliquely at the ground, and stepped down.


The inn lined up mountains and rocks, trampled on trees, and came in a mighty way.

And on the way ahead, there was a figure blocking there, it was Wei Yuan.

Seeing Wei Yuan, the distorted young man at the entrance of the inn let out a deep roar, his eyes turned red.

The memory just now is still very clear, the young man's resentment was unwilling, and he directly locked onto the captain Sili holding the sword. The inn with the high-rise attic turned around and rushed straight towards Wei Yuan, full of monster aura.

Wei Yuan holds the sword in both hands.

A heavy light shone on the Crouching Tiger waist badge.

The low-pitched roar of the tiger was more passionate and ferocious than ever before. Wei Yuan used the crouching tiger to absorb the evil spirit, and an incomparably fierce white tiger appeared behind him. In the midst of evil spirits.

The tiger growled and the birds panicked.

On the back of the school lieutenant is a fierce tiger with wings.

He took a step and ran straight towards the demon ghost in the inn at the foot of the mountain.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the two were approaching.

Wei Yuan could almost see the ferocious jealous madness on the young man's face.

And finger brushed across the blade.

There was a brilliant cold light on the sword body, and Wei Yuan held the sword with both hands, just like when he slashed at the back of the ghost king before. When he was still seven steps away from the ghost, he slammed down the Eight-Faced Han Sword. The winged tiger ran down the mountain, roaring in its throat, and rushed forward to kill.

The fur with evil spirit mixed with demon power hit the inn in an instant.

The ancient creations that were originally preserved on purpose were almost instantly hit by the evil spirit, and large cracks appeared. Those seemingly hard wooden boards were like dry biscuits, and they shattered into powder. In the end, the ghost could not get close Wei Yuan was completely turned into ruins.

Only the body of the young man was left, with a section of inn boards attached to his back, rolling on the ground.

At this moment, he still wanted to kill Xiang Weiyuan.

Holding the sword in both hands, Wei Yuan let the young man pounce on him, and dodged away.

Then he took a deep breath, holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, and raised the eight-sided sword high, and then slashed heavily at the neck of the young man who was exerting too much force. The young man wanted to struggle to avoid it. At this moment, on his body, out of the black creation made of resentment and flesh and blood magic, a pair of hands suddenly appeared, firmly suppressing the young man.

The Eight-faced Han Sword slashed down with all its strength.

The thing transformed by the young man's obsession eventually ended up in the same fate as the murdered brother.

Heads roll off.

But at this moment, Wei Yuan was already exhausted. Seeing the mess around him and the crowd of ghosts scattered, even though he forcibly expelled the evil spirit and made his lungs ache, he still felt happy, which is rare! Kicked the corpse down with one foot, and staggered a step.

Exhausted, he sat down on the ground, holding his sword and laughing.


Fu Zhu!

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