Museum of Demons

Chapter 69 Wild horses, dust, and the breath of living things

I thought there was a beautiful girl under the hijab, but when I opened it, I saw that not only was she not a goddess, but she was not even a woman. The huge contrast made the ghost king stunned, and his reaction naturally slowed down. At this moment, Wei Yuan The sword has already been cut off.

The extremely thin and sharp gust of wind entangled on the blade of the sword gave out a clear roar.

The ghost king only had time to retreat subconsciously, avoiding the neck, and the Eight-faced Han sword slashed heavily on his face. It was cut horizontally, dividing the face into two halves from the bridge of the nose up and down.

Wei Yuan landed on the ground, stepped back and opened the distance.

Ahhhh!! My face, my face!

The severe pain brought the ghost king back to reality, and he let out a mournful wail while covering his face.

His face was already demonized, and now Wei Yuan directly slashed a wound horizontally, looking even more hideous and terrifying. The ghost king was already resentful and dissatisfied with his current face because the face of the goddess did not change, and now it is even uglier Inhuman, almost mad with anger.

But another kind of more unbearable resentment fermented in his heart.

Panting violently, the Ghost King covered his face, staring at Wei Yuan with red eyes:

You came out of her house...

No wonder, no wonder she refused to agree to me in the past hundred years.

Wei Yuan held his sword and said, It's just that the road is uneven. I and Tiannv only knew each other for a few days.

Fu smiled again and asked:

Your wine is very good, I wonder if I still like this gift?

As if a certain fuze had been detonated, the Ghost King's entire body rushed towards Wei Yuan with incredible speed, with a deep and crazy roar coming from his throat:

You are lying!!!

Wei Yuan took a step back, holding the eight-faced Han sword in front of him, and the ghost king's fists and feet smashed down. Wei Yuan had already stepped back to avoid it, and stood on one side with a whirling step. One press and one stick, take advantage of the trend to guide the unloading force.

He has long been familiar with this sword style, and it was easy to kill demons and ghosts before, but now it is extremely difficult to unload the force. Thinking about it carefully, it is almost like holding a small shovel to level an entire mountain. There is also a limit to the technique of pulling a thousand catties in four or two.

As a last resort, he directed this force in the opposite direction, and retreated to avoid the sharp edge.

With a step, he forcibly relieved his strength.

The ground under Wei Yuan's right foot was trampled into pieces.

The sword in his hand was full of sword energy, and stabbed towards the ghost king's neck again.

The ghost king did not evade or retreat, and let the eight-faced Han sword fall. Even if the sword body could not get close to the skin, black flames rose up one after another, but it was not fire, but water, the evil spirit in the Luojiang water. The anti-bow evil that has been accumulated for a hundred years.

As for the long sword and body, there is a sound of metal and iron.

A cold and gloomy aura was transmitted along the blade to Wei Yuan's palm, and most of his body was almost numb.

Wei Yuan retreated sharply, but saw that the hideous crack on the ghost king's face he had just cut was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. He paused in his heart, thinking of what the celestial girl said, that the fierce evil spirit is connected with the body of the ghost domain , the evil spirit of the river is endless, and the ghosts will live and die.

The ghost king lowered his body, stretched out his hand and took out a huge saber, Jin inherited the afterglow of the great man, the style of Qin and Han, there are many rangers, even the youths in the country practice martial arts, with a deep and ferocious voice:

The hatred of killing one's father and the hatred of taking one's wife are irreconcilable.

Wei Yuan shook his head and said, I and the goddess are just acquainted for the first time.

Raising the long sword in his hand, he said:

However, monsters cannibals, they must be killed!

The ghost king's eyes were red, and it was still the crazy and angry you lying, holding a battle knife, wrapped in evil spirits, and rushed towards Wei Yuan with his brute force without any rules. Rong Rong, Wei Yuan's aura sank, and the eight-faced Han sword whistled in his hand.

On the crouching tiger's waist card, long blue feathers appeared, and the remaining demon power of the great demon Jinyu bird of the Qin and Han Dynasties emerged.

On the blade of the sword, blue and green winds intersect.

Fight with swords!


On top of the ghost banquet, there is still joy and harmony, and the group of ghosts have a feast.

Among the ghosts, a Taoist in a black Taoist robe sat alone, looking coldly at the many ghosts.

Although the breath smelled like a stranger, it was the honored guest that the ghost king said, and the group of ghosts did not dare to get close, causing a large space around the person, but he didn't care. He drank slowly, but the food was not touched by a single chopstick.

In my heart, I was still thinking about the behavior of the heavenly girl that was different from the past.

After all, there is a whole body of Taoism in the body, and when encountering such a whim, he still refuses to let go.

After drinking a glass of wine and putting down the glass, the Taoist took out a special and unusual talisman from his cuff, with delicate lines on it, and the cloud talisman characters that constitute their lineage are the disaster-avoiding talismans he got from his teacher. Tribulation curse, used to protect the body.

In this way, he calmed down, drank slowly, and squinted at the ghosts and monsters from the corner of his eyes, which was disdainful.

While drinking, the Taoist faintly heard a strange and familiar voice. The right hand holding the wine paused, subconsciously listened to it, and carefully distinguished it. The voice gradually approached and became clearer. The wine flags raised, as well as the strings of lanterns, were slowly shaking.

He finally recognized what it was.

It's the wind!

The howling wind swept over the mountain like a herd of galloping horses in the next moment, and suddenly, the voices of the monsters and ghosts stopped abruptly, as if all the voices were swept away by the storm, and the lanterns slammed and went out, boundless Amidst the silence, a figure rushed towards him as if riding a strong wind.

A ghost was about to speak, but only saw a flash of cold light in front of his eyes, and he was already dead.

Wei Yuan fell to the ground, kicked back a few steps, and just stopped the strength, the blood in his chest was surging.

The Eight-faced Han sword in his hand is still clanging and whistling.

Such a strong evil spirit!

Seeing that the ghost king holding Jiang Sha was slashed with sword marks all over his body, but he still roared and ran towards him, Wei Yuan knew that the opponent still had evil energy to protect him, and the cut wounds would heal quickly, so he didn't fight head-on at all. Dou, his footsteps changed, and he quickly ran into the group of monsters and ghosts. The next moment, the ghost king was already roaring and running.

The speed is unstoppably slowed down.

Wei Yuan controlled the strong wind again, his speed was extremely fast, just like a clear shadow mixed into a group of monsters.

Even the group of ghosts who were further behind did not notice this scene.

A demon ghost who was very drunk saw the ghost king Daqi, and together with the old godly woman stopped the ghost king to make fun of him and asked:

Master has come out so soon? Why don't you stay with Madam for a while longer.

A moment in spring night is worth a thousand gold.

Haha, I want to come to Madam who is very fragrant and beautiful. If my lord is afraid that I won't come out, I won't be able to come out again tonight.

It was a witticism made by his confidant subordinates humbly and apologetically, but it was like a vat of old oil poured on the heart of fire, provoking the ghost king's jealousy, his eyes were red, and his anger surged, no matter whether it was his subordinates in front of him, he raised his saber in his hand Cut across from side to side, and cut down all the 'people' standing in front of him.

In an instant, those ghosts had been chopped into minced meat.

Amidst the terrified screams, all the ghosts dispersed, and the ghost king was already roaring angrily and heading straight to kill the captain.

The ghosts dodge along the road one after another, but there will always be those unlucky ones who are too slow, hit by the ghost king, cut into two pieces by the sword, or burned to ashes by the evil spirit. With this posture, these ghosts are not stupid. Seeing something strange from the ghost king's reaction, he muttered again, looking at the master of the ghost domain, apart from the horror, there was also a trace of pity in his eyes.

I didn't think so before.

Today's white and blue lanterns are also suitable for the occasion.

Wei Yuan kept trying to lure the ghost king to the direction of the ghosts. He went around in circles on this mountain, at least to buy enough time for the goddess to recover and for the outside world to dig the river channel. Jin Yuniao's demon power has been used to the limit, but Jiang The evil is really too fierce.

Every time the swords collided, even though Wei Yuan's swordsmanship skills were far superior to the opponent's, the evil spirit flowed into his body along the sword body, which still made his chest and abdomen sting more and more intense, and there was already a fishy-sweet taste in his mouth.

Another sword drew the saber away, blood oozed from the corner of Wei Yuan's mouth, and he laughed heartily like he was having fun in bitterness.

The buff of evil spirit is stacked too hard, and the attack and defense are added, and the blood will be recovered quickly.

The Taoist in black saw Wei Yuan, his eyes were full of surprise, and he saw that the ghost king seemed to be unable to catch up with him for a while. After thinking about it, he picked up a bowl of water, put a stick of incense in the water, and picked it up again. I made a talisman and planned to use the water bowl as an altar and cast a spell.

The strong wind blew, covering almost the entire mountainside, and the Taoist's movements failed to hide Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan had already suffered from the altar curse of the evil magician before, how could Wei Yuan let the opponent succeed.

The Eight-Faced Han Sword in his right hand barely swung away the chopping saber by the wind. He drew out the gun with his left hand and fired three shots at the Taoist. It's already shattered all over the place.

The other two shots were blocked, and the price was that the two treasures on his body were directly burned to ashes.

The Taoist stumbled back.

The palm of the hand has been cut off by the cracked tiles and dripping with blood.

A Taoist priest is a Taoist priest with Taoism, but he is still a mortal body.

Frantically looking for a hemostatic talisman, it melted in the water, stopped the bleeding, and was about to take another talisman, but saw that disaster-avoiding curse spontaneously ignited without wind, and burned out at a speed visible to the naked eye. The color of horror.

Kill? !

At this moment, there is a mass of clear air on the mountain.

Above the entire Ghost Domain, the sky was suddenly broken through.


The spirit of heaven and earth appeared in this ghost domain, which naturally caused the ghost domain to begin to collapse.

The ghost king's complexion changed, the strong sense of oppression, and the feeling of dying finally made his brain regain part of his sanity. He looked up at the mountain, knowing that he had to stop the goddess on the mountain, and was about to rush over with a sword in his hand. At this moment, the evil aura around him suddenly weakened, and he felt a sense of lack of power, even his footsteps paused slightly, Wei Yuan's eyes flashed.

On the waist card, the long feathers of Jinyu Bird brightened up.

The strong wind raged, forming a blue-feathered bird that was visible to the naked eye and the size of a house on Wei Yuan's side, and then turned into strong wind and demon power, pouring into his body, Wei Yuan's black pupils glowed a strange blue color, He heard the resentment and unwillingness in Jin Yuniao's heart, which made him have a splitting headache.

At the same time, his strength also increased significantly. He stepped forward suddenly, and his right foot was wrapped in a strong wind and stomped heavily on the ghost king's chest, stopping his movement. Volley turned over the ghost king's head, holding the Eight-faced Han sword in both hands.

Then, go all out and slash hard!

The sword blade slashed obliquely from the ghost's left shoulder, until it cut to the waist and abdomen, and pulled out a wound that was big enough to see the bones.

And on the left and right of this hideous sword mark, there is a slightly smaller but deeper wound.

Just like Qin Han's brocade feather bird came back to life, showing its real body and giving this ghost king a slap in the face.

Even the ghost king could not bear this kind of injury that almost pierced through the waist. With a painful howl in his throat, he turned around and whipped his arm, and his arm was smashed down like an iron whip. Wei Yuan only had time to block the Eight-faced Han sword. In front of him, he was hit hard and flew out, crashed into a wooden house, and smashed the house into ruins.

The evil spirit penetrated into the body, and the brocade feather bird monster violently violently, Wei Yuan's eyebrows almost sprouted feathers.

Crouching Tiger's waist card whistled low, and withdrew its demon power, only then stopped Wei Yuan from turning into a half-demon.

But he still couldn't help coughing up blood, his face was pale.

This time it can be regarded as going all out.

The ghost king wounded him, but also exposed his back to the goddess on the mountain.

Wei Yuan struggled to sit up, leaned against the ruins, felt the feelings of the evil people before, and felt the breath of the wind, but it was even stronger. He raised his head and saw that the sky in Huangquan seemed to be lowered, as if there was something invisible. The terrifying thing roared and roared above the sky, making his ears almost have a tendency to ring in the ears.


Air flow begins to flow.

Wild horses are also, dust is also, living things are blown with each other.

It was like children stirring the water in the basin with their arms, as if an invisible hand stirred the sky, Wei Yuan's hair shook slightly, and he felt that his breathing was a bit difficult.

This is……


There was an extremely shocking violent howl.

Lei Gong slammed and shook the sky!

Boundless high-speed winds enveloped the entire mountain.

The storm whirlwind, which is so huge that it even exceeds the size of this mountain range, seems to have fallen from the sky. It is wide at the top and pointed at the bottom, like a huge iron cone, piercing down towards this ghost domain. Avoiding the injured captain, it was like a pure white storm, speeding past Wei Yuan who was sitting on the ground.

Sitting on the ground and traveling 80,000 miles a day!

The magnificent scenery makes people lose their minds.

It is like the nine heavens.

PS: Today's first update, it's a bit late, but the number of words is enough~ 3,800 words.

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