Museum of Demons

Chapter 222 Great Wish (two chapters in one)

When Fei Yu and Wu Yu were stunned by those four words, Wei Yuan had already stepped down from the altar, and with a wave of his hand, the mountain wind stirred him, and the young Taoist walked on the wind, crossing layers of rocks, to Arrived outside Chaoge City, on the top of Zumai Mountain.

Wei Yuan glanced at Chaoge City from a distance, and sat down cross-legged.

This time, he didn't put his palm on the mountain rock again. His ray of soul consciousness had naturally penetrated into the ancestral veins, followed the path of the rock, and arrived at the hollow altar in the middle of the mountain. a temporary body.

The beast was resting, but when it sensed Wei Yuan's aura, its pupils lit up slightly, and it jumped up.

With a sound like a war drum or a dragon's cry, he ran over.

Wei Yuan stretched out his hand helplessly to stop the running beast, pressed on the top of the dragon, then looked forward, and saw King Wu Yi of Shang sitting cross-legged there. Wei Yuan didn't realize it until he got closer. That's not sitting cross-legged on the ground at all.

Wu Yi has lost both feet, so he can only sit there.

The arm that looks like a tiger's claw and a human figure has been cut off, leaving only the upper arm, and the only intact limb is the left hand. The dirty and muddy clothes turned into a neat and clean white robe , looks solemn and grand.

His back was straight and he sat there firmly.

Wu Yi opened his eyes.

You came.

Wei Yuan's mood surged, he cupped his hands and saluted slightly, then, without showing regret or pity, he just smiled and said: Your Majesty, I have been waiting for a long time.

He lifted up the hem of his Taoist robe slightly, sat opposite Wu Yi, saw the Chaoge City painted three thousand years behind Wu Yi, his voice paused, and said:

The sacrifice is about to begin.

In the eyes of King Shang opposite, there was a slight stream of light in those dark, calm pupils.


what are you saying?!

The old man exclaimed in a low voice, losing his former composure and composure.

Feiyu and Wu Yu told the grand master what Wei Yuan said, especially the sentence that the main body participating in the sacrifice this time was not him, but Emperor Shen Wuyi, and the old grand master was absent-minded for a long time, as if he had lost the wisdom accumulated over the years , pacing back and forth quickly like a young man.

Then it was decided to immediately prepare according to the specifications Wei Yuan said.

Fei Yu and Wu Yu quickly told the priests their request.

The big sacrifice once every three hundred years is a tradition of merchants. Compared with ordinary sacrifices, there is only one difference. The old people who are sharpening their weapons, the children who are working hard to exercise, and the women weaving and sewing at home.

They all put down their work, put on the cloth clothes that would only be worn during sacrifices, and then appeared on the street, heading towards the ancestral line with anticipation and longing.



The sacrificial ceremony began.

Accompanied by the sound of heavy musical instruments, solemn and loud prayers, and the slight vibration of people's footsteps on rocks and steps when they dance, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, gather together, like waves, even in the Both people inside the mountainside could hear clearly.

Shang Wang Wuyi lost his mind, his only intact palm, patted the ground lightly.

The lips opened and closed, silently murmuring the sacrificial poems.

Wei Yuan said, Let's go up too.

The scenery above is better, and the people of Chaoge City are also looking forward to seeing the demeanor of the Emperor God.

Wu Yi didn't answer, Wei Yuan smiled slightly, and pressed his palm on the ground, and then the mountain's spiritual pulse surged, sending Wei Yuan's spirituality and Wu Yi, who was the true spirit, to the top of the mountain Above, at a place higher than the altar for offering sacrifices, the rocks were raised and turned into a table.

Wei Yuan and Wu Yi sat on either side.

Wei Yuan turned his back to Chaoge City.

So Wu Yi can see that city, the great sun of this world rises slowly, the sun falls on the Chaoge City, the city walls, streets, houses, everything seems to be shining brightly, just like Wu Yi's dream of three thousand years , he stared blankly for a long time, and finally just smiled and murmured:

Okay, okay.

very nice.


In the sacrificial queue, the old grand master was at the front.

Fei Yu and Wu Yu followed closely behind.

When they raised their heads, they saw the two people sitting opposite each other at the highest point of the ancestral veins, and felt the extremely familiar, pure spirit aura of Wu Yi sitting opposite Wei Yuan, all three of them froze in their thoughts. , Then, the old master was the first to react.

His palms were trembling slightly.

Emperor God, really the Emperor God...

The Emperor God is still there, they have not abandoned Chao Ge.

He straightened his clothes, shouted the name of the god vigorously as if he had returned to his youth, and then, as if contagious, all the survivors of the Shang clan who came to participate in the sacrifice chanted Di Shen Wu Yi in unison. name.

Mixed with solemn and heavy chime tunes, it seems to be rushing to the sky.

Wu Yu came back to his senses, his expression was still excited, he lowered his head, let the little girl who was selected next to him, hold a bouquet of flowers outside Chaoge City and send it to the ghosts and gods, in the magnificent sacrificial tune, the little girl in white Holding a bouquet of flowers, the girl walked to a high place step by step.

Wu Yi's body suddenly emitted white light, covering his legs and arms.

The little girl was still a little ignorant, and didn't quite understand why the adults were so excited. She was still working, helping her mother to cut the vegetables planted in the yard with a sickle. If she only ate the leaves, the roots would stay on the ground. After a while, it will grow again.

She looked at Wu Yi, feeling a little curious in her heart, is this a ghost?

It seems to be different from the ones in the articles and poems.

It was only when the sacrificial tune became melodious that she remembered what she was going to do here. She raised the flowers that grew in Chaoge City in her hands in a panic, and handed them to Wu Yi, who sat down. Standing upright and stable, the broken right arm supported the stone table, stretched out the intact left arm, and took the flowers.

The little girl only noticed at this time that she came too flustered.

There was also some dirt on the palms.

Zheng was a little scared and worried, but the ghost didn't care about it, and the young Taoist opposite just smiled, dispelling the worry in the little girl's heart. Wu Yi looked at the child, saw the doubt in her eyes just now, and asked: Why? gone?

Ah, nothing nothing...

The little girl shook her head, hesitated again, and said:

I just feel that you don't look like the emperor god in the legend...

It's not that high, it's not that far away.

She thought for a while, then laughed and said, It's like the uncle you meet on the side of the road.

Wu Yi froze for a long time, and when the child felt that he had said something wrong, he heard a gentle voice: Well, it was originally, I'm just a human being.

Wu Yi put the flowers on the table.

Put the last full, human arm out.

Putting it on top of the child's head, he paused.

Then he put it down carefully and softly, rubbed the child's hair, felt the softness of the hair, felt the warmth of the flesh and blood, so far, there was no trace of distracting thoughts or madness in Wang's heart, only calm and gentle tranquility, as if Find a home.

Three thousand years of detainment, after all, is meaningful.

He said softly, Thank you.


The child walked down the height of the mountain with unbelievable joy and excitement.

The light on Wu Yi's body dissipated slightly. He raised his eyes to look at Chaoge City in the distance. The objects used in the sacrifices of the past dynasties in Gecheng are older than the one in the Weiyuan Museum.

He looked at Wei Yuan, and finally asked, Who are you, and where are you from?

Wei Yuan knew a long time ago that it was impossible for the King of Shang to be fooled by the saying of a mountain spirit.

He smiled and replied, From my hometown.

Wu Yi didn't seem surprised, said: that's the case.

It seems that the Yanhuang Miao descendants are still alive and living well.

Wu Yi poured himself a glass of wine, looked at the amber liquid, and said:

So, what does China look like now? How prosperous is it?

He looked towards Chaoge City, and asked again: Do people still need to fight with wild beasts to survive? Do they still have to worry about natural and man-made disasters, drought and tide? Will there still be alien races from all over the world to invade China?

Wei Yuan thought for a while and replied, It's no longer necessary.

no need?

Well, the current human race is the most powerful race in China, or in other words, the human world.

Wei Yuan is sitting here, and opposite the small table is the Chinese ancestor who lived more than 3,000 years ago.

It turns out that this small stone table is three thousand years old.

The old man asked, how are you...

Now people answer.

answer like this——

Shenzhou is safe.

Wei Yuan looked gentle, and replied: Some of those ferocious beasts need people to actively protect them, so as to prevent them from being completely extinct.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters, there must still be some, but we already have the strength to fight these disasters. The weather is dry, we can artificially rain, there are water conservancy projects to adjust the water level, and the floods are not as frequent as in the past.

You can catch the moon in the nine heavens, and you can catch turtles in the five oceans.

As for Shii, there are always some.

But now China is still standing at one pole of the world, not afraid of any country or force.

Wu Yi was a little distracted, and finally said: It seems that the monks in Shenzhou are doing very well.

This was not created by monks.

The young Taoist raised his head slightly and replied with a smile:

This is a legend cast by ordinary people.


This sentence seems to have a greater impact on the King of the Age of Gods than anything he said before. Wu Yi murmured for a while before saying:

That's right.

I thought back then that King Yu exiled the strange beasts from the mountains and seas, was it a bit of a fuss?

I think, even if there are some ferocious beasts, our human race can still occupy the human world, but now I know, after all, I am not as far-sighted as King Yu and the others. The ferocious beasts are cruel and powerful, and if we coexist in the world with them , even if we survive, we all need to pay a big enough price.”

Not to mention, there are races that look like humans but not humans.

King Yu made that decision after seeing the era that was purely dominated by people.

It's really amazing.

Wu Yi shook his head, with a relaxed look on his face: However, since you are from your hometown, and since your side has developed to that level, then I can rest assured that Chaoge City will be entrusted to you for help. .”

Wei Yuan said: Your Majesty, don't you want to see Chaoge and Shenzhou in person?

Wu Yi said flatly: I have reached my limit, after today, there will be no more Wu Yi.

Wei Yuan said:

Then, what if I say, I have another way to let you survive, Your Majesty?

Wu Yi looked at Wei Yuan: What?

Wei Yuan opened his palm, and traces of golden Buddha light spilled out. In the void, it was transformed into a Buddhist scripture in the language of this era, in which most of the Buddhist teachings were discarded, leaving only simple vows. Strengthen the existence of self with the feedback of wishes from all beings in the world.

You can even make a big wish that will never be fulfilled.

Well, as long as this great wish exists for one day.

The self-existence associated with this great wish will also exist one day.

This is a way of going heresy and trying to live the same life as the sky. Of course, it is also extremely difficult to achieve this. It requires great perseverance and perseverance. The monks of Chaoge City who had received relics from Yu Wuyu and Yu Wuyu spread their palms one by one, holding the relics one by one.

They are stimulated by their own blood and mana.

Then one by one Pure Land sect relics all lit up.

A faint Buddha light was emitted, like light dust, slowly rising upwards, the bright light directly covered the entire ancestral line, like a dream, and this handwriting was also extremely extravagant, and Wu Yi looked at Wei Yuan. The second way out, but just shook his head with a smile.

Wei Yuan said: Your Majesty, do you not like this road?

Wu Yi didn't say what he liked or didn't like, he just commented: It's a tricky way to use the so-called great wish as an obsession and let yourself exist in this world.

He poured the wine bottle to the brim, holding the bronze jug, his voice paused, and he said with a smile:

But ah, the ancestors went to protect their children.

The king went to protect his people.

Does this still require any obsession?

Wei Yuan was speechless.

Wu Yi held the Bronze Jue with his intact hand, feeling the touch of his palm touching the lines on the Bronze Jue, then he lifted the Bronze Jue, facing Chaoge City, facing the people under the mountain, and murmured:

Look, Chaoge City, how beautiful it is.

I moved the capital of my ancestors here. We dug stones from the mountains and moved them down to make city walls. We felled trees and reclaimed wasteland. We drew rivers to irrigate the farmland. At night, the sky is full of stars. This is the scene...

Wu Yi closed his eyes.

Little by little golden Buddha's light rises slowly against the sky and the earth.

Vast and magnificent, it seems to have returned to the past. At that time, he looked at the people and the world for sacrifices. At that time, his hands and feet were healthy. At that time, he was healthy and strong. He looked at the distant world with great ambitions, and wanted to break the blind obedience to God.

At that time...

Everyone is there.

Wu Yi listened to the solemn prayer, with a smile on his face, the sky, the earth and Chaoge City were all reflected in the wine glass, as if his past had been put into the glass, he lifted the bronze jue and drank After drinking the fine wine in the cup, he murmured contentedly: The sacrificial wine, how long has it been since I drank it...

It really is a good wine.


Crisp sound.

Wei Yuan turned his head and saw the Bronze Jue falling to the ground, and the wine was flowing out.

Shang Wang Wuyi, who shot the sky and killed the gods, stayed in the world for three thousand years, completed all the duties of this life, and greeted the end with the most calm attitude.

Wei Yuan opened his mouth, but was speechless.

Then, he saw the golden Buddha's light diffused in the whole world. After the stagnation, it suddenly boiled and boiled. The Buddha's light was burning violently in an unprecedented way, grand, magnificent, and dazzling.

Wu Yi said that he has no obsessions, he said that he has no big wishes.

However, the attachments that are truly expressed deliberately must be declared to the wishes of all living beings in the world.

How can it be considered a great wish?

The great wish is speechless.

Wei Yuan felt the light behind him light up layer by layer. He picked up the wine glass and touched the fallen wine cup next to him. The sound was clear and clear, and then he drank lightly. Now, the people who were still offering sacrifices suddenly noticed that What, I turned my head to look, and exclaimed one after another, and saw a stream of light falling on the Chaoge City, which was already a little dilapidated after three thousand years.

So it was like Wu Yi said.

The flowing light continued to weave, turned into a tall city wall, turned into a simple house, it was only illusory, but at this moment, Chaoge City spanned thousands of years, from Wu Yi's dream, came to In reality, people come and go in it, bustling and bustling, with rich faces.

There are ten miles of flowers outside the city.

The little girl who delivered the flowers was watching from a distance on the top of the mountain. Seeing this unbelievable scene, her eyes widened like everyone else's. Suddenly she blinked and saw that in the white flowers outside the city, A figure slowly moved away.

She subconsciously stretched out her hand towards that person and shouted, Where are you going?

Her voice was mixed with people's exclamation, and in the noise, almost no one could notice.

The man heard it, and his footsteps paused.

Turning her head, it looked like the god with a gentle tone just now, but younger, more powerful, with light in her eyes, the little girl froze, she shouted loudly, the man smiled and waved at her, turned her head away, Step by step into the Chaoge in the dream.

You have come a long, long way.

You have walked through the mountains, through the water, and through the ten miles of flowers outside Chaoge City.

It has also gone through three thousand years.

When your descendants walk here, will they also meet you.


Wei Yuan quietly watched the dreamlike scene overflow, and suddenly felt the scorching heat in his arms. He lowered his head and saw that the two relics were emitting scorching heat. They were Zen relics given to him by Yuanjue. Yuan was silent for a while, looking at the Buddha's light surging in the sky and the earth.

A part of golden light surged towards him.

This is because those relics of the Pure Land sect obtained the merits of Buddhism in the true sense, which are purer and greater than the merits stored in all the Buddhist schools in the human world. These powers fall into Wei Yuan's hands, and the instinct will flow into them. His spirituality became his foundation and refined his soul.

Wei Yuan put down the Bronze Jue.

After a long silence, he tapped the void with his fingers.

Every time you tap, a burst of Qi will flow out of your body.

In the end, he shook all the Buddhist merits out of his body, breathed out a mouthful of alcohol, and said:

It's really good wine.

Wei Yuan got up, seemed to be drunk, and staggered a little. He pointed at the void, forcibly dipped these pure Buddhist merits into the ink, and then wrote the pen in the void, using the heaven and the earth as the talisman paper to draw symbols, but what he wrote was Buddhist. He followed the strokes of the Pharmacist Liuliguang Tathagata's Original Vows and Merit Sutra and wrote.

Although Wu Yi felt that he didn't have any big wishes.

But Wei Yuan felt that he still had unwillingness and regret in his heart, and there was still a trace of obsession, so he was entangled for a while, and simply laughed at himself.

I'm just a layman, so I don't care about the karma.

Be cheesy, let's be cheesy.

Although Buddhism is vast, the scriptures of Medicine Master's Original Vows say, May I be reborn and attain Bodhi.

Wei Yuan's writing was the opposite of them.

May you be reborn and attain Bodhi...

There was a pause, Wei Yuan recalled the content of the scriptures, and said to himself: I guess you don't like such a serious one. Smiling, with a tone so simple and simple that the Buddhas can jump their feet angrily, he re-manipulated the merits of these Buddhist gates:


May you be able to see the endless blue sky every day in your next life without getting tired.

I hope that in your next life, you can go to see Chaoge City as you want.

May you be able to unload the burden of the king in your next life and live as an ordinary person with joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys. Life in this world is rich and colorful enough. I don't think it will let you down.

Wei Yuan raised his hand slowly, those great merits turned into three big wishes, but did not bring any benefit to Wei Yuan, he put his slightly trembling right hand behind his back, watched these three big wishes fly out, and flew towards world.

Wu Yi's true spirit has been honed over the years, enough to support reincarnation.

You and me, see you someday.

Finally, there's still a little mess...

Surrounded by vast energy, Wei Yuan raised his hand, and the red talisman on the back of his right hand slowly lit up.

He forcibly connected the power left by Wu Yi to the spiritual vein of Chaoge's ancestral veins, and then accommodated the remnants of the Buddha's light from the relics. Above the song city, a similar large array of talismans was set up, imitating the heavenly court of Shenzhou in the human world.

The city of Chaoge slowly floated in the air and stabilized between the sky and the earth.

This is far from being able to compare with Zhang Daoling's Tianting, but with the power left by Wu Yi as the core, the prototype is still barely stable. At this time, a magic spell is needed as the core to stabilize this talisman array. Yuan was silent for a while, and chose the simplest and most basic spell that Taoists must master.


After doing all of this, Wei Yuan felt a little lost.

As he walked down the mountain, the little girl who delivered the flowers earlier relied on her small body to sneak around in the crowd, and ran in front of Wei Yuan earlier than Fei Yu and the others, and said anxiously:

Master Mountain God, Emperor God, Emperor God is gone, where did he go? Find him back...

Wei Yuan was startled, stretched out his hand to stroke the child's hair, and said gently:

He, he just fell asleep.

He's tired and wants to rest.

The little girl was not very old, and said sadly:

Then he doesn't want us?

Wei Yuan squatted down and said, How come?

He stretched out his hand, took the little girl's palm, wrote the protective spell in her palm, and said softly: Remember this spell, just recite it, no matter where it is, no matter when it is .”

He paused, smiled and said:

Your king will definitely come to protect you.

PS: Today's update... two in one, thank you Baiyihua for Fenghou Wanshang, thank you.

6,400 words, and the normal update is 3,200 words in one chapter. It is not good if the main part is broken in the middle, so it will be posted together.

By the way, deriving the detailed outline, I always feel that if Wu Yi accepts it, it will not conform to the spirit of the three thousand years, so I made a compromise, and he is too tired.

It's so hard to write... lying dead... almost squeezed out like toothpaste.

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